My Servant System

Chapter 246 245: Finishing The Week

I woke up feeling sore and bruised, each whip mark evidence of the strenuous night that my Mistress, Jahi, had put me through.

Each whip mark felt wonderful as I groaned and sat up, the pain already sending me over the edge slightly as the fiery sensations rushed through my body.

Laying beside me was the woman who had whipped me until I passed out, and her amethyst eyes were filled with pride, lust, and slight worry.

Leaning into her chest, I cuddled against her muscular frame and almost purred as she began to stroke my ears, the comfort she provided after such a long, vigorous session soothing my true aches and pains.

We lay sprawled out in our large bed for around an hour, enjoying one another's warmth and affections as we embraced, though Jahi very quickly turned that innocent embrace into something more as she quelled her increasing lust.

When we finally finished our very heated morning, I healed all of my pleasurable wounds before Jahi and I slipped back out into the main room, where an anxious and intrigued Leone sat.

From out back we could hear the hammering of metal, signifying Anput's forging, whilst the smell of freshly prepared oatmeal wafted around the kitchen, where a few dirty dishes and utensils lay scattered about.contemporary romance

Nodding to Leone, I slipped into a chair and sighed, rolling out the phantom aches in my shoulders before digging into the fresh oatmeal, Jahi sitting down beside me and scarfing down the breakfast.

Looking between us, the Vampire blushed slightly as she hesitantly asked "W-Was last night... good?"

Licking her lips, Jahi chuckled as she nodded, her eyes flickering gold for a brief moment as she said "Oh, it was delectable..."

Slipping her hand onto my thigh, Jahi gave them a tight squeeze before grinning at Leone, her eyes now fully gold as she asked "Why, are you interested in it, Princess~? Interested to know what your oh so dazzling and shining Knight requires for true satisfaction~?"

Leone shivered at Jahi's teasing yet seductive voice, and she tentatively nodded, making Jahi purse her lips as she too shivered, but for a different reason.

Feeling my Mistress heat up beside me, I rolled my eyes as I pinched her waist, making her flinch as I muttered "Remember, training."

Jahi widened her eyes before sighing, giving me a short, quick nod as she smirked at Leone, saying "Sorry Princess, but that'll have to wait till later~! Come on then... finish eating, then we begin our training."

Each of us nodded, resuming our breakfast before getting up.

Leone and Jahi went to go change into the proper attire, whilst I cleaned everything up before relieving the last urges from my Mistress, wiping off my lips as we walked out into the yard.

There, we were greeted with the sight of Anput forging a long, silvery shaft, the edge of which was a curved blade.

From what I remembered of Anput's impromptu history and weapon lectures, what my Jackalkin mate was forging was a scythe.

Not a typical, curved harvesting scythe that the Reapers of folklore wielded, nor the scythes that farmers still use today.

No, this is a proper, tried and true War Scythe; it looks almost exactly like a spear, but instead of a straight blade, it has a curved blade, much like a scimitar.

However, while the weapon she was forging was incredibly beautiful, all three of our attentions were fixated on the smith herself.

Her olive skin was slick with sweat, which only made her lithe, yet pronounced muscles stand out even more, looking like canyons and valleys around her body.

The red bandana that held her raven black hair out of the way complimented her dark skin, whilst her serious, focused obsidian eyes were rather dashing.

Glimmering, sweaty skin over a muscular frame, a beautiful, serious face, and a fluffy tail that swished slightly behind her back created the perfect, picturesque scene before us.

Settling her hammer down on the anvil, Anput panted as she wiped the sweat from her brow, glancing up at us with a tired smile as she said "That... was harder... then I expected..."

Stepping forwards, I caught her shoulder as she stumbled to the side, sighing at her obvious exhaustion and mental strain.

Summoning a sphere of cool water, I forced Anput to take a few sips as I helped nurse her back to normal, my healing magic reducing her strains and aches swiftly.

When she was back to peak form, we watched as she put her War Scythe off to the side, where a spattering of other weapons hung on racks, revealing her progress and dedication to her craft.

Though, before we could get a good look at her weapons, she tossed a thick sheet over the racks, concealing them from sight.

Giving us a wry chuckle whilst scratching her cheek, Anput looked away as she shyly muttered "T-They're not ready yet..."

Raising a brow, I gave her a side look before shrugging, leading her over towards the others.

Scooping up a wooden training weapon, we began our normal drills and loosened our muscles out, before switching over to a more strenuous round of exercises and spars.

When that was over, we then went inside and had a light bite to eat before changing into our adventuring gear, strapping on our armor, pouches, and weapons as we prepared to head on down to Zhu'Rong Caverns.

With such a tight deadline, we wanted to make a large amount of money so we could buy a few high quality potions or enchanted items each, making each of us feel a little safer going to a potential warfront.

Of course, during these ventures down into the perilous Zhu'Rong Caverns, we had a few run ins with either a tough monster or some bad, idiotic adventurers.

Each delve into the Caverns netted me a large amount of experience points, so I was now Level 28 and a half...

And I had realized that, with each mortal killed, that I was slowly slipping into a dangerous, yet addictive mindset.

They were worth SO~ much experience, and they pissed me off...

Each of the people we ran into seemed to think that they could overpower and have their way with us, which made me extremely angry.

They lusted after Jahi?!



Who the hell did they think they were?!

So I had no problems sinking my daggers deep into their flesh, twisting and slicing with my blades until they screamed and pleaded for mercy.

When I did grant their wishes of being killed, I got a euphoric rush as I watched a large amount of experience slip into my Levels, the Quests and normal expereince adding onto one another to create a gigantic, incredible number.

My status had improved as well over these intense, harsh training regimen filled days, and I was proud of my advancements; proud that I was able to be of use to my wives.

[Level 28 - 434,908 / 1,000,000


STR - 54

CON - 48

AGI - 58

DEX - 58

CHA - 60

WIS - 58

INT - 58]

With that, my physical capabilities increased by a good amount; if before I could easily lift around 200 pounds, I was now capable of around 300.

As for my magical capabilities, my spells were easily completed, quickly cast, and rather potent now.

The control I had increased by a large amount, whilst the damage each could do was increased as well.

A simple high pressured water bullet before used to crack a boulder just slightly, but now...

Now I was consistently blasting off a small chunk of the boulder, sometimes even managing to crack off a large portion of the boulder a few times.

That large increase in power was nice to have, especially when we began to hunt around the Gate of Hades often enough.

Each delve into the Cavern also netted each of us a large amount of coin, and we were beginning to learn how easy it was to make money as an Adventurer...

As long as you had the strength to reliably and comfortably hunt monsters.

That was what we did each day, and during those days we all improved our skills by a good amount.

I continued to enchant what I could, staring with a spare set of armor to see if I could get reliable and sturdy protective enchantments.

Until they could withstand a slash from my First Fang, I wouldn't feel comfortable with what I had; that was the bare minimum I wanted for each of us to be wearing.

Besides that, I also continued to map out my tattoo plans, staring with adding the tattoo's for my Wind and Ice runes, keeping them around my first Water tattoo.

However, I was still drafting up the complex runes I needed to etch into my arm, so for now I still had my fair white skin to look at...

As for the others, Anput had forged Leone a basic shorter sword, keeping it light and broad.

In return, Leone brewed up a few potent focus potions for the Jackalkin, while she also began to refine her brewing process to get each of us a few healing potions.

Finally, Jahi continued to improve her martial and magical skills on her own, perfecting her technique with her great sword whilst also drafting up quite a few strong Light Spells for offensive use and support use.

With that, our last peaceful week inside the Capital came to a close, and now...

Standing before us was the harbinger of our next trial.

Nirinia, the Orc-Djinn Squire, future Knight of Cinder, was at our door.

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