My Servant System

Chapter 132 131: Demon's Heart


So before we start...

Well, we hit 1 MILLION views earlier today...

I'll admit, once I saw us get to 900k, I was constantly checking the stats of the novel, watching that number slowly rise...

And we hit it!

Thank you all so much; I know I seem to say that often lol but really, thank you all SO much!


I remained in bed for another hour or so, laying back into the soft blankets and pillows and closing my eyes.

Focusing intently on our bond, I tried desperately to feel something from her...

Or even to push my own feelings towards her; longing, love, worry, sadness...

I hoped that she would come rushing in, wrapping her broad arms around my body and pulling me close, telling me everything was alright, that I was safe now...

And yet...

Opening an eye, I stared at the door for a moment, my heart clenching as it remained shut.

Sighing, I buried my face deeper into the pillow, hoping to fall into the clutches of sleep.

Drifting in between awareness and unconsciousness, I eventually heard someone open the door, making me shoot up.

Staring at the door with a smile, I was waiting to see that large blue frame shuffle in, only to sigh and slump my shoulders as Leone peeked in.

Seeing me awake, she smiled gently before pushing the door open further, making her way inside.

Noticing that her cheek was no longer bruised, I smiled at her as she made her way over, sitting beside me on the bed.

"Are you feeling better?"

Her voice was low and filled with worry, her lips pursed as she looked me over.

Chuckling, I nodded, before saying "As good as I could feel with... these..."

Gesturing at the wounds on my neck and cheek, I smiled at her, placing a hand on hers when she flinched.

"It's not your fault, Leone. Besides, you saved me there at the end; it could have been much, much worse."

She gulped, her crimson eyes flaring for a moment.

They were dark and lifeless, and I felt her hand tremble for a moment, only to smile at me a few seconds later.

"Alright; lie back down, and close your eyes. I can't promise a complete recovery right away, but you should be able to move..."

Nodding, I rubbed the back of her pale hand with my thumb, enjoying the way she flinched slightly.

Laying back into the bed, I closed my eyes, chuckling as I felt her hands lie over my heart and stomach.

Her hands started out cool, before slowly warming up.

Reaching an incredibly hot temperature, I flinched slightly under her hands, prompting the Vampire to say "Sorry... just bear with it for a few more moments..."

I nodded, gritting my teeth as that heat spread through my body, her mana wrapping around bones and muscles and quickening their healing.

It took around a minute or so for the wounds on my body to heal, and it was, besides the heat, much more bearable than my speedy recovery during the fight.

The heat wrapped around them, slowly allowing the muscle fibers and bones to knit themselves together, making my body slightly itchy, but not painful like before.

Panting somewhat, Leone removed her hands and leaned back, her face paler than normal.

Sitting back up, I marveled at how my body went from 'bruised and battered' to just 'achy', making me grin.

However, when I saw Leone's swaying figure I took her shoulders to steady her, the Vampire blinking at me in mild confusion.

"Come on; let's get you washed up..."

Groaning as I got to my feet, I helped Leone up and walked her over to bathroom, ignoring her embarrassment as I stripped her.

I also chose to ignore the other thing that grew in embarrassment, sitting her down beside a shower.

"Sorry, but I don't think I'm up for that~"

Chuckling, I started teasing the girl in my arms, enjoying the way she blushed and shivered under my hands as I tried my hardest to distract myself from my worry.


Jahi PoV

Sighing, I lay on the roof of the cottage, staring up at the orange and violet sky of dusk.

Watching the clouds drift across the sky above, I tried to ignore the various feelings Kat sent my way.

Was she sending them while she was still unconscious?

Or maybe she knew how to manipulate her emotions; after all, she wears that insufferable mask day in and day out in public.

However, my heart knew for a fact that those emotions she was feeling were real; she did love me, she did worry for me.

I should be happy at that; she doesn't hate me, she doesn't abhor me.

And yet, that opened a whole new nest of bad thoughts.

Was I worthy of her love; her worry?

Would she continue to love me in a years time; in a decade?

My mind flitted back to my earlier thoughts...

Did I deserve her?

Did I deserve them?

They believed so wholeheartedly in me, and loved me so much...

But was I able to protect them?contemporary romance

Could I give them the love they deserve?

After all, they are all high quality women.

Anput and Leone have status, beauty, smarts, loyalty...

As for Kat...

She had done so much for me; accepted so much of me.

But would she be able to continue accepting me?

Or would she grow tired and turn away, finding someone who equally reciprocated her love and devotion?

However, that thought made me growl, rage flooding my veins.


I won't let her.

Even if she wants to go-

Sitting up, I balled my fist and slammed it into my knee, using the pain to push those thoughts aside.

That would only tarnish her beauty; I loved and admired her because she did as she pleased, running about freely.

Caging her would only turn that beauty into something haggard and hateful.

Sighing, I stared intently at my balled fist, pursing my lips as I tried desperately to center my thoughts.

However, Kat's emotions only grew in frequency, going from excited to happy to worried to lonely...

She was bouncing around like a child, and thinking that made me smile to myself.

Recalling our times together from a year ago, I sighed again as I laid back down, closing my eyes.

Losing myself to reminiscing about our time together, I let my worries and troubles fade away, to be dealt with later.

Enjoying the breeze and warmth of dusk, I laid on the roof for a long time, my mind slowly blanking as I drifted away.

However, my eyes shot open as I felt someone above me, my hand shooting forwards towards them.

They clenched my wrist, and I shivered as ethereal blue eyes met my own, completely devoid of emotion.


Crouching above me was the woman of my worries, her features neutral as she stared down at me, those pale blue eyes making me shiver.

She remained silent, however I felt her hand clench my wrist, grinding the bones together.

Wincing, I tried to pull my hand away from her, only to widen my eyes in surprise as she yanked me to my feet.

Shoving me off the roof, I grunted as I rolled across the ground before scrambling to my feet.

"What the hell-!"

I watched as Kat stepped off the roof, landing silently across from me.

Her eyes were a cold void, and as she stepped forwards I shivered.

Holding her hand out, she summoned a dagger of pure ice, vapor rolling off the long, jagged blade.

"Kat... what are you doing..?"

Taking steps back, I shivered again as she tilted her head, remaining silent.

Her feet glided across the dirt, barely making any sound as she made her way over to me.

The all to familiar maid dress billowed in the growing breeze, only to-

Kat's figure blurred, and she disappeared from sight.

Focusing intently on my surroundings, I narrowly dodged a swift thrust, a thin cut appearing on my arm.

A chill seeped into the wound, and I jumped away from the silent Dogkin, watching as she lifted the blade to her lips.

Licking the thin crimson line off the jagged blade, she stood still, staring intently at me with those lifeless eyes.

"Kat, what are you-!"

Vanishing again, I let out a grunt as something heavy slammed into me from behind, pushing me to the ground.

Straddling my waist, Kat stared down at me, before a giant grin split her face.

Shuddering, I watched as she leaned down, her dagger sinking into the ground beside me.

Looming over me, she whispered "You won't ever escape me, Jahi~"

Pressing her nose against mine, her grin widened, her blue eyes flared, and the chill radiating from her blade increased.

However, I could only blink a few times before chuckling.

Her blatant desire and possessiveness would have been worrying if I was a normal person, but...

Feeling all my previous worries fade from my heart, I matched her grin, reaching up and grabbing her soft cheeks in my hands.

"Nor will you, Katherine Asmodia~"

Grinning at one another, I felt our bond grow and fluctuate, our love for one another flaring and mixing together as we-

No, I stopped holding back my emotions, letting them wash over her through our soul bond.

She belonged to me; physically, mentally, emotionally...

She was mine...

I was hers...

Kat slammed her lips against mine, greedily devouring them as she kissed me, releasing her dagger and grabbing my cheeks.

Welcoming her tongue, I held her close to me, feeling incredibly idiotic.

Pulling away to breath, I chuckled as I said "This... is what, the third time I've been an idiot?"

My wife just grinned at me, her pale blue eyes frozen over with love as she nodded.

"Yes, you have~ Thinking you could escape ME~? I don't think so~!"

Feeling her tail wagging, I laughed, only to moan as she instantly took my lips again.

Seems like I need to make it up to my puppy, huh~?

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