My Luna Mate

Chapter Chapter Twelve


Glaring at Alexander, I retorted, "That still doesn't explain who she is."

With that, I snatched out of his grip and strutted towards the closet to fetch clothes, not feeling particularly comfortable standing nude around my mate right in the midst of a heated argument.

My wolf whimpered, but stayed suppressed, not having much to say herself. I felt sorry for her more than I did for myself. I could only imagine what she was going through.

"Lyra," Alexander muttered lowly as he followed behind me to the closet.

"Leave me alone, Alexander," I growled, as I rushed to grab the first dress that my hand came in contact with in the closet. "I don't want to speak with you right now. I can hardly contain my anger."

I heard my mate inhale a sharp breath, but I ignored him as I pulled the dress over my head.

My heart had sunk to the bottom by this point, and I had to hold myself back from screaming out from the emotions coursing through my body. I had never felt this way.

Even when I had known Gabriel was sleeping around with Jasmine, that hadn't affected me the way this was. It wasn't rocket science. Alexander was my mate, of course, it would affect me more.

But how could he allow this to happen? Did I mean that little to him that he would allow a mere irrelevant she-wolf to touch him like that? Was she even a mere wolf? Because she certainly looked too comfortable with my mate, making me think otherwise.

No mere wolf had the audacity to approach the Alpha of a pack and attack him with a hug. The thought of the brunette being more than a mere wolf to my mate made me feel nauseous again.

When I felt Alexander's chest press up against my back and his arms snake around my waist, I shut my eyes tightly at the close proximity. Had this been any other time, I would have gotten excited, but knowing the reason for his closeness was because of what was going on, that made me pry my eyes open in fury.

Instinctively, I turned around and tried to push him away, but his grip on my waist only tightened. "Get off of me," I snapped.

When my mate wasn't budging at my attempts, I brought my hand up and slapped him, hard.

The last thing that I wanted right now was to be in his arms, where she had been.

Alexander dropped his grip on me, his head tilted to the side, giving me a clear view of his tensed jaw.

Anger was boiling inside of me, a slap was the least I could have done to him right now. Given, it probably made me look weak, but what else was I supposed to do in that moment? Accept what had happened and have him hold me?

Absolutely, not.

"I suppose you have every right to do that," Alexander commented, his voice angry. "I will let it pass this time because I am trying to understand how you must be feeling right now."

Scoffing, a couple of tears dropped from my eyes as I tried to hold back from attacking my own mate. He couldn't be serious right now.

"You will let it pass this time? You have got to be kidding me," I snarled in his face. "Do you even realise what you have done?"

My mate dipped his head in my direction and narrowed his eyes at me. "What I have done? You don't have the slightest clue what is happening."

"Oh, so now this is my fault," I retorted, angrily.

Alexander rubbed his index against his temple. "I didn't say that. I need you to listen for two damn seconds without jumping to conclusions."

"I have seen enough," I interjected, my voice loud. "How could you even allow for this to happen? Why? Am I not good enough for you?"

"Baby, you know that's not true," he quickly replied, his brows forming a line. "I want to explain everything to you, but you have got to calm down. I don't want to fight with you unnecessarily like this."

Inhaling a sharp breath, I shook my head at him. "It would have been good if you felt that way a couple of days ago," I told him, my voice faltering.

"In an ideal world, yes. A few days ago would have been the perfect time to tell you, but I couldn't and I had my reasons. Why can you not just trust me?"

"Because you have given me no reason to!" I shouted loudly, no longer able to suppress my anger.

Alexander sighed. "Lyra, this is spiralling out of control," he claimed. "You're misunderstanding. I didn't tell you because I want you as far away as possible from that wolf. Trust me on this."

I narrowed my eyes at my mate. "You can't tell me that I'm misunderstanding when you still haven't told me who she is," I said, harshly. "I already know she isn't just a family friend, so cut the crap, Alexander."

Running his palm over his face, Alexander exhaled sharply. "She's the beta's daughter from Sirius Pack, okay? I have known her since we were pups," he blurted in a low voice.

"That wasn't so hard, was it? But it still doesn't account for your actions and doesn't explain why she was all over you," I snarled, frustrated by his vagueness. "She seems to think you are more than friends and it is you, who have made her comfortable enough for her to think that."

My mate glanced at me with pained eyes. "I don't want to hurt you," he said, lowly, as if he hadn't already. "You are my life now, Lyra. I'm not going to hide anything from you, but the timing is terrible."

Folding my arms, I stood defiantly, challenging him to tell me everything. My heart was doing hundred flips in my chest, the blood racing through my veins at an insane speed.

Alexander caught on to what I was doing and proceeded to speak. "I guess it's your way or no way," he muttered before nodding. "Something happened a couple of years ago."

"What do you mean something happened?" I asked, frowning. "If it involves her, you will tell me everything that happened. I deserve to know."

"Give me a chance to speak," Alexander urged, authoritatively. "You're right. You deserve to know anything that may affect you. And yes, it does involves her," he admitted, swallowing hard, his adams apple bobbing in the process.

My eyes narrowed at him. "When you say something happened, what exactly do you mean?" I asked, feeling a lump form in my throat. "If you are about to tell me that you share a past beyond friendship with her, God help me, Alexander, I will completely lose my shit."

My mate, none other than the Alpha to the largest pack in the country, stood a couple of feet away from me appearing completely defeated as his eyes, dark and hard, bore in to mine.

"I don't want you to misunderstand," he warned, his voice hard. "I need you to hear me out, Lyra. I am really struggling here."

"You're struggling," I ridiculed as I ran a hand over the wetness on my face. "It's a goddamn simple question, Alexander. Do you share a past with her, yes or no?"

I tried to remain strong, not wanting to breakdown completely but my breath felt stuck in my throat. My heart was beating frantically in my chest and I could feel the sweat coating the palms of my hands.

Alexander sighed, before speaking, his voice harsh. "There is something, but it is not in the sense that you are thinking. That is where I need you to try and understand."

"So, it's true," I muttered, lowly, ignoring the rest of what he had said and only focused on the first words that had exited his mouth. "You have a past with her."

"Baby, come on, now," Alexander groaned, taking a step toward me, looking ready to challenge me.

Holding my hand up, I stopped him. "Don't."

Tears clouded my vision as realisation filled my mind. I stood there, completely stunned to the new information and what this meant.

My mate had allowed the she-wolf from his past to return back in to his arms as if I didn't even exist, as if I didn't even matter.

There had been not a single ounce of consideration towards me, whatsoever.

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