My Orphan Mate

Chapter Chapter Fifteen


When I exited my room and found the kitchen in the pack house, Alexander was nowhere in sight.

Instead, Adam and Zynthéa were by the kitchen island munching on food and laughing about something.

"No way," Zynthéa told him, loudly. "My girl is going to kick your ass, for sure."

"Psht," the boy smirked. "You have poor judgement. I'm definitely going to win."

I glanced at the pair, confused. I wasn't sure what they were talking about but didn't want to intrude either. As I made my step to leave the pair, Zynthéa's voice brought me to a halt.

"Lyra, you're up!"

I bit my bottom lip and turned around to face them. "I am. You both seemed busy, I didn't mean to interrupt."

She smiled at me. "Come, we were just talking about our characters in this game." She raised the black phone in her hand.

"Ah," I replied, nodding. But I still didn't understand.

I glanced around the kitchen, wondering where Alexander was, but found him to be absent. When my eyes landed back on his sister, she grinned at me widely, and I arched a brow at her.

"He's in a meeting," she explained, as if she had read my mind. "He'll be back down soon."

Again, I simply nodded. I wanted to tell her I didn't care, but I obviously did.

As much as I hated admitting it to myself, I felt myself wanting to be around him. It was my Wolf's pull, but I couldn't place all the blame on her. I wanted him too. I just struggled to accept that because of what he had done to my pack.

"Did you have your breakfast?"

I turned my attention back on the female, only now remembering that I had left the tray upstairs in the room.

"I didn't have an appetite," I told her honestly.

Her face fell a little bit. "Alexander made you the food himself," she told me, a half smile playing on her lips. "It's the first time he's cooked for anyone in a long time."

Her words made me feel guilty, but I didn't let that show. It wasn't entirely my fault that I hadn't ate anything. It had been too early to eat. As much as I wanted to hate my mate, I was still grateful for his acts of kindness.

"I will try to eat later," I told her to make her feel a bit better, but she smiled and then turned her gaze back to the curly haired boy.

Adam didn't speak to me much, but I didn't mind. I preferred to not speak with others in their pack, with Zynthéa being the only exception.

"Adam, you cheater!" Zynthéa cried, nudging the boy in the ribs with her elbow.

"Ouch! What was that for?" Adam whined, glaring at her.

"I told you to wait, why would you hit me before I was ready! You cheated!"

Adam scoffed. "You're such a sore loser. Relax, it's just a game."

"If it was just a game then you should have waited! We're going again and this time I'm beating your cheating ass!"

"Okay, now you're just being dramatic."

Zynthéa gaped at him. "I will show you dramatic."

I caught myself watching the pair in amusement, not even realising. When I could feel another presence near me, I snapped out of it and turned to the intruder.

It was none other than the person I wanted to be as far away from as I could. He didn't say anything, nor did he glance my way. He simply poured himself a glass of water, downed it and then exited the kitchen without sparing me a glance.

I exhaled a shaky breath, only now realising Dyami's presence made me nervous. He hated me. I belonged to a pack that had taken his family from him. I felt guilty every time I was around him after learning the truth.

"Hey, you," Alexander's voice rang in my ear.

I turned to where his sound came from and watched him as he strutted toward me. "Hey."

He was wearing a white buttoned shirt, with the sleeves rolled up his forearm. I almost fell at my knees at how handsome he appeared. He didn't know how happy I was to see him, and I definitely wasn't going to show it. But as much as I wanted to hate him, his presence near me made me feel safe and protected.

"Did you manage to find everything okay this morning?" he asked once he was by my side.

I nodded. "I did."

"If the clothes are not to your taste, we can go shopping," he suggested, eyes completely glued to mine.

He seemed care-free, meanwhile I was fighting an internal battle against him.

"I did not just hear the scary big Alpha say he'll go shopping," Zynthéa snickered, gaping at Adam.

Adam, on the other hand, looked confused. He was glancing between the three of us, but remained silent.

"Zynthéa," Alexander said, his voice stern and filled with authority. "You can find your way out."

She gasped, dramatically. "You're kicking me out?"


His sister faked being hurt by dramatically placing her hand on her chest, but nevertheless, listened to her brother.

She quickly got up from the stool she had been sitting on, and waved her goodbyes before she darted out of the kitchen.

Adam quickly finished his food and left in the same manner, bowing slightly at us before he exited.

That left Alexander and I alone, in his kitchen. And just when I thought the silence was going to kill me, when my stomach rumbled, I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me.

"You didn't eat," Alexander accused. "Is there anything in particular that you want?"

"I'll make myself some toast," I offered, turning to his kitchen, wondering where everything was.

Alexander's lips curled up, but instead of showing me where everything was, he placed his hands on either side of my body and guided me to the stool where the previous pair had been sat.

I wanted to fight him off me, but made no attempt to do so.

"Sit here. I will prepare something for you," Alexander told me, but remained in place.

I was too stunned to argue with him, feeling hypnotised by his ocean blue eyes. He was the most handsome boy that I had ever laid eyes on and being this close to him made me want to be in his arms.

His touch on my arms sent electrical currents radiating down my whole body. It was exciting, but also made it hard for me to control myself.

"You are so beautiful," he murmured, his eyes examining my face.

At his words, I could feel my cheeks burning up.

I didn't respond to him, instead at his words of endearment, I did the unimaginable, something that I had slapped him for the first time.

Placing my hand on his white shirt, I pulled him in to me with much force than necessary, causing our lips to touch.

My Wolf purred in happiness and the tension that I had felt from suppressing her suddenly vanished.

The little voice inside of my head tried to snap me out of it, but the feeling that radiated throughout my body made me want this.

Alexander quickly wrapped an arm around my back meanwhile the other remained on my waist, keeping me steady in his embrace.

The kiss started off as a peck, in my defence, I had forgotten that I had absolutely no control around this man.

His tongue moved against mine, a low groan escaping his mouth as the kiss intensified. When his mouth began trailing kisses along my jawline and down to my neck, I moaned softly against him. The electrical currents that fired down my spine at his touch made me want to beg him for more. I was hypnotised.

I wanted more of him, he felt so good against me, so when he pulled away slightly, I whimpered lowly. Alexander noticed, and held me closer to him.

He made no attempt to move, instead nestled his head in my neck where I could feel his hot breath fanning my skin, causing goosebumps on my body to rise.

"You are mine," he murmured in to my neck, his voice husky.

It made me Wolf purr in excitement. He was right, I couldn't deny that. I was his and only his.

Hearing those words made me want to cry out in joy. I felt ecstatic to hear them from him. I had hated it when Gabriel had said those words to me, but when Alexander said them, it made me want to be with him.

I didn't move and we stayed in an embrace for a couple of minutes. I was enjoying it more than I would have liked to admit, and when Alexander pulled away, I almost cried at the distance.

But I pushed the thought away quickly. I was getting wavered and infatuated by him, by his gorgeous cologne, by his handsome face that I had completely forgotten about his past.

I was mad at myself for initiating the kiss. I had kissed the enemy, but the thought didn't linger for long when Alexander brought his face closer to mine again.

"I will get your food ready," he softly said, lowering his head enough until his lips touched my temple.

With a quick peck on my skin, he turned away to make me toast, leaving me breathless on the stool.

Enemy or not, escaping Alexander was going to be a difficult task.

I groaned as I buried my head in my hands, and reminisced how good his lips on mine felt. Every second that passed by made me want to be closer to him.

That was the reason for my confidence. My Wolf wanted his, and I wanted him. There was no denying that.

One thing for sure; I was doomed.

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