My Luna Mate

Chapter Chapter Fourteen


"My Luna is coming to introduce the new she-wolves today," I warned Dyami and Adam as I scanned through the documents in my hand.

"Of course, Alpha," Adam replied.

Dyami arched a brow. "Is today a good day for the new wolves to train?"

I scanned the rest of the documents before quickly closing the folder shut and handed it to Adam.

Turning to my beta, I questioned, "Why wouldn't it be?"

Dyami shrugged. "Alpha Jensen and a couple of other Alpha's are still around," my beta elaborated. "They wanted to have dinner with everyone tonight before they depart."

"That will go ahead as planned. What's the problem?"

Dyami glanced around the training grounds. "I think the new fighters should rest up today, get to know the other wolves from outside of the pack."

Adam glanced between my beta and I, but didn't utter a word.

"They have been resting for the past couple of days, Dy," I told my beta. "Training is important. I don't want to waste time knowing we could get attacked at any point, especially right now when we have wolves from other packs in our territory."

Dyami seemed to be considering my words, and only nodded to signal that he was agreeing with me.

"You're right," he told me. "I will go ahead with training for now then. Alpha."

With a quick bow, the boy attended to the fighters waiting eagerly. Adam scurried away, following behind the beta. I shook my head as I glanced at the two best fighters in my pack.

Dyami had turned soft ever since he had become a father, and I put that down to the lack of time he had for his family. It made him appreciate his family more and I knew he wished he could see them more often.

I made a mental note to let him have a few days off after the new wolves had been trained. It was a crucial time of the year, where the number of Rogues peaked highest around this time. Many pups shifted for the first time around this time of the year, and quite a few would rebel against their packs.

The morning training passed by smoothly. My fighters were the best in the country, and I was very proud of them indeed. They worked very hard and deserved to be praised.

I was occupied with examining the wolves in training, when I caught the brunette in the distance.

Narrowing my eyes, I exhaled deeply as my wolf growled. I rubbed my hand across my temple, not wanting to deal with her right now. I was surprised to know she was still in my territory.

"You alright, man?" Dyami asked, bringing my focus on him.

Clearing my throat, I nodded once. "I will take my leave early. Let me know if anything happens," I told him, leaving him confused as I leaped away from the training grounds.

Dyami tried to call after me but I ignored my beta, as I attended to the female that my wolf wanted to shred to pieces.

Grabbing a hold of her arm, I pulled her as far away from the training grounds as I possibly could, walking fast until we had reached a hidden clearing.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I snapped at her as I yanked her forward before I retreated my hands back to my sides.

"I have something to tell you," the brunette responded, her voice sounding like venom to my ears.

"Nothing of interest will come out of your mouth. Leave before I make you," I sneered, not interested in whatever she had to say.

Biting her lip, she batted her lashes at me as if that would have an effect on me. "I missed you."

"You can't be serious," I spat at her, my voice hard and angry, as I glared at her.

My wolf was fighting for dominance, his paws appearing through my knuckles, but I was fighting with him to keep him at bay. I didn't want to start a war in my own territory by killing this irrelevant she-wolf.

It would attract unwanted attention and I didn't want to put my mate through hell because of her.

"Alexander," the wolf said, lengthening my name out in a whiny tone. "A lot has happened since I last saw you and I have not had a chance to tell you about any of it."

Turning away from her, I ran a hand over my face roughly, trying to keep calm before I could rip her head off. Hosting that ceremony a couple of days ago had been to help mateless wolves, except that had backfired for me.

Seeing her brought back memories from that morning and I had to fight the urge to kill her right now.

"You need to leave my territory before I roll your head out of my land," I threatened, my voice filled with authority.

A dramatic gasp escaped from the brunette behind me before I felt her hands snake around my arm.

"I'm not leaving. I can't," she argued, her hands around my arm tightening. "Not until you hear what I have to tell you at least."

Narrowing my eyes, I snatched my arm out of her grasp before turning my head in her direction. "It's very brave of you to come here and expect to leave alive," I retorted, spitefully.

"You won't be saying that when I disclose the information I have withheld all these years," the girl had the audacity to respond.

Turning my torso around to face her, I growled audibly, "You're lucky to still be alive, and unless you wish to die, you will leave my territory quietly right this instant."

I thought using my Alpha tone on her would intimidate her ever so slightly, but the beta's daughter ended up smirking before bursting out in to loud giggles.

"Oh, Alex," she muttered, calmly, using the nickname I hated that she used. "You will be glad that I am still alive after I tell you the secret that I have been keeping."

Snarling loudly, I strutted towards her and grabbed her by the throat before I pinned her against a tree, hard.

"You will get the fuck out of my pack. I am not playing games with you, Jessica. I haven't forgotten what you did in the past and I will kill you for that alone right now."

The brunette was struggling to breathe as she slapped my hand around her throat to get me to drop her, but I was furious. My wolf wanted to kill her instantly, to make up for her past mistake.

"Your... Luna," the mere wolf mumbled, trying to breathe.

At the mention of Lyra, I tightened my hand around her throat. "Keep my girl's name out of your damn mouth," I snapped, feeling my canines make an appearance.

The wolf that I was sucking the oxygen out of had the audacity to grin. "Kill me... and... you will... never f-find... out."

"You made a mistake coming here," I sneered, squeezing my hand around her throat even harder, my wolf portraying his anger. "I vividly remember telling you to never set a foot before me again. You dare to disobey me."

The brunette closed her eyes, as I tightened my grip on her throat, ready to kill her. She was causing unnecessary drama, and I didn't want to risk hurting Lyra by having this evil woman affect my precious mate in anyway.

"Alexander, let her go."

My brows knitted together at the familiar voice coming from behind me. I watched as the she-wolf in my hand appeared just as phased, her brown eyes widened. She glanced off in to the distance where I knew the person that had spoken was currently stood.

Immediately, I loosened my hold on the wolf and let her drop on to the floor in a loud heap, as I narrowed my eyes and turned around to face the intruder behind me.

"Mother," I said, confused. "What are you doing here?"

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