My Servant System

Chapter 165 164: Growth

After a... rather long night with Leone, I awoke in the morning feeling numb.

My body hurt and ached, my head was reeling, and my veins were scorching.

Screwing my eyes shut, I groaned as a wave of that heat washed over my body again, the world spinning around me as I lay on the bed.

Leone grumbled beside me, and she gingerly got up and let out a cute yawn.

However, I was in too much agony to notice, and after another few moments she gently laid her hand on my shoulder, shaking me.

"Kat, are you okay?"

Grumbling at her, I buried my face into her stomach, hoping her warmth would help alleviate my pain.

It did...

For a few moments.

The searing sensation that traveled through my body seemed to grow worse wherever I contacted Leone's bare skin, so I swiftly turned back over and laid face down on the bed.


Feeling her hand land on my body again, I groaned as the heat grew more intense, making me mutter "J-Just give me... a moment..."

I heard her gently get off the bed and open her door, making me sigh in mild relief.

If she had touched me again, I was worried this heat would grow worse...

What the hell is it anyways?!

Trying to feel my mana to cast a healing spell, I whimpered as the pain returned twofold.

[Host, you took in a large amount of Leone's mana in an attempt to enhance your core... this is the pain from not only waiting on it to expand, but receiving such an amount all at once is deadly to some. However...]

Feeling the heat travel through my veins towards my core, I shuddered as my core steadily increased in warmth, until it reached a searing temperature as well.

[Bear with me for now... I'm trying to fine tune... oh for fucks-]

My core pulsated, making me gasp as my vision flickered with every beat of my pounding heart.

With each painful throb, my mind went blank, incapable of thought as I let out gasps and groans, attempting to remain conscious throughout the process.

I could feel my core expanding; the organ itself was growing larger, and with each tiny increase in its size, the amount of mana I could hold increased exponentially.

However, nothing good in this world is free, and the price for such an increase in power was this searing, aching agony that wracked my body.

[Almost done... bear with me now, Kat...]

"Kat! By the... why are you always doing something so-!"

Hearing the familiar voices of both the system and Jahi, I blinked a few times, trying to focus myself.

A reassuring golden light covered my body, and I could feel my aches receding.

At the same time, my core's expansion was slowing down, making the heat die out with it.

The room was silent, and I could feel my body slowly returning to normal, making me sigh in relief.

With the pain now gone, I could sit up and take a deep, pain free breath of the sex scented room.

Sighing again, I stared at the worried faces of Jahi and Leone before smiling, saying "All good now~!"

Jahi frowned, her tone hard as she asked "What in the blazing hells did you do?"

Glancing at Leone, who was blushing and looking away, I chuckled as I said "Leone found a rather... unique training method, and we may~ have gone overboard?"

Furrowing her brow, Jahi glanced at Leone as well, who's red cheeks darkened further under the Demoness' scrutiny.

"Training... method?"

Seeing the disbelief in her eyes, I chuckled again as I took in the room, or more particularly, the scent.

It was no surprise that she was dubious about this 'training method' I talked about, so I smirked at Leone and asked "Why don't you explain it to Jahi, Leone~? Hmm~?"

Crossing her arms, Jahi stared down at our timid wife and nodded, saying "Please do. I'm curious now..."

Jahi and I both smirked slightly as Leone explained the 'Dual Cultivation' technique in a flustered tone, growing more embarrassed with each passing second.

By the end of it Jahi was nodding, her eyes unfocused as she thought about the technique.

"It's... unique. Useful, but... Well, considering the way it seems to need to be used, I don't think I could ever use it."

Leone pursed her lips, staring at the tall Demoness for a few moments before muttering "W-Well, there is a w-way to do it the o-opposite way... f-from 'female' to 'male'..."

That made Jahi smirk, and she leaned down to gently grab Leone's chin, making the Vampire flinch.

"Is there now~? You'll need to show me, my little horny Princess~!"

Leone pouted as she stared at Jahi, which only made the Demoness chuckle again.

"Anyways... Kat, why is it that whenever you do ANYTHING to increase your strenght, you end up harming yourself?!"contemporary romance

[She has a good point...]

'Oh hush you!'

Pursing my lips, I scratched my cheek as I said "Well, this was... avoidable... I MAY have egged Leone on just a little more than needed..."

Leone's crimson eyes widened as she stared at me, before she resumed pouting, this time aiming it at me.

Jahi just sighed, shaking her head before saying "You are... hah... whatever; get ready; we need to leave soon..."

Turning away, Jahi exited Leone's room and made her way back into her own, and after giving Leone a kiss I followed swiftly behind her.

She was quiet the entire time we were in the bath, and I frowned slightly, not enjoying the silence.

Cuddling up beside her, I stared up at her stoic pale blue face and whispered "I'm... sorry, Jahi. Really... I didn't think that it'd end up like that!"

Nodding, she wrapped her arm over my shoulder and pulled me into her, before burying her face between my ears.

"It's alright... I'm not mad at you, just... thinking. There's a lot going on now, Kat..."

Enjoying her breath that tickled my fur, I purred as her hand stroked my cheek, nuzzling into it.

"Tonight I'll need to head out to send some letters to Mom... ask her how she wishes to proceed. Then I want to talk to Kolia about... a few things."

Staring up at her, I smiled back when she looked down at me, and I leaned up and placed a kiss on her lips.

Remaining beside her face, I whispered "You don't need to do everything alone, Jahi... we're here WITH you... remember that..."

Kissing me again, she nodded before saying "I know... I just didn't think you'd want to go deliver a letter with me, Kat~"

Seeing her smile turn genuine, I giggled as I moved to sit on her lap, staring directly into her eyes.

"I'll go anywhere with you, Jahi... no matter what, no matter where, no matter why... If you want me with you, I'll be there..."

My smile grew twisted, and I pressed my nose against hers, enjoying how her eyes flickered gold when I murmured "Even if you don't want me there, I'll never let you go... Forever and always, remember~?"


Shorter chapter today, since I posted the extra lemon before this...

Got a weird headache that isn't a headache but it is?

So I'll just be chilling for the rest of today; might write some other stuff, might not...

Besides that, since this'll mark the end of the December month for Webnovel, that means we've gone through our first full month of Win-Win~!

And we placed second (as of writing this) on New Female Lead stories, which is really cool~!

So, as a sort of reward, I want to try and make the first week of the next months Win-Win two chapters a day, as a thank you and a way to get through some more stuff in the story; I mean, we got the Level 25 Milestone, whatever Jillian is cooking up, delving back into Zhu'Rong Caverns, the Academy, and more~!

Again, thank you all so much, and let's get on to the next month of My Servant System!


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