My Servant System

Chapter 180 179: Tests (3)

Leone PoV

I watched as that Howard guy walked dejectedly from the Training Grounds, his shoulders slumped and trembling as he took shaky steps.

His hand was still rubbing his injured jaw, and I had to resist the urge to go and snap each of his fingers...contemporary romance

It may have been an accident, but I had seen his desperate swipe at the end, which resulted in his fingers grazing Kat's breasts.

The restraint I had to display to not incinerate the Human was larger than I thought it would be...

Though, that was likely because...

Glancing at the woman beside me, I gulped as my eyes grazed over her voluptuous curves, my mind going back to before we took our Magic Theory exam.

Her voice was sensuous as she whispered to me, and it was then that I realized just how much I desired her...

Just one word from her and I was already anticipating that divine feeling of being her partner, being her lover.

Not only was her blood so addicting, but she herself was almost the embodiment of lust as she willingly accepted all our desires...

Her promise of Dual Cultivating had made me anticipate tonight, and I was ready for the day to be over; in fact, I felt like time was dragging by slowly, each second stretching out to feel like minutes.

Sighing, I returned my gaze to the center of the grounds, where Countess Aurim easily dispatched a Gorgon girl, her snake hair hissing in disappointment as she pursed her lips, staring down at the shattered wooden axe in her hand.

The golden haired Countess Aurim bowed to the Gorgon before retreating to the wall, her eyes warm as she stared at the Adventurer Greselda beside her.

Professor Thorn stepped forwards, nodding to the Gorgon as she walked off, before letting out a shout.

"Next up is Leone Presa-Ash and Jiro Yuki!"

Tightening my grip on the wooden blade, I took a deep breath as I prepared to step forwards, only to stop as Jahi grabbed my shoulder.

Looking at her in confusion, I saw my tall blue wife give me a small smile, her amethyst eyes glimmering slightly as she whispered "If you win, I'll give you a reward~"

Gulping at that, I nodded to her before turning back around, approaching the center of the field.

My cheeks were slightly warm, and my body was growing hot as her words echoed in my mind, swiftly joined by Kat's earlier words as well.

Taking a few deep breaths, I stamped down on my rising lust and stared at the muscular man in front of me, his paper white skin denoting his heritage from the Yuki Clans, a large collection of Snow People.

Though, Snow 'Men' were rare among the Clans; usually the Clans were populated almost exclusively by Snow Women.

Jiro gave me a nod, his face stoic as he lowered himself into a stance, holding his wooden club like a sword.

Recalling the lessons Jahi had drilled into me, I mirrored Jiro, waiting for the signal.

Snow People were weak physically, but possessed rather abnormal magical capabilities; they were only capable of wielding Wind or Water Magics, and could combine their spells to create Ice Spells, though that required incredible control that few had.

So, we were similar in that regard; my mother was a Vampire, so while she had slightly above average physical abilities, she preferred to use her sharp mind.

As for mom...

Well, even I know little about my mom; she rarely shares what she is, and the only thing she told me was that she was the last of her species, and that they were going to die with her.

All her children may have inherited some of her blood, but she told me that, unless she managed to find another of her kind, there was no chance that she could reproduce a child that was like her; her blood didn't mix completely with other races.

Beastkin could mix their blood together to create hybrids, but when I asked her if that was possible, she only shook her head, remaining silent on the matter.

Sighing, I stared at Jiro before dashing forwards as Professor Thorn shouted "Battle start!"

As soon as I leapt into action my mind cleared, leaving the only thing for me to focus on being the man in front of me.

Raising my sword, I swung it down towards his skull, my blade falling through the air rapidly, only for him to block my sword with his club, a loud thunk echoing around the grounds.

Gritting my teeth, I then thrust my blade towards his chest, making the Snow Man grunt as he barely pivoted away from the fast approaching dull tip.

Using his club, he slammed it down on the edge of my sword, bringing my blade down towards the ground.

I could hear a cracking sound coming from the area he had hit, making me glare at the man.

Now that my blade was on the ground, Jiro used his free hand to send a swift punch towards my face, only to stumble as I leaned to the side, gritting my teeth as I felt his fist barely miss my cheek.

Grabbing his extended wrist, I yanked him forwards and slammed my head into his, instantly regretting it as a sharp pain flooded my skull.

Releasing his wrist, we both stumbled backwards, grabbing at our brows with our free hands.

However, I managed to shake the pain off before he did, and I launched myself back at him with a shout.

Raising my blade, I stepped into my swing as I slammed the wooden blade into his shoulder, Jiro shouting in pain as the wood smacked against his bone.

A low crunch came from his shoulder, making me flinch as he let out another shout, releasing his club, which thunked to the ground.

Panting, I stared at the injured man before blinking, my mind honing onto his injury.

Unlike Kat, I didn't particularly enjoy inflicting pain; at least, not on those that didn't deserve it.

Also, unlike Jahi and Anput, I didn't really like fighting either; if I could, I would avoid it as best I could.

I wanted to further pursue my magics more than learning to fight, but with the way this world is...

Sighing, I laid my sword down and pressed my hands gently against his broken humerus, the upper section that made up part of his shoulder cracked.

Taking a deep breath, I summoned the runes for my healing spell and allowed my warm mana to seep into those cracks, accelerating the growth of the bones as I forced the cracks to fill in.

It was a quicker way of healing, and cost much less for me to do; the only downside was the amount of energy his body used, so he would need to eat.

A lot.

When the bone was fully mended I helped him up, saying "Go get something to eat; your body needs it currently."

Jiro nodded at me, a mixture of fear and admiration in his eyes as he stared at me.

Releasing his wrist, I scooped up my blade and nodded at Professor Thorn, who gave me a small smile.

Making my way back to Jahi and the others, I blushed as she smirked at me, before frowning.

Leaning forwards, the large Demoness whispered "Why bother healing him?"

Frowning at her, I replied "Why not? I inflicted the wound without meaning to, so I'll fix it. Besides..."

Glancing at Kat, who was staring at me with clear amber eyes, I shivered as I muttered "Inflicting pain does nothing for me..."

Jahr also glanced at Kat, who's ears were twitching as she stared at us, her expression confused.

Giving me a sagely nod, Jahi stroked her chin as she said "Indeed..."

Furrowing my brow, I gave the Demoness a weird look before turning to Anput, who was leaning against the wall with a pout.

Jahi laid her hand on my head and ruffled my hair, whispering "Good job Princess; your faithful knight will do her best to reward you~!"

Blushing again, I watched as she walked over to Kat, who was watching the next spar with mild interest.

Leaning on the wall beside Anput, I peeked over at the pouting Jackalkin, before jumping as she muttered "It's not fair... I'm so bored!"

Her petulant expression was kind of cute as I stared at her, before I gulped when her obsidian eyes met mine.

"What? Did you come to gloat that you get to spar? Hmm?"

Her pout deepened as she glared at me, and I shook my head swiftly.

"No, not at all... I was just..."

Pursing my lips, I took a breath before asking "I saw you ask Kat how to better cast that spell this morning, so I was wondering if you want me to help you..?"

The Jackalkin dropped her pout, her expression neutral as she turned back towards the current spar.

Silence descended over us, and I licked my parched lips as she blinked once.

Did I say something wrong?

Frowning, I turned towards the spar as well, wondering what I had done.

Thankfully, Anput nodded at me, her eyes expectant as she said "You're just as good, if not better than Kat, right?"

Pursing my lips, I replied "We're... probably the same?"

Nodding again, she grinned at me before tracing the runes for her spell into the air, the silvery runes shimmering in the dim cavern.

We slowly fell into conversation, and I helped her fine tune and alter her spell, creating something that she was happier and excited to use.

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