My Servant System

Chapter 249 248: Hellish Training

I prepared a veritable feast for us, which consisted of thick, juicy steaks, large bowls of freshly prepared greens, a smaller bowl of thin noodles drizzled with a wine sauce, and a few loaves of fluffy bread, which made Nirinia stare at me in awe.

"Holy hells..."

Glancing around the food laden table with wide eyes, the Djinn took in the various delectable dishes, bottles of wine, and perfect presentation with a lick of her lips, the woman almost drooling at the sight.

Grabbing her fork, Nirinia took a bite of the salad first, before going on to explore the other dishes with gusto, all while the others began to dig in as well, used to these large, varied meals of mine.

Making sure everyone had everything, I had just sat down beside Jahi when Nirinia, who was also beside me, turned and grabbed my hand, her jade eyes fixed on mine as she asked something.

"Please marry me."

The utter seriousness in her tone caught me off guard, and the table fell silent, except for the coughing Leone as she grew flustered at the question.

Letting out a low sigh, Jahi was about to speak when I smiled at the serious Djinn.

"While I am flattered that you would want a Maid like myself to be your partner, I regret to inform you that I am tied to House Asmodia, and more specifically..."

"Me. She's my Maid, Nirinia. And no, I'm not letting her go anywhere. Not ever."

The Djinn looked at Jahi with a small frown, before sighing as she released my hand, a slightly despondent look in her eyes as she muttered "Damn, that sucks... you are perfect wife material too..."

Jahi squeezed my thigh when she heard that, and I could tell that tonight would be rather demanding as well; the Demoness beside me wasn't pleased that someone had desired me, so she planned on reminding me that I belonged entirely to her.

Not that I ever planned on leaving her either; this large bumbling blue Demoness was the first of my three loves, and I had grown addicted to her presence.

Though, both as a goad to Jahi, and due to curiosity, I asked "Lady Radhi, what did you mean by..?"

Feeling Jahi's hand clench my thigh again, I held back a smirk as I watched the Djinn turn towards me, her frown and serious eyes meeting mine as she responded with a deflated tone.

"Well, you can cook, the house is incredibly clean and tidy, you're gorgeous, you have a nice rack, you're a Beastkin... you just check each and every box that people usually look for in a wife... hah..."

Sighing, she turned back towards her plate and resumed eating, and for a moment I raised a brow at her, before letting her honesty brush past me.

The others were hiding glares for Nirinia as she spoke, but afterwards those glares were fixed on me, which made me shiver.

Oh, tonight would be wonderful, wouldn't it~?


Tonight was not wonderful.

Nirinia hadn't been lying when she said that these training sessions would be intense.

We were forced to spar one another with real blades, which left us cut and bleeding after each bout.

Whoever lost the spar would need to go through a dozen reps of Nirinia's regimen, which was rolling one of the boulders around the yard, pull ups, lifting the boulder...


Hellish stuff.

As for the winner, well...

I preferred losing.

The winner would then face Nirinia in a spar, and each time I went against her I was reminded of my time with the Marquess.

Utterly outclassed, toyed with, shown that I was weak...

It angered me greatly, being played with like that, but there wasn't anything I could do.

Nirinia was just on an entirely different level then I was, and even when I began to give it my all she simply brushed it aside and squashed it.

Each of us collapsed and passed out multiple times from exhaustion and blood loss, but Nirinia had a few dozen high grade healing pills that she would diffuse into some water, which would heal our bodies.

As for our minds, each of us was so utterly drained that by the fifth hour, we were practically zombies on our feet.

When that happened, Nirinia spurred us on by having us do basic excercises, which would continue for another few hours before we were granted rest.

Before we fell asleep though, Nirinia passed each of us another pill diffused cup of water, one that would make the next six hours of sleep feel like a days worth instead, getting us back to our mental peaks.

After we passed out, Nirinia left the cottage to do her own thing, and when we woke in the morning the moans coming from Anput's bedroom, now Nirinia's, let us know what she had been doing.

When I had finished preparing breakfast for us, we all watched as three buxom Beastkin stumbled from Nirinia's room, each one sporting a red face and reeking of sex.

The Djinn herself seemed more refreshed then ever as she sent her prey away, each one blushing furiously when the tall muscular Squire blew them a kiss as they left.

She just smirked at us when we stared at her, before she sat down and began to eat.

As soon as we were done we returned to the yard, each of us stiffening as we saw a larger boulder now resting outback, almost double the size of our previous one.

With that Nirinia began to train us again, though this time she stared with our magic first.

​ She was a Wind user, but she wasn't as talented in her arcane prowess as she was in her martial, so her pointers were more so in us checking with one another on our thoughts, before we would go through an exercise that would result in us using a majority of our mana, to empty our cores and allow them to slowly refill back up.

That was apparently supposed to help increase the size of the core, which would increase your mana capacity and even purify your mana a little bit as well, increasing your spells potency.

Of course, doing so had its consequences, and the main one that we were noticing was exhaustion.

Not that Nirinia cared, as she began our sparring drills again, making us go through the hell of yesterday all over again.

Our day went the same way as the previous one, with us utterly exhausted while Nirinia went out to prowl the streets of the Capital, hunting for her next few women to bed.

Our third day was spent inside Zhu'Rong Caverns instead, with the Squire following a distance behind us as we began a hunt of our own.

The Djinn had given us a 'shopping list' of monsters we needed to kill before the day was up, or she would make us go through the night training.

With such a threat looming behind us, we delved deep into the Caverns, staring our hunt past the Lava Lake, where we needed to defeat three Skeletal Drakes.

This was a test of our ability to work as a group, so we placed ourselves in the most beneficial spot we could before fighting the large Skeletal Drakes.

Leone was in the back, I remained in front of her, while Anput and Jahi took the vanguard, giving us a decent formation.

I was able to either aid the two frontliners by using my daggers or my spells, and I was still in a position to protect Leone from any attacks as well.

With Leone's explosive magic, Jahi's raw power, Anput's excellent hit and run tactics, and my ability to fill in any gaps, we were able to easily bag each of the three Skeletal Drakes.

When we went towards the Gate of Hades, we were to hunt more of those Spartoi, as well as a few Ash Quetzalcoatls, the long, spindly flying serpents proving to be rather challenging as they swooped down to try and spew flames at us or use their three rows of sharpened fangs to rend our flesh asunder.

The monsters on the verge of Unending Gehenna were rather tough, and according to Nirinia, this was the spot where the truly strong hunted.

The average level of the people venturing into and out of this section of the Caverns were all mid Gold Tags, meaning they were tried and true veterans, with either large individual strenght or incredible teamwork.

Nirinia told us that, while she would have liked to improve our rank up to Gold, we simply didn't have the time, nor was it needed.

She estimated that each of us individually were around the Gold Tag level, with Jahi and Leone approaching Platinum.

The Djinn did seem surprised when she watched my role inside our excursions, as well as surprise for the daggers I wielded, the woman asking me about my skills in enchanting.

We spent the next day doing a mixture of delving inside the Caverns and training on the surface, before Nirinia gave us the night to rest and relax.

The fruits of such a spartan like training were evident, especially when I was given numerical values to display my progress.

[Level 29 - 10,203 / 1,000,000]


STR - 58

CON - 60

AGI - 61

contemporary romance

DEX - 59

CHA - 62

WIS - 60

INT - 60]

Besides that increase in stats, I had also been honing my technique as best I could with both my dual wielding dagger fighting style as well as my arcane prowess, resulting in another leap in control over my mind and body.

That night, Jahi eagerly, and desperately, devoured each of us until the sun threatened to rise over the horizon, our moans joining the new prey that Nirinia had found overnight.

Each of us knew that, starting tomorrow, we were going to have fewer and fewer chances to make love on the warfront.


This is something someone suggested a few days ago, but would people be interested in me having lemons between Chordeva, Ria, and Julie?

Kind of an extra chapter to go alongside whatever happening here, and it'll still let everyone enjoy a nice lemon every so often~!


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