My Professor Is My Alpha Mate

#Chapter 20 – Getting ready for the family feast.

Lila's POV

“You don’t want a mate...” I continued, keeping my eyes on the back of my head; his entire demeanor had changed at that moment. “So, why haven't you rejected me?”

“Do you wish for me to do so now?" He asked, turning to glance at me.

His face was hard to read; I wasn't sure how to answer that.

“If you don't wish to be with me then...”

“You are my student; it's more complicated than that,” he said quickly, silencing my words. “If word gets out that I rejected my mate, it will make me look bad as an Alpha.”

“So, you are trying to protect your image?” I asked, raising my brows. I was trying to keep the hurt out of my tone, but I knew he could see the disappointment in my eyes. “Is that the only reason?”

I thought maybe he would say something else, but his features hardened as he stared around my face.

"Something like that,” he muttered, before turning away and leaving the room. Leaving me with only my thoughts and the soft cries of my wolf.

I couldn't sleep all night.

In the morning, Dee had made us breakfast before we got dressed and left for Elysium,

“Dee was nice,” I tell him as we drove away from the Calypso Pack. I was trying not to think about our conversation from last night.

"She seemed to like you too,” he said, his tone emotionless. Not that it was surprising.

“She said she was like a mother figure for you,” I found myself saying.

“You talked about me?"

My mother stared after them with a worried look in her eyes.

“Was anyone seriously hurt?” She asked me as we went inside.

“There was a woman yesterday that was being harassed,” I tell her. “I found her about to be..." I paused, not able to get the words out. “She was naked...” I continued.

My mother’s eyes widened as she stared around my face.

“What happened with her?”

Once I finished telling my mom the entire story, she just looked at me for a long while, taking me in. She had a look in her eyes as she tried to figure out what she should say at that moment. Then, she gave me a small smile and put an arm around my shoulders.

“I'm proud of you for helping someone in need,” she said to me. “I'm glad you're okay.”

After we talked for a little longer, I went upstairs to my bedroom so I can put my stuff away. I could already smell the delicious foods my mother was cooking in the kitchen. I had a lightly fitted dress picked out for dinner. It would also be a good fit for when I shift for the first time. It's easy to get in and out of.

It was best to take clothes off before shifting because clothing tends to get destroyed in the process. Once I finished dressing, I started doing my hair. I figured I would just leave it down and maybe curl it a little.

While I was doing that, my bedroom door swung open. I smiled as I peered through the mirror and saw Brianna.

"What's her name?!” She asked, plopping down on my bed.

I knew she was asking about my wolf.

“Valentina,” I answer. “I call her Val.”

“That's so pretty! What does she look like?”

“Just like my mother’s wolf,” I chuckle. “She's beautiful.”

“I can't wait to see her. Are you nervous about your first shift?”

“I'm more excited than anything.”

I knew a first shift was incredibly painful; bones practically break in the process, but I was excited to finally be able to be a whole wolf. I heard there was nothing quite like it and I couldn't wait to experience it.

“We'll have to go running together. I'm so excited for you,” she said with a grin. “I think dinner will be ready shortly. Are you coming downstairs?”

“I will in a minute. There's someone I need to speak to first,” I told her; she nods and disappears out of my room.

Enzo's POV

“Your pack isn't the only one that's been invaded recently,” Bastien said, leaning over my shoulder to look at the report I was creating. “I'm worried this might have something to do with your father’s men. I'll let the Alphas know to be on the lookout for any strange activities.”

“I was hoping I was just my pack and that my father didn't have anything to do with this,” I admitted. “But it's a possibility. Street rats loved him. Is there anything you need me to do?” Bastien placed a hand on my shoulder.

“Not yet, son. But I'll let you know. Just got a mindlink from Luna that dinner is ready. Are you coming?”

“I think I'm just going to finish this and get some sleep. I'm tired after today.”

“Okay, suit yourself,” Bastien said without another word.

As I finished writing out my reports, only a few minutes had passed before I heard a knock on the door.

"Yes?" I asked, waiting for the door to open.

It opened slightly and standing in the doorway was Lila.

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