My Servant System

Chapter 207 206: Visit (Jahi)

Jahi PoV

My eyes wandered over to Kat as my two wives were dragged away by their Mothers, my curiosity piqued by what my maid would do.

Seeing her simply scrubbing away at the bowl that she used to make our breakfast, I didn't know whether of not to sigh or laugh at how well my little puppy was able to deal with this pressure.

It was almost like she was older than us, what with how used she was to these kinds of situations...

Which was odd, considering we were all older than her by a year, and yet...

I let that thought go from my mind; it was obvious that she was much more mature than all of us combined...

Anput, Leone and I all had our small, child like quirks, but Kat kept us all in line when we really needed it; the only time we needed to keep her in check was with either sex or with her murderspree's, which was definitely not a childish quirk.

Returning my gaze to the Empress and the Sultana, I stared at them confidently.

After all, I really do think my Mom's much scarier, what with her more... physical way of teaching me lessons.

These two certainly wouldn't do the same, not without getting closer to me first; otherwise, they would have to deal with a depressed daughter each, and I'm sure neither wants that.

Silence reigned in the room, the air between us charged as we sat, staring at one another.

The first to speak was, unsurprisingly, the Empress, her low voice filling the room easily.

"I care not with how you manage your own... 'harem', Jahi. Each is unique in it's own ways, due to how complicated women can be, so if each of you is alright with one another, I see no problem."

The Sultana nodded, her head tilting as she glanced at Kat.

"What I want to speak of is not my daughter; I can tell that she's happy, much more than she was at home. Instead, I wish to discuss your plans with the Sariel-Kameiel Family. How do you plan on dealing with it?"

I frowned, clasping my hands in front of me as I stared at the table for a moment.

There were a multitude of answers available to me; dismissive ones, arrogant ones, non answers, and more.

Returning my gaze to the two women sitting in front of me, I took a breath before answering, my voice confident.

"Since this isn't a simple... argument between two Heirs, but an altercation between two House's and their influence, I have decided to allow my parents to handle the meat of this fight; they're more experienced, they know who our allies are, how to navigate the political landscape, and more. For the moment, I know little of all of that, and if I tried to do it myself, I would do more harm than good.

As such, I told them that I will take care of Jillian and her fiancee Ayla. They wished to mess with not only the Asmodia's, but with my fiancees. I won't let that slide. Since these kinds of battles are more about the preparation rather than the fights themselves, the best I can do is continue to strengthen myself, as well as Anput and Leone.

It might be arrogance speaking, but I believe that I am simply that much better that Jillian; I've put in more effort for what I have, I've trained more for what I want to do. My origins are simply better than hers. My advantages, from my race, magic, and pedigree far outweigh hers, but even with all of that, I will continue to train, to hone my skills so that, when the time comes, I can put her in her rightful place."

The Sultana was nodding, while the Empress leaned forwards, resting her chin on her hands.

"Interesting. Many your age would be itching to rush ahead, causing more problems by attempting to circumvent politics and insist that their talent and strenght pardons them of any crime. Those that have attempted to do so often find themselves dead or enslaved at a young age, little more than a footnote in a side chapter of history.

Depending on your answer, I was going to force Leone back into the Palace while letting this play out; I have faith in Chordeva and Ria. After all, Chordeva is my Vice-Captain for my Knights of Cinder, second only to Fenyras, while Ria is one of my closest advisors, her title as the Elven Saintess of Storms holding incredible political sway. But I have more faith in them as friends, and I know neither will let the reputations they've built over the years be chipped away.

I know that at the end of this, House Asmodia will remain standing; battered, bruised, weary... but standing. There is little doubt in my mind about that; I personally know the power you parents wield, Jahi, just as I know what power the Sariel's and Kameiel's wield. Even if they themselves forget that I know all.

Just as your parents will not fail me, neither will I fail them; if the Sariel's and Kameiel's threaten the stability and security of this Empire that I have so carefully built over the last few millennia, they will remember why I've stood at the pinnacle of this world for so long. But, as the one who stands above the rest, I cannot insert myself into every petty squabble. So, until that degree of danger is levied against my land, I will not interfere.

Know that, Heir of House Asmodia. Until the most loyal shield of this Empire is brought to its knees, I cannot extend my hand and help, no matter how much I would want to."

I nodded, before turning to the Sultana as she spoke next, her raspy voice filled with mirth.

"While the Empress may not help directly, should there be any chance that my pup is to be harmed, the full weight of my Steel Palace and each of my Shadows shall bear down on these insignificant Elves, but like her, I will not step in until I feel I need to.

This is the perfect opportunity to grow and cement your places as the next generation of this Empire, Jahi Asmodia. While this may not be a rebellion that you need to lead, nor a corralling of dozens of differing peoples to be brought under one banner, this is still but the opening for your introduction into history. Make light of it, and you shall find yourself cast aside for someone better.

But, should you take this opportunity and execute your plans to perfection, few in this world won't know your name, nor will anyone be able to stop your growth. This is your moment; not your parents, not ours. Yours. Take it, and make sure the world knows that this was the moment you begin to inscribe your story into the annals of history, as the Empress and I have before you."

Grinning, I nodded to her, replying "I plan on it. Not just for me, but..."

Staring at the Empress, I bowed my head as I said "For Leone, so that she may hold her head high with pride when she takes my name."

Returning to the Sultana, I added "For Anput, so that her belief in me won't go unfounded."

Finally, I peeked at Kat, who was staring at me, her ethereal blue eyes shining beautifully.

"For my Family, so that I can be their shield from all the would dare to harm them in the future."

Glancing down at my hands, I balled them into fists as I finished.

"That, I swear."

The two women across from me nodded, small smile's on their lips.

"Well, at least you have conviction."contemporary romance

Standing up, the Empress walked past me, patting my shoulder before she made her way towards Leone's room.

"Though, you might want to polish up your speaking a bit, young one; words have more power than you realize..."

The Sultana stared down at me, her low voice entering my ears, and I nodded, watching her slip out front.

When they were both out of the room, I frowned, glancing at Kat as I asked "Was that not good?"


Quick thing, to clear up any questions before they're asked; the Empress and Sultana won't just step in and throw their weight around because it sets a bad precedent for those under them.

Ruling fairly and without bias sets a bar that the other nobles will try and follow; however, the Empress will put her Empire before everything else, and while I haven't gone into detail about just HOW important the Asmodia's are, know that they are important.

As for the Sultana, if it reaches a level that would harm Anput, she will let her fucks go and decide to kill everything to make sure her girl is safe; y'know, normal parent things.

Anyways, that's why they don't just kill the families because 'ha he we strong~ rawr', and also plot.


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