My Servant System

Chapter 16 15: The Marquess' Fury


So I am going to just say that, while I am still going to wait to truly decide Kat's crazy meter, I will be making her mild for now. To ease into making her a Yan. Now, whether I go further than mild will depend. I think I'm liking the idea of her being mild more than full on crazy, but I DO know that Jahi will be quite... fun to write. Eventually I will be doing a Jahi PoV, cause not only is she older than Kat, but... well, that'd be spoiling it, so...

Other than that, if you dislike Harem due to how the members are shallow or uninteresting, I agree. To an extent. For now, I have one more planned, and it might be two. Meaning this would be a 'Harem' totaling three people (MAYBE) around Jahi. I am NOT going further than that. The idea of having to keep up with more than four people... bleh. Not doing it. So if you were looking for just Jahi and Kat, sorry, you might have to deal with one more, maybe two. I will try and make them interesting though, so I hope you can forgive that.

Anyways, that's all. I hope you enjoy! I can't wait to start explaining more about this world, magic, and the people in it!


Accepting what just happened, I opened my eyes and saw...

The main room, with the Marquess lounging on a couch, my mother nuzzling into her side. Jahi was laying on a separate couch, reading a book. When the Countess opened the door, the Marquess turned towards her, a smile hanging on her lips. However, when she saw the blood splattered over both of us, her face froze. My mother looked towards us, her eyes widening before rushing towards me, dragging me into a tight hug.

The Marquess spoke a single word, her voice completely flat. "Who?"

The Countess chuckled, moving closer to the Marquess. "Why, it was an old classmate of ours. You remember Count Flori, yes?"

Scoffing, the Marquess replied "The one who couldn't even perform basic magic? The one who failed the physical qualifiers to remain for a second year? The one who only managed to stay in school for that second year was because his daddy had money? And that his mother was blowing the Dean? That trash dared try to damage what's mine? He dared?"

Giggling, the Countess moved closer to the Marquess, trailing a finger from her chest down towards her navel. "Why, not only did he try and damage me... he wanted them to kidnap me... he wanted me to warm his bed..."

Slowly the room heated up, and staring over my shaking mother's shoulder, I saw a heat wave shimmer around the Marquess. Sneering, she held the Countess close, before walking into the bedroom. Moments later, she reappeared with her blade in hand, a cloak thrown over her shoulders. She grabbed the back of the Countess' head, kissing her briefly.

"I'll be back by tomorrow morning. Take care of them while I'm out."

Without another word, she flickered, her figure disappearing from the room. The Countess' back was turned towards me, but I could see her press her thighs together. Turning, she looked towards my mother and I, her face flushed, and wide smile on her lips. Seeing my gaze, she calmed down, reverting back to her warm smile. Quickly though, her smile fell into a frown. She looked around, and following her gaze I noticed Jahi was still staring at her book, however she was gripping it hard. Gently releasing myself from my mother, with the help of the Countess, I slowly moved towards Jahi.

Reaching the couch she was laying on, I kneeled next to her. Looking at her eyes, which were transfixed on the book, I yet again saw the specks of gold in her amethyst eyes. She turned towards me abruptly, before grabbing my arm, the one covered in blood. Her eyes widened, and she dragged me towards the bathroom rather quickly. Throwing off my clothes, she shoved me onto the stool, turning on the shower. Watching as the blood washed off my body, she sighed in relief before inspecting every inch of my skin, looking for any injury. Feeling embarrassed, I covered myself with my hands, muttering "I'm okay, really."

She glared at me, before dragging my arms away, continuing her inspection. I squirmed, trying to break free, however she held me in a vice grip. Moments passed, and finally she sighed in relief, wrapping me in a tight hug. Nothing was said as we sat there, enjoying each others warmth. I felt her bury her face into my neck, breathing in deeply. Raising her head, she looked into my eyes, before smiling at me. Burying herself back into my neck, she kept muttering "Your ok" over and over. Hesitantly, I raised my hand and stroked her hair, trying to relax her.

For minutes we sat there, Jahi muttering repeatedly while I tried to calm her down. Seeing her like this made my heart tighten, and I swore to get strong enough to protect myself, and be of help to her. I didn't want her to worry constantly, wondering if I was safe.

Eventually she pulled away, and started washing me. When she finished, before she could drag me towards the door to dry off and change, I pulled her, trying to get her to sit. When she tried to ignore me, I pouted, lowering my ears. Seeing that she sighed, before sitting down on the stool. Smirking, I started slowly washing her, enjoying the softness of her skin and silkiness of her hair. Eventually, we sat in the bath, me leaning into her.

"I... I was worried about you. When I smelt the blood. I couldn't bring myself to turn and see you injured or even... even dead. So... Kat, please... promise me that you will be safe. If you are ever in trouble, run. I can't... I can't imagine what I'd do..."

Nuzzling closer to her, I grabbed her hand, wrapping it in both of my own.

"I'll be with you forever, Jahi... forever..."

She tightened her grip, before turning towards me. Her faced inched closer, before...

"Ara~ what are you two up to, hm?"

Quickly pulling away from each other, we glared at the Countess. She was walking in, completely naked, my mother following behind her, wrapped in a towel. Sitting on a stool, the Countess waited for my mother to start washing her. Looking over at us, a teasing smile on her lips, the Countess giggled.

"Look Julie~ your daughter almost was kissed by mine~ isn't that cause of celebration?"

My mother looked over at me, her face red. She turned back to the Countess, opening and closing her mouth a few time before just resuming her duty.

Jahi got up, and dragged me towards the door. Quickly drying each other off, I quickly clothed her, before looking towards my dress, splotches of blood covering it. Jahi walked over towards a dresser, where she pulled out another plain black dress, tossing it to me. Throwing it on, she took my hand, quickly leading me out of the room. This had become a pattern, as not even moments later I could hear moans coming from the bathroom.

Instead of leading me towards a couch, she led me towards the bedroom my mother and I share. Quickly laying in the bed, Jahi looked towards me, patting the open space next to her. I hesitantly got into the bed, my mind going back to a few moments ago.

'Was she... really trying to kiss me? Is she going to try something now?'

I laid next to her, facing the opposite direction. Jahi said nothing as she wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling me closer.

Minutes passed, neither of us saying a word. Eventually, Jahi spoke. "Our room... well, it's a mirror of this one. Except, instead of this being an extra bedroom, I made it into a library. It will be empty, and we will fill it with whatever we want over the years. Well... that's if... if you don't mind sharing a bed with me?"

Her voice trailed off at the end, slightly nervous. Turning, I buried my face in her chest. "I wouldn't mind that."

Thankfully the room was dark and my face was hidden, because I could feel my face heating up. Feeling her. stroke my ears, I nuzzled closer. "That's... thank you, Kat. If you want to change something, let me know. It's as much your room as it is mine."contemporary romance

"Then... maybe make it less white? Maybe go with grey?"

Chuckling, Jahi continued stroking my ears. "Yeah, that sounds great. Mother likes white. Runs in the family, since that room hasn't changed in decades. However, I'm of the same mind as you. It's so bright."

"Will it look... exactly the same? Rooms in the same places?"

"Yes, apparently the original builders were requested to make these identical. No idea why. However, that set hasn't been used in a long time, so we have the liberty of making it our own."

We continued talking, discussing whatever came to mind. Eventually, the days events caught up to me, and I fell asleep.


Waking up to a 'Ding!', I opened my eyes, noticing I was still nuzzled into Jahi's chest.

[Enjoying the view?]

'He-Hey, I'm not into that...'

[Sure. Anyways, didn't want to interrupt you little lovebirds last night, so here.]

[Quest Completed.

Reward - 50xp]

[Level 4 - (262.5/337.5)]

'Oh, ok. Cool, thanks.'

I laid there, enjoying the warmth coming off of Jahi's body as well as the fruity smell from the soap. Closing my eyes, I tried to go back to sleep, when I heard a man screaming. Shooting up, both Jahi and I quickly got out of bed before rushing into the main room.

Standing there was the Marquess, soaked in blood. Kneeling at her feet was a large ball of fat with a head. He was screaming as he looked at the stump that was supposed to be his right arm.

"Oh shut up will you? Why can't you shitheads just be quiet and accept this?"

"Wh-What d-d-d-do you mean!?! You CUT OFF MY ARM BITCH!"

At that, the Marquess simply placed her foot on the top of his head, before slamming it into the floor. "I don't remember saying you could speak, pig."

Walking out of the bedroom was the Countess, yawning. Behind her stumbled my mother, her face crimson. However, when she saw the man being forced to kneel beneath the Marquess, her face went cold.

"Ah, it's been awhile Flori. Seems you never learned anything at the Academy, hm? Chordeva and I were always at the top of the class; why, we even received a title and award from the Empress herself when we graduated. Do you think that means we were weak? That you could send a dozen some odd idiots with sharp sticks to kidnap me? You? The only reason you managed to marry was due to money and your fathers power. HE was a true Count. A warrior, a scholar. Truly noble. You however..."

Drawing closer, the Countess smiled widely, her sapphire eyes glowing with a sinister light.

"You are not a warrior. You are no scholar. You are no noble. You are trash, a waste of space. It saddens me to know that you are related to him. It shows that he wasn't as great as I thought. After all, you should do your best to make sure your child can become something meaningful. So we will do his job for him. We will make you work, for the rest of eternity."

The Marquess looked down at the man, smirking. She gestured to the Countess, who quickly grabbed Jahi and I.

The room disappeared, and then we were in what looked like a cellar. Runes covered every inch, shifting and glowing randomly. Holding onto us, the Countess whispered "Watch. Watch as Chordeva displays what makes the Asmodia family so feared."

Sitting in the middle of a circle, the man was bound and gagged. The Marquess was standing just outside the circle, holding a familiar book. As I stared at the book, I realized exactly why it seemed familiar.

The Banshee.

It was the book the Banshee had on its hip.

'Is... is she creating a Banshee?'

Watching, I saw her open the book, before she started chanting in a low voice. The runes in the room flashed, and the circle started spinning, the runes shifting. Slowly, the white runes became black, and the room was draped in darkness.

If it wasn't for the Countess giving me a reassuring squeeze, I would have screamed at the sudden lack of light.

A chill ran through the room, and a hoarse voice rang out.

"You summon me again, Chordeva of Asmodia? Why, you've summoned me almost as much as the first blue brat. Not that I'm complaining. It's been a while since I've had a meal..."

"Quiet, Fiend. You will answer as many times as I wish, as is in accordance of our pact. Now, go. Eat. Give rise to another Banshee."

A dark chuckle was heard, sending shivers down my spine. A pair of red eyes appeared, with a large maw appearing moments later. They looked at me in disinterest, before turning towards the man in the middle.

Muffled screams could be heard, as well as the wet sounds of meat hitting the floor, the crunch of bones, and a gleeful chuckle.

My breath caught in my throat, before eventually the noises stopped. Slowly the room regained its light. Sitting in the center of the circle was... a large suit of armor, it's face a mask of twisted pain. I noticed, however, that unlike the first time, I felt... nothing when I looked at it's face.

Looking over at the Countess who had a smug grin. Looking at the Marquess, she was staring at the armor coldly, her face expressionless.

"That's what, the tenth Banshee you've made? This makes 37 total fools who have angered House Asmodia."

The Marquess walked over towards the armor, she looked down at it coldly.

"Stay here, until we call for you."

Tossing the book next to it, she turned towards the Countess, before smiling. "Well, let's get back. Julie is probably quite worried. Besides... I think I deserve a reward from my favorite elf..."

The Countess rolled her eyes, before smiling widely.

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