My Name is Not Cupcake

Chapter 17

I didn't move. What finally broke me was when he started crying. I'd never even thought of Elias as being one to cry, but here he was sobbing, and it was all my fault. I broke him. I felt my eyes pool with unshed tears as I reached up and brushed his away. I couldn't let him cry because of me. No matter how I felt, I couldn’t hurt him this much, no matter how much I really wanted to.

He froze and stared at me with wide eyes. I brushed my thumb over his cheek as another tear fell. It was like a reflex I couldn’t control. He squeezed my hand in his and closed his eyes briefly.

"Please say something, Nova," he breathed as he kissed my hand.

"I don't want this," I said hoarsely. He broke into sobs again. I'd been fighting it so long that talking felt like a weight had been lifted off of me. My feelings and urges towards Elias were stronger. And then it hit me. There is was again.

The burning.

I felt it in my mark first this time. Then it spread through my body faster than last time. I arched as I screamed. Elias immediately covered his nose and stepped away from me. Minnie burst through the door with Taylor and Peyton on her heels.

"Oh no," Minnie breathed. Taylor turned just in time to pin Peyton to the wall. Peyton was growling and snarling and trying to fight towards me. Elias was growling at Peyton as he inched closer to me, his eyes began to glow blue. I groaned and tried to move away from the heat.

"Elias," I whined, bringing his full attention back to me. He was hovering over me before I finished saying his name. He kissed me eagerly. His mouth nipped and teased me. I could feel the heat leaving me slowly.

"Alpha, no!" Taylor yelled. The pain was diminishing, so I didn't want him to stop.

"We have to do something," Minnie said frantically.

"We can't hold both of them off and mated reinforcements aren't going to be able to come in time," Taylor said. Elias' hands explored my body as his lips stayed on mine. He was suddenly ripped away. I screamed as the heat hit me five times harder. I didn't want to go through this again. I couldn't. I wasn't strong enough for it.

"Please," I cried. Elias covered me once again and I sighed in relief as the heat started to creep away again.

"It's too late. We can't pull him away this time. Just evacuate Peyton and close the door behind us," I heard Taylor say. The door shut and my clothes were ripped off of me. Elias sunk his teeth into my neck where my mark was. I moaned and arched my back to him. My brain was fuzzy, but I knew as long as Elias was touching me, I wouldn't be in pain.

"I love you, Nova," he muttered against my skin before he dosed my fire.


With the fire gone, I could think clearly again. It'd been hours since Elias went to sleep, but I couldn't. I was wide-awake, trying to piece together everything. Elias snored lightly as an arm draped over my waist. With a final decision, I pushed my hair out of my face and slipped out of the bed. I checked to make sure Elias was still sleeping before I brushed my hair and my teeth. I grabbed a bag and just stuffed a few outfits in there with my toiletries. With one last glance at Elias, I forced myself to leave. I snuck downstairs and grabbed a pair of car keys. I backed out and stepped on the gas. I was doing it.

I was finally doing it.

I'd only been driving for a few minutes when I heard a howl. I glanced around nervously before I pressed down further on the gas. I couldn't get caught. It would only be ten times worse than the last time I tried to escape and I knew it. I pushed the car further. I could see the lights to my old town. I was almost there. Wolves began running next to the car in the trees. I could see the blur of them as I pushed even harder towards the town.

I was almost there.

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