My Servant System

Chapter 184 183: Test (Jahi)

Jahi PoV

Glancing over at Leone and Kat as they approached Professor Liako, I smiled wryly at their safe choice; Leone was too much of a beginner to want to attempt challenging Professor Thorn, and I had a feeling all of us wanted to avoid dealing with Professor Hawn, due to his relation with Jillian.

Recalling the arrogant Elf, I watched as she smiled coyly at her fiancee, Ayla, before approaching her cousin, a dagger in her hand.

Ayla swooned as she stared at Jillian's back, her cheeks red as she panted slightly.

Seeing the familiar sight of a woman in heat, I rolled my eyes before frowning, realizing that, usually, my women looked like that...

Casting my gaze over the rest of the cavern, I noticed that a few students were staring intently at the heated Elf, making my frown deepen.

Now I needed to weigh time and place when I flirted with Anput and Leone...

Kat kept her emotions stilled, and unless I did something... drastic, she would never react to my flirting; at most, I would get a sharp glare if I touched her in public.

She was, funnily enough, a reserved woman in public, preferring to act as an elegant, graceful lady instead of her more open, hedonistic self, but...

That gap was also rather hot.

Though, Anput and Leone were also incredibly fun to tease; the Jackalkin reacted heavily to my scent, so whenever we were out and about I would be near her, enjoying the way my little puppy was easily sent into heat by that, while Leone was easily embarrassed, and whenever I suggested a new position to try out, she always turned redder than her eyes.

Both were so much fun, but they were also so damn beautiful...

Which meant that their aroused faces were incredibly alluring as well, and now that I knew that people actually dared to stare at something that wasn't theirs, I had to reevaluate my desire to tease them.

After all, Anput, Leone, and Kat...

All three belonged solely to me.

I was the only one allowed to see those pleasurable faces of theirs...

No one else; least of all these weaklings that thought themselves important due to a parent's rank.

Hearing someone cough across from me, I turned to see Professor Thorn scratching his cheek, a large wooden axe resting on his shoulder.

Gesturing to the open field, he asked "Well, are we going to start?"

Glancing back at Leone, who had just launched herself at Professor Liako, I was tempted to say no; I wanted to watch my Vampire as she fought against a stronger opponent, so that I could better guide her when we returned home, but...

Sighing, I twirled the longsword in my hand around, smirking at the Bearkin.contemporary romance

"Sure, why not."

His grin returned at my dismissive tone, taking a few steps back and hefting his heavy axe in both hands.

"Careful now, Lady. I might not be the Marquess, but I'm damn strong in my own right."

That made my smirk widen, and I lowered my blade, pointing the tip at him.

"I hope so; I've been bored with the chaff around us."

He let out a hearty chuckle, before his form flickered.

Raising my blade, I met his downward swing, grinning at him as I felt a tremor run along my arm.

"Is that all you have, old man?"

The Bearkin chuckled, lifting his axe.

"Oh, you arrogant brat..."

Flickering again, Professor Thorn appeared in front of me and stabbed forwards with the two prongs of his axe, which I redirected with a well timed swing towards the haft.

Pushing the axe head away, I then flicked my wrist and sent my sword flying towards his cheek, prompting him to dodge.

Retrieving his axe, he swung it towards my side, and I grunted lightly as I met that blow as well, this time feeling the wood splinter under his force.

Grinning at one another, I pivoted around his axe and sent a thrust towards his large chest, only for the Bearkin to raise his axe head and block my sword with the flat of his axe.

A loud thunk echoed around the clearing, and our grins widened.

Pulling my sword back, I saw a small crack forming on his axe, before I stepped back, avoiding a swift down swing that he sent towards my skull.

The blow sent a large cloud of dust scattering through the air, and I used the brief screen to move around him, attempting to surprise the Bearkin.

However, I wasn't as silent as Kat, so Professor Thorn brought his axe up and blocked my slash, pushing back and forcing me back a step.

Following up on my momentary unsteadiness, the Bearkin stabbed his axe forwards again, and I grit my teeth as I lodged my blade between the prongs, forcing us into a match of strenght.

Planting my feet, I pushed hard against his axe, eventually forcing the Bearkin to grunt and tilt his axe, making me stumble forwards.

Swinging his fist towards my side, I blocked it with my forearm before jabbing my own fist into his abs, making the man grunt again as I landed a solid punch.

Removing my sword from his axe, I sent a flurry of swift strikes towards his chest, forcing him to block each one with the entirety of his axe, from the wide head down to the butt of the haft.

My grin returned, and it only grew as he pushed my sword away again, attempting to land a swift swing on my chest.

Slamming my blade against the axe head, we grinned at one another before taking a step back.

Staring at one another, we launched ourselves forwards again, alternating between a storm of blows and impeccable blocking, pushing ourselves as best we could.

Professor Thorn was right; against Mom, he was nothing.

We both knew that, and we both knew the other wasn't truly fighting.

This was a spar, after all.

His blows were strong, his actions precise, and his footwork good.


On technicalities alone...

Tilting my blade slightly, I twisted my wrist and sent my sword towards his neck, the Bearkin's eyes widening as my battered and splintered wooden blade stopped an inch from his throat.

Panting slightly, we stared at one another in silence for a moment before he grinned widely, letting out a barking laugh.

"HAHA! Good! Incredible! You pass with flying colors, Lady Jahi! Haha~!"

Chuckling at his boisterousness, I lowered my blade and drew in a deep breath.

"It was fun, Professor Thorn."

He nodded, his eyes taking in his damaged wooden axe.

"Aye, it was... hah, now I need a new one... Alright, go, rest. Your day is over. Good job, Lady Jahi; keep it up, and you might even surpass the Marquess."

That made me smile wryly at the man; I knew it was said in good faith, but...

Shaking my head, I said "I'll need a few decades to catch up to her; she's too much of a monster."

"Well, the best thing for you to do is tackle that attitude first. Now, I'm not saying to be arrogant; we've enough insufferable pricks in the world. Just... believe in yourself. You've something your parents never had; Light Magic. Maybe in a physical one on one you might lose, but your magic is key to your strength to, Lady Jahi. Never forget that. Now, who's next!?"

Walking away, I hung up my wooden sword and pursed my lips, giving Anput a nod as she approached the Bearkin.

He wasn't wrong; Mom is damn good with her Fire Magic, but Light Magic is on a whole different level...

Hells, it's on a different level from Mothers Lightning Magic, which got her christened as an Elven Saint...

If you were to, theoretically, combine Mom and Mother...

Well, you'd have someone on par with the Empress.

And both Mom and Mother seem to be adamant that I've inherited their traits, good and bad, so maybe...

Staring down at my glowing palm, I grinned as the golden light shimmered around my pale blue skin.

Maybe I will surpass her someday.


How was that compared to Leone's fight in the previous chapter?

Was it a higher intensity scene than hers?

Since, y'know, Leone was fighting at a beginner level, and Jahi wasn't.

Was that portrayed well enough?


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