My Servant System

Chapter 140 139: Invitation

Continuing to watch my two puppies whirling around the training yard, I smiled to myself as I easily lost myself to their beauty.

Kat's fighting style was vicious; her strikes were aimed to maim and inflict severe damage while keeping her opponent alive. Seeing my adorable little murder puppy duck underneath a swipe just to lance her dagger towards Anput's knee made me chuckle.

As for my lithe Jackalkin, I enjoyed the way she twirled away from Kat's ruthless thrust, her cloth binding fluttering in the light breeze before she slashed her sword towards Kat's ample chest, making the Dogkinlean backwards.

Their spar dragged on, both experimenting with different fighting styles; Kat was attempting to put more power into her swings and thrusts, as well as relying more on parries than pure dodges.

Anput was also attempting to utilize her legs more, going for low sweeps and kicks instead of attempting to only use her long blade.

Seeing them trying different styles out, I pursed my lips as I tried to determine if it was a good fit for them; obviously, since this was their first time trying this out they looked a little stiff.

However, of the two, I found Kat's to be better suited for herself; she always tended to disengage from a fight and move to a more advantageous position before reengaging with her opponent.

She also needed to rely more on her strenght than just her speed and reflexes; sure, she wasn't as strong as I was, but when you clashed with her you were surprised by the power behind her blows.contemporary romance

Meanwhile, as I observed Anput's new style, I frowned.

She seemed extremely uncomfortable attempting to rely more on kicks or sweeps, her body hesitating as she refrained from slashing or stabbing with her sword to instead kick at the ever elusive Kat.

They sparred for another half an hour, eventually turning into panting, sweaty messes as they collapsed on the ground, wearily smiling at one another.

Dropping down onto the sand beside them, I grinned as they both flinched slightly, staring at me in surprise.

"Hey puppies~! Did you enjoy your spar~?"

Crouching down next to them, my grin widened as Anput looked away while Kat simply titled her head, assuming her stoic face.

However, as I leaned forwards and pulled them into my embrace, both women trembled as I brought their noses towards my chest.

Anput's eyes glazed over, her tail twitching as she heated up in my arms, while Kat simply nuzzled into my chest, her tail swishing as well.

Enjoying the warmth of my two wives, I kept them in my arms before eventually released them, much to Anput's dismay.

Getting back up, I stretched my arms out and grinned down at them, taking Anput's training blade and gesturing towards the open field.

Flashing them an ambiguous smile, I coyly said "Wanna go a few rounds, puppies~? I'm feeling a little pent up~"

Anput trembled, while Kat raised a brow at me, only to sigh as she looked over at our olive skinned wife.

Watching as Anput panted slightly, her cheeks darker as she stared at me, I rolled my eyes before tossing her her blade back, shaking my head slightly as she struggled to catch the training sword.

Grabbing a new one, I spun the blade around before readying myself for them, a cocky grin on my face as I gestured for them to come at me.

Our spars were long and drawn out, the two agility based fighters attempting to launch pincer attacks on me, their blades flashing as they slashed and stabbed at me from either side.

However, since I had sparred frequently against both, I was able to predict their movements easily enough, blocking and parrying the onslaught of sword strokes and dagger thrusts, only to grin as I would push them away and focus the other in the few moments I had available.

Thwacking Anput on the side of her knee, I spun behind the Jackalkin and narrowly avoided the slash of Kat's swift dagger.

Pushing Anput into Kat, I appeared before them and wrapped my arm around their necks, pulling them into me again before lifting and resting the sword on their throats.

Both my women gulped, before I released them and said "Again."


Standing over the two exhausted Beastkin, I wiped the sweat off my brow before offering my hand to them, lifting the two drenched women to their feet.

Anput was bruised all over, while Kat was nursing her left arm, where I had punched her forearm.

Resting my hands on their heads between their fluffy ears, I cast a healing spell, a warm golden light cascading down onto their battered bodies.

Watching as their wounds healed, I left my hands on their heads long after, revealing in their warmth.

However, Kat slid out from under my hand, saying "I'll go start dinner."

Watching as my maid walked away into the cottage, I frowned before smirking down at Anput, who was heating up again.

However, before I could push her down and ravish her, Kat peeked out from the door and said "Leone said a messenger came with two parcels and three letters. One of which..."

Frowning, she glanced back inside, likely listening to Leone as she told her the name.

"Is from Jillian."

That made both of our frowns deepen, and Anput also managed to get herself under control, though there was a hint of irritation on her features as we walked into our home.

Seeing Leone holding a long, large box, with a smaller one on top, I swiftly lifted them from her arms and set them on the table.

"I'll read that letter last..."

Not wanting to read it at all, I sighed before flipping open the small cards on the parcels.

'To: Jahi Asmodia

From: Countess Ria Haniel'

Letting out a little 'Huh...' I tore open the paper packaging, revealing a long wooden box.

Tossing the lid open, a replica of my gold and silver blade was revealed, made from a solid steel.

Understanding mothers reasoning for sending the blade, I lifted it and marveled at its almost identical weight and balance.

Placing it back on the table, I turned towards the other package, chuckling at the card.

'To: Katherine Zara

From: Countess Ria Haniel'

The Dogkin pursed her lips before opening the package, lifting out a longer, broader dagger than the one she currently had, before also lifting out a large pouch.

Seeing the pouch, I grinned as I smelt the familiar medicinal tang of her anti-pregnancy medicine, Kat rolling her eyes at me as she saw the grin.

While she admired her new dagger, I turned to the two other letters, handing Kat the one from her mother while I opened the one from mom.

The contents were rather ordinary; make sure you or Kat don't kill anyone, be responsible, try not to get one of my wives pregnant, take school seriously, and telling me about the bank account she had opened for us as a just in case.

Kat just nodded as she read the letter, before rolling her eyes as she crumpled the letter.


Glancing over at me, she just said "Not much, just telling me to not be an idiot and that her stomach is growing already."

Remembering the fact that I was going to be a big sister to my two half siblings, I smiled at Kat, who mirrored my smile.

Then, we turned to look at Leone, who was still staring down at the letter from Jillian with slight disgust.

Taking it from the Vampire's hands, I opened the envelope to reveal an ornate folded paper.

Unfurling it, I started reading it aloud.

"I, Jillian Sariel, hereby invite Jahi Asmodia and her wives, Princess Leone Presa-Ash and Begum Anput Sera to my birthday banquet in two weeks time..."

Pursing my lips, I glanced up at Leone and asked "Can I refuse?"

Sighing, Leone shook her head, her crimson eyes filled with reluctance as she said "We need to go. She's not only of a higher status, but it is common curtesy to at least show up... sadly."

Nodding, I placed the invitation on the table, only to glance up at Kat, who had an eery smile on her lips.

"W-What are you..?"

Grinning at me, she stepped forwards and placed her hands on my shoulders, saying "You know what this means?"

Frowning, I tentatively shook my head, making her grin widen.

"We are going shopping... for ALL three of your banquet attires~!"

​ My heart dropped as I realized that, since it was a banquet, I would need to dress up properly.

Anput also shared my trepidation, her ears and tail dropping as she stared fearfully at the excited Dogkin.

As for Leone, she seemed indifferent to Kat's declaration...

Actually, she seemed rather intrigued in it as well, staring at me with curious eyes.

Sighing, I realized that I was indeed correct; mother had rubbed off onto my Dogkin maid, and now I would suffer because of it...

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