My Servant System

Chapter 176 175: Test Prep

Groaning awake after our intense night, I coughed for a few moments before sitting up, my body aching something terrible.

Glancing around at the dirty bed, I saw each of my women sprawled out, their bodies drenched in various liquids as they slept.

Stumbling to my feet, I groaned again as I made my way over to the bath, wanting to rest.

The sky outside was still dark, and when I looked at the clock I sighed, not wanting to be awake this early.

It was currently 3 in the morning, and I don't know if I could return to sleep soon.

Casting a healing spell, I moaned as the dark blue runes drifted over my body, healing all my aches and pains.contemporary romance

Turning on the shower, I held my head in my hands, waiting for my mental exhaustion to stop creating a headache.

Wanting to distract myself, I asked my system a question, happy that they were there, waiting for me.

'Are you not able to tell me what my rank up will entail?'

[No Host, I can not; to be honest, I am still fine tuning the newer version of the System as you progress and change. Your actions are impacting your future, and I need to make sure that the System reflects those changes. Thankfully, you are giving me time, though that is also on my part as I have stopped the flow of missions to you Host. I apologize.]

Shaking my head, I allowed the water to cascade down my body as I said 'It's not a problem; I still have much I need to do to solidify my foundations. Things I haven't managed to perfect or even practice once. I imagine once this... newer version comes online, I'll be much busier...'

I had the feeling that the System was nodding at me, making me smile slightly.

Stretching myself out, I turned off the shower and lowered myself into the bath, my eyes flickering towards my level.

[Level - 24 (810,982/1,121,931)]

I had inched ever closer, and I was eager to see what kind of change would happen when I reached that milestone level of 25.

As for my stats, over the brief time that had elapsed from killing Lord Pele till now, I had evened out all my stats at 40, with my Wisdom, Constitution, and Charisma all reaching 42.

It felt great having everything be even numbers, and I leaned against the wall of the in floor bath with a sigh, the warm water doing wonders for my muscles.

Eventually Jahi walked in, the large Demoness groaning as she sat down beside me, her arm instantly going around my shoulder as we sat together.

"You okay?"

Hearing the concern in her voice made me smile, and I leaned further into her embrace, nodding.

"It was... incredible, honestly. I just don't think my body can handle more than one round of that at once; all three of you are intense lovers..."

She chuckled at that, not refuting my claim, before she looked down at me, her amethyst eyes soft as she said "That's fine, Kat, really. I'm more surprised you were alright with that than anything else..."

Now it was my turn to chuckle, as I stared up at the woman whose twisted desires had slowly warped my own.

"You're saying that when you introduced me to...~"

Whispering up at her, I giggled as she scratched her cheek, only to nod, agreeing with me.

For a little while longer we sat in the bath, recalling some of our more intimate moments before Jahi lifted me out of the warm water, her expression still gentle as she carried me to our bed.

Instead of sex, the Demoness held me close in her arms, and I snuggled into her embrace before falling asleep, my heart warm as a safe feeling enveloped me.


Walking beside Anput as we made our way to the Academy, I sighed as I stared at her clumsy sequence, the Jackalkin asking me to verify if she had a theory correct for our test today.

"No Anput, you can't have that many shaping runes on this sequence; your spell would fall instantaneously due to the mana not knowing what to do. Here, like this..."

She was attempting to formulate a spell that shifted between being an orb to becoming a lance.

It was complicated, but considering our test was to create a spell that Vice-Headmaster Bijilo deemed impressive enough and complex enough, on top of the written part of the test, I was willing to help Anput through it.

Of course, I had to change the spell from her metal to my ice, but she seemed to understand, eventually managing to replicate my spell and get hers working.

She would toss the metal ball into the air and have it change to a lance, which with her metal magic was actually a really smart, and incredibly deadly and intuitive spell.

Leone and I would just submit one of the spells we had already created; Leone her giant solar sphere that she used to rain down fiery spears down on her enemies, and I would be displaying a watered down version of my blizzard spell.

As for Jahi, she was going to submit one of her variations of her Light Cloak; apparently she had been tinkering with different effects for her Cloak, and one of them was something she deemed suitable enough to use for our test.

Staring at the Jackalkin as she grinned down at the metal spear, I held in a chuckle at how cute she was, reminding me of how easily Anput lost herself to what she found interesting.

She looked the same as she did when she was a kid, staring at the longsword that she really wanted and pleading for Jahi to cover the cost for her this trip.

Recalling her gleeful expression when the Demoness had fronted her the funds, I stared warmly at my mate, wondering if my younger self knew that I would have fallen for this troublesome Jackalkin.

Glancing over at Leone, who was walking beside Jahi and talking quietly to one another, I smiled slightly as Jahi leaned down and placed a kiss on the Vampire Princess' ashen hair, her eyes warm.

I was blessed by these three women, and two of them weren't even women that I had initially wanted to be with.

They were thrust into our lives due to necessity, but now Jahi and I wouldn't change anything about our choices; we loved both of them dearly.

So, as we walked into the Academy, I was instantly aware of Jillian and her fiancee, Ayla Kameiel standing by the Vice-Headmaster's door, the two Elves giggling and fawning over one another.

However, I saw the alertness in their eyes as they scanned the passing students, only for Jillian to grin as she saw Jahi and us approaching.

All of us kept neutral expressions as Jillian stood before us, and the Duchess gave Jahi a warm smile before handing her a letter, saying "If you would read over this in your free time, Lady Asmodia. I'll be awaiting your response."

Nodding to us, I narrowed my eyes slightly as Jillian's eyes landed on me, and I saw that familiar flicker of lust in her eyes, which was mirrored by her fiancee, Ayla.

They both turned and entered the hall, and Jahi took a deep breath before putting the letter into her pocket.

We all remained silent as we entered, and I wondered what was on that letter.

It had to be something important for Jillian to deliver it personally to Jahi, but what?

Sitting down, we all stared at Ayla, who was standing in the front of the hall, Vice-Headmaster Bijilo standing beside her.

"Alright everyone, before we start the exam, please welcome Lady Ayla Kameiel, who will be joining us for the rest of the year!"

Bowing slightly to everyone, the Elf wore a warm smile as she looked over the hall, and I could already hear a few of the men in the class letting out small sighs as they stared at her, as well as some women giggling as they grinned at their seat mates.

"Hello everyone! I hope we get along well in this upcoming year!"

The room erupted in good wishes and squeals, making us sigh.

The powers of a pretty face and the ability to wear a mask...

Ayla glanced up to Leone, her smile twisting into a smirk as she stared at the Vampire, before reverting to her warm smile as she waved at a few more classmates.

"Alright, calm down now, you still have a test... Lady Ayla, if you would take a seat..."

She nodded, and made her way up to sit besides Jillian, whose previous seat mate had moved as Jillian explained the situation.

As the room fell quiet, we all exchanged glances before turning towards Vice-Headmaster Bijilo, who was sending sheets of paper throughout the room with his wind magic.

"The test shall begin shortly!"

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