My Luna Mate

Chapter Chapter Thirty-Four


"Alexander," I whispered, in pure shock.

A low growl escaped from his lips, he looked furious but absolutely torn.

His claws dug in to my waist, but I don't think he realised because his wolf was on edge and ready to dominate.

"She deserved it," he spat, anger visibly coursing through him. "She said some things about you that I could not forgive."

My brows rose in concern. I was the reason for the death of his mother, and I couldn't help but feel sad about it.

Wrapping my arms around his neck, I embraced my mate tightly, feeling tears stroll down my face.

"I'm so sorry," I mumbled in to his neck, now full on sobbing.

"Shh," Alexander cooed, stroking my back soothingly. "It was not your fault. She stopped being my mother after my father passed away, and what she did was unforgivable."

I continued to sob, hating what had happened to us, especially recently. Alexander's mother hadn't really been present in our lives at all, but to know she was completely gone and because he had killed her, that tore at my heartstrings.

We had just lost our pup only a week ago, and now he had lost his mother too. If I thought I was suffering, I couldn't even comprehend how Alexander must have been feeling.

"I promised you, I will not let anything or anyone hurt you again," he growled, huskily, in to my neck.

Alexander's hand gently stroked my hair, whilst the one around my waist pulled me impossibly closer to him.

"We have dealt with enough," he continued. "Enough is enough."

Closing my eyes tightly, I only nodded as I whimpered in to him, releasing all of the sad emotions that had piled up.

I don't think I would truly understand his relationship with his mother, but if he felt the need to kill her, then who was I to complain?

She hadn't been exactly welcoming, and she most definitely did not like me. I had known that since the first time that I met her, but I simply kept that to myself.

Alexander and I remained in the same position for an hour or so, before he picked me up bridal style and led us up the stairs to our bedroom.

He gently laid me on the bed, before he stripped out of his clothes and came to lay beside me.

Perhaps, it wasn't the best time, or maybe it was exactly what we needed, but I didn't stop him when he began peppering kisses over my torso.

The kisses weren't soft, but rough. In the past week, other than hugs, we hadn't really had any other form of physical touch, and I knew right in this moment, it was probably exactly what he needed.

Alexander didn't say a single word when he lifted me slightly and tugged my dress off of me.

His hands roamed over my breasts roughly, before he began kissing down at my mark, making me whimper in anticipation beneath him.

Truly, I missed this more than I had thought. I had been so closed off all week that I forgot how much better this made me feel.

I wrapped my fingers in his hair as his head continued to move over my torso, his tongue flicking at my nipples, making me arch my back.

Alexander didn't waste time, instead he positioned his hard-on by my entrance and filled me without warning, making me yelp in surprise.

Unlike other times, he didn't even bother to check if I was alright, which really wasn't the biggest deal to me right now.

Alexander was being rough, and I didn't want to stop him because it was what we both needed right now.

He grasped on to my breast as he began to thrust inside of my roughly. His eyes were charcoal, his veins clearly visible in his neck, and a light sweat coated his forehead.

His gaze wasn't on me, but on my body, as he continued to grind inside of me.

He didn't know, but he looked incredibly sexy right now. I loved him so much, that my heart was jumping inside of my chest.

I reached over to touch his chest, making my mate finally turn his gaze on me.

At my touch, he leaned forward and hovered above me, as he thrusted harder. His head nestled in the crook of my neck, where his tongue licked at my mark.

I moaned loudly in to his hair, a rush of adrenaline pumping through my body as the feeling of ecstasy engulfed me.

Having Alexander inside of me was a feeling that I could never describe. It was everything that I needed in moments like this. I could never get tired of having him there. He was perfect.

Alexander thrusted hard a couple of more times, before he stilled his movements and grunted in to my neck.

"Fuck," he grunted, groaning lowly before he covered my neck in light kisses.

I giggled and placed a kiss on his head, loving how close we were right now. "That was needed," I whispered.

Alexander pulled back slightly to glance down at me. "You alright? I didn't hurt you, did I?"

I shook my head, a smile on my lips. "You didn't," I promised before I tilted my head and pecked the outer corner of his lips. "It was perfect."

Alexander offered a weak smile, before he nodded and kissed my cheek softly. "I love you," he murmured, softly. "I want you to know that our future will be more promising, and I won't stop until I make sure of that."

"Alexander," I whispered, letting my hand cup his face.

My mate's jaw tensed under my touch. "I can't bare the thought of hurting you again, Lyra," he said, his voice deep and husky. "You are my everything."

"Baby," I said, quietly, feeling tears prickle at my eyes.

Alexander gave me a lingering kiss before he lifted himself and pulled out of me. He hopped off of the bed and walked towards the closet. A second later, he returned with a towel.

"I'm taking a shower," he declared. "You're welcome to join me."

Rolling my eyes, I eyed his butt naked torso as he strutted towards the bathroom.

Even if I was exhausted and would rather rest, after seeing his naked body, my wolf practically forced us out of the bed.

Not even a minute later, and Alexander had me pushed up against the bathroom tiles, ready to go for round two.

"Showers are no fun without you," he told me, huskily.

I snorted. "You mean without sex," I retorted, fighting the urge to roll my eyes.

Alexander narrowed his eyes at me, but a grin quickly spread across his face, before he turned me around roughly.

My face was squashed against the black tiles, as my mate pressed his member in to my core. I moaned in to the tiles at how good he felt inside of me, even if I had just had him hardly five minutes ago.

Alexander began to thrust in and out of me, picking up his pace each time. We went at it for probably fifteen minutes, before we both collapsed in each others arms and showered together.

That night, sleep engulfed me a lot quicker than any other time in the past week. And I sighed in content, knowing my wolf was slowly easing back to her life.

I snuggled in to Alexander at one point during the night, needing his touch to comfort me before I drifted back to sleep.

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