My Secret Love

Chapter Found Mates

I headed to my last classes for the afternoon. I couldn't concentrate, my mind is on my mate. I can't believe it has finally happened! I was so afraid something would go wrong and it wouldn't be me! I have been crazy for him since, well FOREVER and now he is mine! Now just one last hurdle to get over and we can start our future together.

Finally gym class, and I get to see my mate again! Logan picks me up and spins around with me, kissing me the whole time. I can get used to this! "I missed you!" we both say at the same time and laugh. "I called my parents and told them it is you, they are thrilled!" exclaimed Logan, "We can use their summer cabin this weekend." he says with a wicked grin. I blush shyly, "oh my Dad wants to talk to you after school, he probably wants to give you the be good to my daughter speech."

Logan looks at me seriously, "how could I not, I already love her more than life itself." "I love you too, so much." I reply. We kiss again quickly so the teacher doesn't scold us for just standing around mooning over each other and start warming up. I want to stay near Logan so his friends and us work out on the weight bench. His friends, sensing we need time together, go shoot some basketball towards the end of class. I am on the weight bench lifting and I feel a warm hand on my stomach. "Logan behave", I whisper. His hand keeps sliding up my shirt feeling my bare stomach. "Logan" I warn using a harder tone of voice. He sighs and pulls my top back over my stomach.

Soon after we break for the day and Logan follows me and my sister home. I sit with him and my Dad, who does give him the be good to my daughter speech. Afterwards, I run upstairs and take a quick shower still feeling all sweaty and grungy from gym. Poor Logan looks a little intimidated by Dad but he is a good sport about it. I grab a small suitcase and throw some things in it for the weekend. In a few weeks, we will have a formal mating ceremony for the family. Getting mated and marked is the way it counts but that is private to the couple and we will be doing that this weekend.

"Can we go for a walk?" I asked. "Sure" he replied giving me a questioning look. We walked a while on the path behind my house holding hands. "I need to tell you something" I said. "Ok, what's up babe?" he asked. "Do you remember the last summer we spent at camp together?" I asked. "Yea, he replied, Kyle and I got into Dads whiskey and got hammered, I still can't remember what happened that night." "I remember," I replied and pulled down the shoulder of my shirt, I have been covering my shoulder for a year because of the mark. Logan looks at me puzzled, he still doesn't understand. "Logan, we mated that night and you marked me. You were so sick the next day and didn't remember so I couldn't tell you. Since it was done before we were 18 there were no changes.

Logan looked at me shocked! "Why is it on your shoulder instead of on your neck?" "Bad aim, you were really drunk, I replied, please don't think less of me, I have been crushing on you for a long time and when I was trying to help you get home and you starting kissing me I couldn't stop. Kyle had passed out in the tent and you went missing. I was looking for you and found you wandering around in the woods. That's where and when it happened." I stopped talking, not knowing what else to say.

Logan looked at me and I could tell he was really upset. I looked up at him silently pleading with him to understand. He muttered an excuse and quickly stripped and morphed into his wolf. He looked back at me briefly and ran off.

I start sobbing. Does he think I'm some easy girl now? I love him so much and have been in love with him for years. I lay down in the middle of the woods and sob.

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