My Name is Not Cupcake

Chapter 22

"I'm going to go check on dad," Nolan said, grabbing a few extra things before he left. I was alone with Mason. I knew Nolan set this up on purpose. Mason took me into the kitchen and sat me down on a chair at the bar in the middle of the kitchen.

"Are you hungry? I made you a plate," Mason said, settling a plate in front of me. I stopped him as I ran my thumbs over his cheeks.

"Stay still... I need to try something," I said gently. Hesitantly, I leaned forward until my lips were touching his in a kiss. It was warm and gentle, but it wasn't like it used to be. It wasn't Elias' heart-pounding, toe-curdling kiss. It was soft and comfortable, but it wasn't exhilarating. There were no sparks, no breathlessness, no tingles. It was just a kiss...

Lips against lips.

I pulled away disappointed. My cheeks were wet with fresh tears.

"Why couldn't you be my mate?" I asked hoarsely with teary eyes. Mason sighed.

"Nova," he said simply as his thumb caressed my cheeks and brushed my tears away. But I could read between the lines. He was saying the same thing. "I'm so sorry," he whispered as he pulled me into a tight hug. A sob broke from my lips as I buried my head in his chest.

"It's not fair," I sobbed. He kissed my head and rubbed his hand over my back gently.

"Hey, no," he said as he held my face in his hands and made me look at him. His beautiful face was blurred by my tears. "I don't care if you're my mate or not. I will always be there for you. I love you and I'll always have your back no matter what, okay?" he said. I sniffled and nodded. I believed him. I cried on his shoulder for a while until I was reduced to sniffles and the hiccups.

"I have to go back," I said with a hiccup. Mason only nodded slowly.

"He's your mate," Mason said in acceptance. He was agreeing with me and I knew it.

"I'll tell him when we go to get the first sonogram," I said softly. Mason kissed my head gently before I got off the chair with Mason's help and went to look for my phone. I found it under my pillow. I sat on my bed before I dialed Elias' number.

"Hello?" he answered on the second ring.

"Um, hi, Eli," I said nervously.

"Nova, I'm glad you called," he said in relief. I smiled slightly before I chewed on my lip nervously.

"So m-my first sonogram is in a few days. Do you want to be there?" I asked, getting straight to the point.

"Of course I do, Nova. I wouldn't miss it for the world," he said. I found myself sighing in relief. I don't know why I was nervous to begin with.

"Okay, I'll see you then," I said quickly.

"Was there anything else?" he asked. I hesitated. Was there? I could've told him that I was coming back. I could've told him that I missed him and I wanted to be with him even though my mind was still fighting it.

"No, I love you," I said instead.

"I love you too, cupcake," he replied, filling my stomach with butterflies. I hung up the phone and put it on my dresser. I was anxious to see Elias again... but in a good way.


It was finally time.

The sonogram.

It was two weeks since I made up my mind to be with Elias. We talked constantly since then. I had to admit, I was nervous. I was only about six weeks pregnant. I was excited to see the baby, despite my feelings on the situation. Nolan drove me to the doctor's office and Mason stayed back. We signed in and I saw that Elias was already there, sitting in a small waiting room chair, bouncing his leg nervously. When Elias saw me, he hugged me and pecked me gently.

"Nova, I've missed you," he said. I chuckled and allowed it.

"I missed you, too," I said. He placed a hand on my stomach that was slightly taunt now under my flowing shirt.

"Will we find out the gender?" he asked. I chuckled and shook my head.

"Not this visit. It's too early, but soon, I guess," I answered. The nurse called us back into a cozy little dark room. Nolan stayed in the waiting room as Elias and I went back. The doctor out the warmed gel on my stomach before moving it around with a wand attached to the machine. She stopped the wand and pointed out the baby. I felt tears well up in my eyes as I looked at the screen. It was just a small dot, but I knew that that was my baby. For some reason, seeing the sonogram made being pregnant feel real. I must have been in denial but I couldn't ignore it anymore. Elias was smiling as the doctor came in and explained that everything looked great. I spaced out. It was almost like I went into shock. The doctor gave me a towel and I wiped the gel off. After Elias and the doctor exchanged a few words, we went outside to the cars with Nolan. Mason was leaning against his car nearby, a stray lock of hair falling into his eye slightly. He smiled sadly when he saw me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, walking up to him. I couldn't help it. Mason had been my stability for so long. Even if he wasn't my mate, I would always love him, no matter what.

"You didn't think I would just let you go without saying goodbye, did you?" he asked with a small smirk. "Are you okay?" he asked, touching my arm gently. Elias growled lowly, but made no move to stop Mason. Elias just baled his fists at his sides and stayed where he was.

"I'm actually having a baby," I breathed. Nolan pulled me towards him and into a hug.

"I'm gong to miss you, little sis. Promise me you'll visit," he asked. I nodded as I felt tears brim my eyes.

"You're going to make me cry," I chuckled softly, trying to hold my tears back. Mason hugged me next, earning an even louder growl from Elias.

"Let us know if you need anything... I love you," Mason said as soft as he could before he let go. I knew he hugged me partially to get under Elias' skin, but I could care less at this point. I was letting my boys go. Elias was getting what he wanted; he could deal with me touching Mason.

"Nova, what is everyone talking about? What's with the goodbyes?" Elias asked. I sighed and Nolan handed me my small handbag with all my essential things inside.

"I'm coming with you back to Rigor Moon. You win, Elias," I explained quickly before I got in Elias' car and set my bag at my feet. Elias got in slowly and just looked at me. I tried to ignore his stare, but I couldn't. "You're staring, Eli," I said softly. His held found mine and held it tightly.

"I love you so much, Nova. Thank you," he said sincerely. I only shrugged.

"It wasn't fully just for you," I said as he put the car in drive. "I don't want to raise a child in a broken home. Plus... it was starting to hurt me more and more to be away from you, and that's not something I'm proud of," I explained. He was silent as we drove through the pathway leading to the town of Rigor Moon I watched out the window at the familiarity of it pass before we came upon the mansion of a house. Mathias was standing at the front door with an older, petite woman under his arm. I got out with my bag and approached them with Elias right behind me.

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