My Servant System

Chapter 182 181: Tests (5)

Professor Thorn stood in the center of the grounds, and the large Bearkin man shouted "We've finished our first round! Now, for round two..."

Spreading his arms out for theatrics, he grinned as he swept his gaze over everyone, continuing.

"Our first match will be between Katherine Zara and Marco Sizali!"

Everyone started murmuring as Marco and I stepped forwards, and for a second I froze, recognizing the man.

Back during one of our first days attending the Academy, I had been aware of different people constantly looking our way.

Greselda and Jillian were easy to snuff out; I still think the Adventurer had a crush on me, but she seemed to have moved on to Countess Aurim.

As for Jillian, well, the Elven Duchess had been the main focus of us in these recent days, what with her blatant desire for me, her hatred for Jahi and Leone, and her shifting of the political landscape with her engagement to Ayla Kameiel.

So, I had forgotten about the man who had worried me the most that day; this man, Marco Sizali.

He had been staring at us with a calm, measured gaze, and it was neither friendly like Greselda's nor antagonistic like Jillian's; it was neutral, almost detached.

That was what made me worried, but he had never done anything after that day.

I never felt his gaze again, he never approached any of us, and now that I knew his name...

Nothing popped into mind; the Sizali's were a small Viscount Family that served under another neutral County, the Czarcha's.

Neither had stakes in any major business, neither had ties to anyone of major importance...

They were, by all standards, a clean group of nobles.

If such a thing ever existed.

So, as I readied my dagger across from him, I focused all my attention on this man.

I wanted to learn as much as I could from him by crossing blades.

Unlike Jahi and Anput, I didn't live for the fight, but I was used to determining if someone was holding back; after all, I used to spar against a much stronger Jahi, as well as the Marquess, so I knew what to look for in someone hiding their strenght.

Professor Thorn stood beside us, and the Bearkin gave each of us a look over before nodding his head.

Raising his hand, he shouted "Begin!", which prompted me to dash forwards.

Marco planted his feet and prepared to meet my charge, raising his blade to intercept my thrust.

However, his eyes widened as I feinted that thrust, instead flipping the dagger in my palm and swinging the blade towards his ribs.

Gritting his teeth, he lowered his sword and barely intercepted my slash, prompting me to jump back and evaluate him again.

His facial expression was tense, but...

The grey eyes that stared back at me were calm; there was little to no emotion in those stormy orbs that stared back at me.

Twirling the dagger in my palm, I took in his stance next, feeling like I hadn't seen everything yet.

The hands holding the swords hilt were shaking slightly, but that was something anyone could do easily enough; trembling limbs wasn't the hardest thing to fake.

Next was how his blade was sloppily covering his body, but even amongst that rough, rigid form of his, he had managed to block a feinted, swift attack on his ribs.

Instinct perhaps?

Experience in battles, like Greselda?

Muscle memory so ingrained into him that, for a moment, he forgot to hide his skill?

Feeling everyone's gaze on me, I took a breath before launching myself at the stationary man again, deciding another trial was in order.

He knew I was capable of feints, so...

Appearing before him, I stabbed the dagger down towards his collarbone, which he met with and upwards swing.

As I felt the tremors of a blocked blow travel up my arm, I balled my left fist and jabbed towards his side, which the man tracked with his eyes.

Frowning slightly at that, I landed a solid blow against his muscled abdomen, making Marco cough as he took a few steps back.

I glanced at my left fist, particularly my knuckles.

Unlike Cultivation novels, where the people can improve their bodies to eventually feel like metal at all times, in this world, Gaia, you need to amplify your body with your mana; sure the average person with a Core has a stronger body, but flesh is still flesh on mortals.

It tears and cuts the same as on Earth, but it's just slightly tougher.

However, when I had landed that blow on Marco...

It felt like there was a thin iron plate across his muscles; something I could easily pierce even in my own held back state, but still rather worrying.

Why was he so much tougher than a normal person?

Scanning his body as I launched myself forwards again, I noticed that there was no obvious signs of him being some kind of Demi-Human; his skin was a healthy tan, his ears were normal, his eyes were normal...

There was nothing to tell me that he was some kind of 'advanced' human like I was; he was just a Human.

Which was worrying.

Humans were weaker than other races; they were the diluted forms of any other race, and as such, had none of the special traits any other race had.

So why did he seem to be so much stronger than the previous opponents?

Pushing the thought from my mind for a moment, I unleashed a flurry of slashes and stabs towards the man, using my speed to overwhelm his 'rough' technique.

However, all of the blows that I levied towards lethal areas were easily blocked; I had made them seem like accidents, like I was just attacking at random, and yet...

Stabbing up towards his armpit, I noticed that he 'just' managed to raise his blade and intercept the tip of my dagger with the flat of his blade.

Pulling back, I sent a kick towards his stomach, which he attempted to block with his sword.

Though, he, again, 'just' failed to react in time to this non-lethal blow, resulting in him staggering back a few steps.

Pressing my advantage, I decided to end this farce for now, as I slid underneath his hasty swing and brought my dagger up towards his throat, specifically pressing my tip against his jugular.

"Winner, Katherine Zara!"

Hearing Thorn, we both relaxed slightly.

Marco glanced down at me, before giving me an awkward smile as he stepped away.

"Haha... seems like I couldn't match your speed, Miss Zara."

Lowering my stance, I gave him a nod before saying "You prefer being defensive, no? Maybe find someone both faster and someone stronger to spar against; it'll help prepare you for most fights."

His eyes met mine, and I saw a brief glint in those grey eyes as I said that, before he scratched his cheek, nodding.

"Thanks for the tip! I'll keep it in mind. It was a pleasure sparring you, Miss Zara."contemporary romance

"As was sparring you, Sir Sizali."

Giving each other another nod, we made our ways towards opposite sides, and I rejoined Jahi.

Both the Demoness and Jackalkin were watching Marco walk away, and Jahi spoke in a hushed tone.

"Was he holding back?"

Giving her a brief nod, I responded, leaving my lips as motionless as I could.

"Yes; he blocked any lethal blows I sent his way, while allowing me to land strikes everywhere else. Besides that..."

Showing her my left fist, Jahi's eyes widened before she whispered "Hide and heal it, now."

Nodding, I placed my left fist behind my back and healed it, my mind reviewing the wound.

I had kept it from his sight, but...

My knuckles were bruised and battered beyond belief; almost like I had slammed my fist full speed, full power into a metal wall.

I could even see the bone on my ring fingers knuckle...

Feeling my flesh knit itself back together as I healed myself, Jahi spoke again, her eyes narrowed.

"How the hells..?"

I shook my head slightly, before clasping my hands in front of me, letting her see the healed skin.

"I don't know; it felt like I was punching a metal plate that covered his abdomen, but..."

Anput stretched beside us, a small smile on her lips as she said "He smells like a Human; pure one too, not a half-blood."

Jahi nodded, before she sighed.

"Why must we have so much trouble in our year? First Jillian, then this Marco Sizali? Hah..."

Anput chuckled, licking her lips slightly as she said "Oh I don't know, it makes everything more interesting, doesn't it?"

Leone and I gave her a dry look, but the Jackalkin ignored us, her eyes glued to the current fight between Draka and Miss Grangeri, the two doing more of a dance than a spar.

Pursing my lips, I glanced over at Marco, who was staring at us with intrigue before looking away.

This was getting worrisome; too much is happening at once...


For those wondering, 'Marco' was mentioned back in Chapter 98: History; Eyes, and...

I'll be honest, I kinda forgot about him until now...

Though I do have an idea on how to 'use' him~

Also, are the fights good? Or do I need to flesh them out more with flashier wording and more detail?


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