My Name is Not Cupcake

Chapter 15

The next morning, I didn't wake up with Elias in the room, like he had been for the last week. I guess out intimate time was over. I should have known it was too good to last. He wasn't in the house anywhere. I walked downstairs to see a guy sitting on the couch. I looked at him curiously. When he saw me, he stood and bowed.

"Luna," he said respectfully. I walked in the living room.

"Um, no, don't do that. I'm Nova... just Nova," I said. "Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Darius. The Alpha sent me to watch after you while he is away on pack business," he explained. I thought Peyton normally babysat me when Elias was away. I guess after the 'pizza? surprise-it's-actually-Mason' incident, Peyton wasn't allowed to watch me anymore.

"You can relax," I said. He sat on the couch and faced the TV. I turned and headed for the kitchen, making Darius jump to his feet again immediately.

"Luna, where are you going?" he asked. Darius followed me into the kitchen. I ignored him and made something to eat for myself. Minnie came down to the kitchen with Rhett. I cooed over him and held him while Minnie made him a bottle.

"So who all lives here?" I asked out of curiosity. I knew this was Elias' house, but he had a few select people actually living here... me being one. Minnie shrugged and cradled Rhett as she fed him a bottle.

"Well, obviously you, the Alpha, Taylor, Rhett, Kendra and me," she answered.

"What? What do you mean? I thought this was Eli's house," I asked. She nodded.

"It is," she said before she left. I didn't know what to say anymore. Sure, I'd seen her around before the whole 'heat' incident, but I didn't know that she lived here. I turned to Darius. I was fuming. He should have mentioned something about that.

"Tell Elias to get his ass home... right now," I growled at him He looked at me shocked.

"Luna, I-I don't think-"

"Now!" I said before I took the rest of my food up to my room. I ate angrily and set the plate aside as I waited impatiently. Half an hour later, Elias burst in the room looking around worried.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" Elias rambled, looking me over worried. I stood with a glare and my arms crossed. Words could not describe how angry I was. Elias was slowly getting it. "Uh oh... what did I do this time?" he asked, stepping back.

"You don't think it would have been important to tell me that the person that keeps getting in between us fucking lives here. She lives here! Really, Elias? She is fucking living here?" I asked irritated, raising my voice.

"Nova, you're overreacting," he said. My eyes widened. If there was one thing you should never tell an angry woman, it was that she's overreacting and that she needs to calm down.

"Overreacting?!" You slept with her when I went into heat. If you want me to believe that you won't do it again, you'll get rid of her. I want her out," I seethed.

"There's no need to be jealous, cupcake. Kendra has been living here for two years," he said. That was an insult to injury. All this time...

"You didn't think that that would be a problem when I got here?" I asked incredulously. "I want her gone," I snapped.

"That's not going to happen, Nova. At least not immediately... this is her home," Elias said. I could feel the power behind his words but it only made angrier.

"Screw you!" I yelled at him before I left the room.

"Nova!" He called after me. I didn't stop. I went downstairs and out the door. I walked through town and ended up at the orphanage. I went straight back to the classroom where I knew Yana would be.

"Nona!" Alana and Anya yelled in unison. They ran up to me and hugged me. I immediately smiled and hugged them back. The last time I saw them wasn't pleasant for them, I knew.

"Glad to see you back, Luna," Yana said. I held up a hand as I sat with her.

"Please, Yana... Just Nova," I said. I helped her with the kids for the rest of the day. Elias didn't come around and I didn't know if I was upset or grateful about that. I got to meet the other children I missed last time. It was dark before Elias came to get me. I said goodbye to the kids before I left with Elias. We were both quiet the whole way back. Neither of us said anything until I was back in my room. I stood next to my bed and crossed my arms. I knew he wasn't going to leave without saying something first.

"I don't like it when you walk away from me," he said, breaking the silence.

"Then don't piss me off," I said, crossing my arms again. I sighed and stood. "I'm going to bed so you can leave now," I said quietly.

"Don't be upset with me, please. My wolf doesn't like it," he said. I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"You're so bipolar! One minute you're giving orders and the next, you're... I don't know. You know how I feel about Kendra and my feelings towards her are validated. Why would you keep her around after everything? You know how I feel about her," I asked, irritated.

"Nova..." Elias started.

"You know what, nevermind, goodnight Elias," I said turning away from him.

"Goodnight, Novalyn," he sighed and left, closing the door behind him. Great, he used my whole name. I sighed and tried to push away my feelings of hurt and betrayal. I hated this. I hated fighting with him. I changed and got in the bed. I shut my eyes tight and prayed for sleep.


The next morning, Elias was already gone when I woke up. Darius took his place. I clicked mindlessly through the TV channels in the living room. Minnie came down and joined me after a while. I only sighed and leaned my hand against my head. Darius went to get something to eat, leaving me with Minnie.

"Don't take it personally," Minnie tried to comfort me. I only rolled my eyes and ran my hand through my copper red hair.

"How could I not?" I muttered. Of course, she heard me anyway.

"What's this. Girl's day?" Kendra asked, coming into the living room.

"Hardly," I sneered at her. She ignored me and turned her attention to Minnie.

"Are we still on for later?" she asked. Minnie stood.

"Oh shoot, I forgot to tell the babysitter. I'll be right back," Minnie said. And now I was alone with the devil herself.

"Luna," she sneered at me.

"What is your problem? Besides not being able to keep your legs closed," I asked her sarcastically as I stood to face her. She was taller than me, but I wasn't going to let her intimidate me.

"My problem is you. Everything was fine until you showed up and ruined it. The only reason he cares about you is because you're his mate. If you weren't, he would be with me," she glared at me. I smirked back at her.

"But I am his mate... so where does that leave you?" I asked rhetorically.

"Apparently, still in his bed," she smirked back.

"I want you gone," I glared at her.

"Likewise," she smirked before she attacked me. At the moment, it didn't register to me that she was a werewolf as well until she overpowered me. She tackled me to the ground and punched me in the face. I tried to push her off of me but it was no use. Her supernaturally long and sharp nails extended and scratched over my shoulder and collarbone as her other nails aimed for my throat.

"Luna!" Darius said as Kendra was pulled off of me. I felt the blood pooling out of my wounds as I just laid there. My eye began to throb and swell. "Luna, are you okay?" Darius asked. I released a breath before I closed my eyes.

"I'll go get the pack doctor," Darius said in a panic.

"No... Don't bother. If she wants him, she can have him. I won't be a problem anymore," I said defeatedly. I heard a whimpering before a wolf licked my hand. I guess Darius shifted into his wolf. Maybe this would make things easier for Elias and me if I just disappeared. Maybe this was my way of being free of the torture of the push and pull. I relaxed and didn't fight unconsciousness when it came for me.


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