My Little Sunshine

Chapter 39: A Visitor

Next morning, Adam woke up early even though it was a Saturday. He usually slept till late during the weekends, but he couldn't sleep properly last night because a certain someone kept popping up in his dreams. 

The kiss he had shared with Stella yesterday kept coming to his mind. He remembered the scene vividly. The way her body felt in between his arms, her lean figure around which he could easily wrap his arms, the way her lashes flutter when he was kissing her, the way her slender arms held onto his neck, and last but not the least, those delectable lips of hers and how sweet she tasted.

He remembered each and every detail of their private moment. He wanted to taste her lips one more time. He couldn't have enough of those delicacies.

"I am going crazy." He thought out loud, knocking on his own forehead.contemporary romance

Heaving out a long, frustrated sigh, he got up from his bed and changed into some sportswear. He spent the next two hours in his personal gym. When he was thoroughly knackered, he left for his room, thinking that it was enough for the day. 

He changed into some casual clothes after freshening up. He went downstairs to have his breakfast. 

"Is she up?" He asked the old butler who was serving him his breakfast.

"Yes, Young Master." He replied.

"Did she have her breakfast?" Adam asked, picking up a fork.

"No, I asked her if she would like to have her breakfast upstairs but she declined saying that she will be downstairs in a bit." The old butler replied.

Adam nodded in response as he brought the fork having a piece of omelette close to his mouth, but his hand stopped midair just before his slightly opened mouth as he heard someone coming in.

"Good morning guys!" She greeted the two men with a bright smile while taking a seat opposite to Adam.

"It sure is." Adam replied, his eyes following each movement of hers. 

"Good morning, Miss." The old butler greeted the young lady only to get a pout from her.

"Please, just call me Stella." She reprimanded him to get a nod from him in reply.


Later in the evening, both of them were in Adam's study. Adam was busy going through the emails, sitting before his study desk while Stella was occupying his favorite spot. She was sitting in the single sofa chair that was by the French windows that looked above the garden. Her side leaning against its back whilst her legs were dangling over the armrest. She was reading a novel, completely immersed into it, unaware of the fact that a certain someone was gawking at her.

She was wearing a light pink loose sweatshirt with one of her denim shorts, leaving her slender fair legs exposed. 

Adam was being distracted again and again as his eyes kept darting to her legs. 'Oh how much I wish I could run my fingers on those beauties.' 

He even had to retype some email replies because of the rubbish he had written. 

A knock on the door brought him out of his thoughts. 

"Did you miss me?" A cheery voice came along with its owner who was clad in black clothes. 

"As if I would." Adam scoffed.

"Ouch!" The guy replied, dramatically clutching his chest. "And who might this beautiful lady be?" He asked, noticing Stella sitting by the windows.

"She is Stella. Stella Martin." Adam introduced her. "Stella, meet my best friend, Blake Collins." He continued.

"Oh! So you are Stella. I have heard so much about you." He said to her, giving her a polite smile. 

Stella nodded while standing two steps away from Adam. "It's good to meet you Mr. Blake." She replied.

"The pleasure is all mine, young lady." Blake said with a wink, making Adam roll his eyes. "May I say how beautiful you are." He continued.

"Don't flirt with my girl." Adam gave him a warning, throwing daggers at him with his eyes.

"I wouldn't dare to." Blake replied, raising his hands up in the air. "But you guys sure look good together." He continued, raising his eyebrows up.

"Stop teasing her, will you?" Adam pulled Stella close to him, who was now blushing at Blake's earlier statement. 

"So, there's been some progress, eh?" Blake's eyes widened seeing Adam wrapping his arm around her waist.

"It's none of your business. Now, tell me. What exactly brought you here?" Adam asked him.

"I need to talk to you about something." He said looking at Stella. 

"Stella, why don't you go and ask Uncle Rob to prepare some coffee for us along with some snacks?" Adam asked her, taking Blake's hint. 

"Sure." Stella nodded.

"We will be down there in a few minutes." He said placing a kiss on the top of her head. 

"So what is it?" Adam asked him once Stella was out.

"Remember you asked me to look into something." Blake said, his face devoid of the playfulness it had earlier.

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