My Servant System

Chapter 226 225: Relaxing Date


In the spirit of today being couples day (blegh), I decided to have the girls go out and enjoy themselves...

Since I'll be inside all day lol


Since it was yet another day off for us, I had hoped that we could get a good chunk of the History material studied and tested between one another, but Jahi had been adamant about using some of our time today to relax, stating that we needed some rest for our over exerted minds.

Which had some merit, but it was still slightly grating seeing everyone letting loose so easily and without even an iota of arguing to finish studying...

Sighing, I glanced around the empty living room, which I had just finished sweeping; in the spirit of an off day, everyone was still asleep, so I had time to myself before they woke up.

Slowly cleaning the entirety of the living room and kitchen, I switched up my pace as I sat down at the kitchen table, a pile of cloth sitting before me.

I had neglected my enchanting practice recently, so...

Taking a little time from my chores, I slowly scraped off the rust from a week or two of unpracticed enchanting, my runes and mana control more sloppy then I was comfortable with.

After that, I got breakfast going, keeping it simple as I prepared a few loaves of bread, which I would then dip in a mixture of whisked eggs, cinnamon, and some other fragrant herbs to create 'French' toast, while also grilling some sausage links.

Everyone began to filter in as the smells of my cooking wafted throughout the cottage, and as always they were all in varying states of undress.

Watching them gradually wake up with each bite, I smiled as the food slowly vanished, each girl lounging around with content expressions and filled bellies.

Sending each off to wash up, I finished cleaning everything before joining them out back, where we all began our daily drills.

Practicing with my daggers, sparring with Anput and Jahi, mana control exercises with Leone, and some basic strength and agility training as a group.

Our time in the yard was a few hours long, and each of us were physically drained after Jahi increased the intensity of the workouts by a few times.

After we all took a bath together, I was about to go start dinner when Jahi pulled me out of the kitchen, tossing the new red dress into my arms and watching as I changed into it in front of her.

The Demoness visibly struggled with not throwing herself at me, her heated gaze palpable on my skin as I stripped from the maid dress into the red dress she had bought me.

She had been especially interested when I had started giving her a show, teasing the large Demoness with a smug smirk.

When I exited our room, the other two girls were ready and waiting, both staring at me in surprise since I was finally wearing something besides the black and red maid uniform or the tight leather armor.

Anput was back into some of her countries clothes, wearing a deep blue set of cloth that left much of her olive skin exposed.

Of course, I found that both a wondrous sight and something I wanted her to change out of immediately; I loved seeing her bare skin and lithe figure, but I also hated that the random people on the streets would get to see it as well.

Sensing my gaze, Anput gave me a smile as she spun around slightly, giving us a full display of her incredible figure.

Chuckling, I shook my head before turning to Leone, who had also prettied herself up quite a bit.

She was in a shining white dress that hugged her curves, and her ashen hair was held back by her golden tiara, while a pair of ruby earrings accentuated her beautiful crimson eyes.

The Vampire had even applied a thin layer of makeup, the blush only adding to her own natural blush as she shyly looked up from beneath her thick lashes, which was extremely seductive.

Both Jahi and I had to hold back from grabbing the Vampire, who was staring at us with wide eyes as we both took shuddering breaths.

Finally, Jahi was in her sharp three piece suit, though she hadn't put as much care into her appearance as she had before.

Sighing, I stepped closer to her and tugged on her violet tie, straightening it out and lengthening it, all while standing on my tiptoes.

Jahi was smiling warmly down at me as I fussed over her suit, smoothening out the wrinkles and fixing the lapel pin that was the Asmodia symbol on her chest.contemporary romance


Chuckling wryly, Jahi reached out and stroked my ears, forcing me to stop.

"That's enough, Kat~ We're going out to eat at a normal restaurant, not some Noble Ball~"

Pouting at her, I whispered "And? I want you to look good no matter where we go..."

Chuckling again, Jahi leaned down and placed a kiss on my nose, before spinning me around and wrapping her arms around me.

"Alright, come on everyone~! Dinner awaits~!"

Keeping one arm around my waist, Jahi grinned down at me as she slipped her other arm around Anput's exposed waist, all while Leone pouted at feeling left out.

Though, her pout disappeared when Jahi leaned forwards and whispered something into her ear, making the Vampire turn as red as her earrings and eyes.

Walking down the roads of the capital, Jahi led us into yet another new restaurant, where she had somehow managed to book a private room in the back.

Sitting down around a lavish table, I scooped up the bottle of wine and poured everyone drinks, watching with a dry gaze as Anput instantly downed her glass, flashing me a large grin as she asked for another.

After staring at her in silence for a few moments, I relented and poured her another glass, swiftly placing the bottle besides myself and watching as she prepared to drain it again.

However, seeing that the bottle was far away from her, and safely standing beside me, Anput pouted as she sipped instead, her eyes longing for the wine.

Chuckling, Jahi sipped on hers as well, before reaching over and giving the Jackalkin a consoling pat, which made the woman smile.

When a waiter appeared, we all placed our orders when handed the menu.

Jahi went with a steak dish with baked potatoes and a smattering of greens, Anput chose a steak dish as well, but went with a vegetable broth as her side.

Leone kept it simple with a fresh garden salad and a grilled chicken breast, while I ordered a white wine pasta dish.

The bread that was served to hold us over had the other three frowning slightly, which made me smirk as I leaned forwards, asking "Not as good as mine, hm~?"

Jahi sighed, nodded, and stared at the loaf for a moment as she said "No, it really isn't, but..."

Smiling, she gestured around to the beautiful room, before staring at each of us for a moment, saying "I can't really ask you to dress up to just... eat at home like normal, now can I? Besides, the money is for the experience as well!"

Even though I rolled my eyes, I smiled just as much as the other two, enjoying the way Jahi started complimenting each of us.

When the food finally came out and we dug in, the conversation drifted along freely, each of us picking a random topic and allowing everything to flow freely, the wine spurring along some more... raunchy lines.

The food was good, the conversations great, and the wine warming each of us up, concluding the first half of our relaxing night.

When we returned home, each of us was smiling ambiguously at the others, which only made our Demoness all the more riled up, her 'true' nature showing its beautiful face as she pulled us onto her bed, her hands instantly tearing off our clothes as she set about showing her love for us in its most carnal form.

The night was long, the fun very much there, and when we all finally drifted off to sleep, we didn't know it yet, but we would look back on nights like these and smile wryly, wondering how we could have been so carefree.


So, a little update kinda thing, as well as padded wordcount for 1.5k, but this is where I plan on taking the novel;

Soon, we will be entering the next 'arc' so to speak; last chapter gave a rather good idea, and the whole Academy thing can only be written about for oh so many chapters before it becomes... dull.

Which means I need something new and fresh, and what better 'something' than a portal spawning monster that wants to eat everything~?

That's where we are going, and I have a rather... interesting idea to use at the 'end' of that 'arc', so I hope you'll be looking forwards to that~!

For now though, we still need to get a few, and I'll try and keep them brief, chapters out of the way of basic things; some more improvements to skills, acing the exams, and more!


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