My Name is Not Cupcake

Chapter 19

It was a few days before I got to see my dad. I was happy I got to see him. Tight hugs were becoming a common occurrence.

"Novalyn, I'm so happy you're safe," he sighed. We caught up and he told me everything about mom and Nolan and what he knew. He knew the bare minimum about werewolves.

I stayed at Alpha Peter's house for two weeks. It was stressful sitting on our hands and waiting for something to happen. The ache in my chest was growing each day and I knew exactly what it was. I missed Elias. Even though I was hurt a lot, I knew, on some level, most of what he did was because he wanted to keep me with him. I also knew that he would stop at nothing to get me back. He already told me that much. That's why Alpha Peter and Mason trained the Sentinel to prepare for Elias. Nolan and Mason took turns training with them.

My dad would come by every now and then. He would have dinner with us and bring me clothes and things from home when I needed them since my supply was running low. I spent a lot of time with Mason, but I didn't mind at all. We were best friends before we dated so everything came naturally. Then one night, it happened.

That first warning howl.

It was followed by a lot of other howls. We were in the middle of a game of Uno when the battle cry was given. Peter rushed into the living room just as Mason and Nolan dropped their cards and stood.

"Get her out of here. Take her to the enchanted cabin," Peter said in a rush before he disappeared again. I stood with them quickly.

"You mean to tell me that magic and witches exist too? Seriously, what else are you guys not telling me," I asked as a loud alarm began to sound. Nolan stayed with me as Mason ran upstairs.

"Seriously, Nova? Not the time at all," Nolan said stiffly. I'd only seen him this serious when our mom died... apparently, due to rogue werewolves. Nolan grabbed my hand and we met Mason at the front door. One look at the scene outside and Nolan started dragging me in the other direction. I didn't see anything, but if the snarling, snapping and howls were any indication, it was bad.

"We're going to have to go on foot," Nolan said. We ran out the back door and Mason exploded into his brownish wolf; immediately tearing through his clothes. I gasped and jumped in shock. I'd only seen them transform once, and I never even dreamed of seeing it happen this close. It sure was something to see. Nolan lifted me and placed me on Mason's back before I had any time to object. Mason took off running with me on his back. I gripped my fingers in his fur and crotched low to his body to keep from falling off at the speed he was going. Nolan had my bag on his back and was running beside us. They never slowed... never faltered. Finally, we came into a clearing. There was a cabin only a few feet away. We were so close. Mason and Nolan slowed as we prepared to go inside.

Suddenly, the wind was knocked out of me as Mason went flying into a tree. I toppled on the ground in brush near it. The impact left me groaning. I could only imagine how Mason felt. I pushed myself out of the bush. I was all scratched up, but mostly, I was angry.

I was angry at Elias for kidnapping me and hurting my friends and family. But mostly, I was angry at him for causing this pointless fighting all because I ran away from him, my kidnapper. And there he was, in the form of his large gray wolf, snarling at Mason and Nolan. I glared at him as my fists tightened. I charged at him and began banging on his side.

"Call them off now... both of you. Stop this now!" I yelled at Mason and Elias, but mostly Elias. I put all my force into pounding his side. It seemed as though he didn't even flinch. His eyes never left Mason as they continued to growl at each other. I huffed a breath and stepped in between them instead. I faced Elias and glared at him. I was so angry that I was shaking.

"You stupid mutt! You never listen to a word I say, do you? Change back now... both of you," I ordered. They stopped growling but they made no move to change. "Now!" I yelled as I stomped my foot. It may have looked childish but I didn't care. Elias hesitated before he changed back to his human form, leaving him stark naked. I turned to see Mason in human-form too with basketball shorts on already.

"Elias, call off the fighters now," I ordered.

"Not until you're with me, where you belong, as my Luna," he said. I could still hear the fighting a few miles from where we were.

"That's not going to happen you low-life poor excuse for an Alpha," Mason growled as he stepped in front of me.

"Enough!" I yelled as Elias began growling again. I stepped in front of Mason and pushed him back gently. Elias' growling only intensified when I touched Mason but I honestly could care less at this point. "Stop hurting people! Don't you see how ridiculous this is? I ran by choice. I told you what happened and you didn't believe me over her. If I were really your mate, there would be no question. And now I'm left with this hideous scar that reminds me every day how you failed me and you continue to fail me. All you do is hurt the people around you, and you're completely okay with it too. That's the sad part. You don't even care if that person you're hurting is your mate. As long as I'm around, you don't care what else happens to me, or the others around you. You're willing to go to war and have your own people killed for me when I chose to get away from you. I never wanted to have sex with you. You're a monster, and I regret ever leading you to believe that I thought otherwise of you," I said as tears spilled down my cheeks. Elias looked like for once in his life, he didn't know what to say. He held a sadden look on his face as he walked forward and yanked on my wrist. I yelped in surprise before I was behind Mason again.

"I'll be damned if I let you hurt them," Mason growled at Elias.

"Them?" I picked out.

"You and... the baby," Nolan said quietly.

"Baby? Are you trying to insinuate that I'm pregnant?" I asked shocked. Elias stopped growling and looked at me before before he nodded. I shook my head as my tears spilled over twice as fast as they already were. "No, no way. I don't want this. I don't want this baby," I cried.

"Don't you ever say that about our child!" Elias snapped. "I will drag you back and tie you down until the baby is born if I have to, but you will not hurt our baby. That is my child," he growled. I shook my head as my breaths started coming in short gasps.

"Maybe if you weren't such a monster, her thoughts would be different towards the situation. I say she has the right to think that," Nolan said angrily. I could feel everything spiraling out of control around me as they continued to argue over me. I gave up. I ignored them and sat on the ground of the clearing as I cried. This couldn't be happening right now. More people began to appear and form a circle on the outskirts of the clearing as Mason, Nolan, and Elias continued to yell threats at each other.

"Enough of this!" a voice boomed with authority. I even quieted my crying to sniffles when it sounded. This voice was different. I'd never heard it before but the authority behind the voice was unmistakable. The area got even quieter as a man walked into the center of the clearing where we were. His features resembled Elias' and Taylor's. Dark peppering hair, tan skin, and light almost glowing eyes. His face was weathered with experience and age. The creases in his face were deeper from use.

"Son, what the hell is going on?" the man asked, crossing his arms and facing Elias.

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