My Little Dancer

Chapter 44: Doc talks to Kelly.

I walked out of Savage's office towards the hallway when Sandy stopped me. "Doctor, is it true that Kelly is not a whore?"

"Yes, Sandy it is true. She is my daughter. And Jim's sister."

"So, Rebel can claim her then."

"Yes, he can. We wanted you to think she was a new club whore."

"Doctor, are they really going to whip me?"

"Yes, Sandy, you know that. You know the punishment for anyone that steals from a club member."

"I know I was wrong. But he wouldn't touch me. I just wanted to belong somewhere even if he wouldn't claim me."

"You know that Rebel would never touch you, Sandy. He is like, Savage, and Harley."

"You want him to marry your daughter don't you, doctor?"

"Yes, I do. We all do. Rebel deserves to be happy. And live with someone that will have children with him and help raise his sister as her own."

"That does not mean keeping a whore in his bed."

"You knew the rules when you came here and signed the contract."

"Yes, you are right about everything. I did know the rules. I am sorry I stole his mother's jewelry and fur coat."

"Sandy you will have to be punished. You know that."

"I know. It is to show the whores that there is no exception between a woman or man who steals from the club members."

"Only difference is that the men get whipped 10 times. Woman 5 times."

"To remind everyone not to steal from a member."

I turned and walked down the hallway. I opened my office door and walked inside. I called Jim and asked how things were going.

"Things are good now, doc."

"What do you mean things are good?"

"That son of a bitch and his buddies are dead."

"What happened?"

"They took another biker's sister. Did the same thing to her."

"This time they all got killed."

"Who did it?"

"Cobra and his members from the "Widow Makers Mc."

"Thank god."

"I will let Savage know."

"Later, brother."

I walked out of the office and back down the hallway. I walked over to the table and looked at Savage."

"I talked to Jim."


"They did it to Cobra's sister. He and his member kill all of them."

"That is good news. Yes, it is."

"I will let Rebel and Kelly know."

"I will be at Rebels house if you need me."

I walked out and sat on my bike. I started it and headed to Rebels. When I got there Rebel answered the door.

"Doc is everything alright?"

"I have good news."

"Come in."

"Where is Missy?"


"Dad, is there something wrong?"

"No. Everything is right."

"What is going on?"

"I talked to your uncle Jim. Those bastards tried the same shit with Cobra. He and his members went to that bastard's club and killed all of them."

"They will not try to hurt you again."

"Rebel I need to talk to Kelly alone."

"I will be at the club. I will be home soon, Kelly."

"Why don't we go to the kitchen? You can pour me a cup of coffee."

We sat at the table drinking coffee. "Kelly, I need to ask you something. How do you feel about Rebel?"

"He is a good man. He has not hurt me. Or tried anything with me. If that is what you mean."

"No, I mean how would you feel about dating Rebel?"

"I do think he is nice. But I don't think he likes me that way."

"He asked my permission to start dating you if you would be willing."

"I would like that, dad. He is handsome and nice. I trust Rebel. I feel safe with him."

"I will let him know he can ask you to go on a date."

I stood up and kissed her forehead. "I will see you later."

I walked dad to the door and as he left I locked the door. Then walked back to the kitchen and rinsed the cups putting them in the dishwasher.

I turned the light off and walked to my bedroom. I took a shower and put on shorts and a t-shirt before climbing into bed.

I dreamed of going out with Rebel. I really do like him. After I get to know him I need to tell him what happened to me.

When I arrived at the club I walked inside got a beer and walked over to Rebel's table. I sat down and opened my beer. And took a drink.

"I talked to Kelly, Rebel. She said she does like you a lot. And she feels safe with you. She doesn't think you like her that way though."

"So, she doesn't want to date me then?"

"Yes, she does. But she is not saying anything about what happened to her. I know she wants to tell you but I don't think she knows how."

"She doesn't have to tell me anything, doc. Not until she is ready."

"Thank you, for that Rebel."

"Do you have any suggestions where I start, doc?"

"Go to the park with Missy, have a picnic. Find a fair close by. In fact Sidney, Ohio has a fair coming up next July."

"Thank's doc."

"no problem."

I looked at the clock. It was 11 pm. I decided to head home. I stood up and walked toward the door. I walked out got on my bike and headed home.

I turned my bike off and stood up. I unlocked the door and walked inside. I found Kelly up watching a movie.

I turned my head and watched as Rebel walked into the house. "You are home early."

"I didn't want to sit in the clubhouse. So I came home. Are you all right?"

"I am fine. I was just watching a western."

"You don't have to turn it off. I will watch it with you."

"I am going to make popcorn, want me to bring you a beer?"

"No, I will take a coke."

I carried a big bowl of popcorn and two cokes into the living room. I saw Rebel sitting on one end of the couch.

I sat the popcorn on the table and handed him one of the cokes. I sat down on the couch and opened my pop grabbing a handful of popcorn.

Rebel and I ate the popcorn and watched the movie. I sat Indian-style on the couch. I looked at Kelly from the side of my eye.

She seemed comfortable with me sitting next to her. I want to put my arm around her and pull her closer to me. But I can't at least not yet.

After the movie was over Kelly carried our empty can's of pop to the kitchen rinsed the bowl out and put it in the dishwasher.

Just as she started walking into the living I heard the window break and saw her fall to the floor. I hit the ground and pulled my gun out turned the light off and looked out of the window.

"What the hell just happened."

I heard tires squealing and saw a red ford mustang fly down the road. I turned the light on and ran over to Kelly.

I looked into Rebel's eyes and saw anger in them. "Kelly, I need to remove your shit."

I lifted the shirt over her head. I heard her whimper. I rolled her on her side and growled. I saw scars on her back.

"Kelly I have to call your dad. The bullet is still in your shoulder."

I dialed the clubhouse. "Savage someone shot threw the living room window. Kelly has been shot. The bullet is still in her shoulder."

"We are on our way don't move her too much."

"Get her fast."

I looked down at her again. "Kelly, it's going to be alright."

"Rebel it hearts so much. I am sorry I got shot. It could have been Missy."

"No, Kelly, it is not your fault. I recognized the car. It has nothing to do with you. I think they thought it was me."

"Not possible, Rage. You are really tall. I am short. My head comes well below your shoulders."

I moaned from the pain. I bit my lip. "Rage, I don't want you to get hurt. I am glad it was me and not you."

I heard the bikes stopping in the driveway. I walked to the door unlocked it and opened it. "Where is she?"

"Over there."

We walked over to the kitchen doorway and her dad looked up at me. "We need to get her to the club. I think you need to bring Missy as well."

I lifted Angel and carried her out laying her on a mattress in the van. Savage was carrying Missy and he laid her next to Kelly.

"Let's get going before they come back, Savage said."

When we arrived at the club Savage lifted Missy and took her to our bedroom. I lifted Kelly and carried her into the club.

Members looked at us as I carried Kelly out of the bar and down the hallway. As I lay her down Doc rolled her on her stomach.

I have to remove this bullet. "Rebel, don't leave me."

"I am right here Kelly."

"Dad this really hurts."

"I am going to numb it, Kelly. This is going to hurt. Scream if you have to. And hold onto Rage's hand."

I prepared the syringe and carried it over to the cot. "Kelly this is going to hurt."

I stuck the needle in her shoulder and she screamed. "What the hell is doc doing to her members asked?"

"Sticking the needle in her shoulder."

Soon it got quiet 30 minutes later I had the bullet out and placed it in the tray. I looked from that bullet to Rebel.

I poured alcohol on it cleaning her blood off. I stitched her up and put a bandage over it and gave her a pain shot.

"I take it she will be sleeping in your room?"


I handed him some pain pills. "Give one to her every six hours. Or if she is in a lot of pain."

I lifted the rails up and covered her up. We walked to the bar with me carrying the bullet. "Savage one of the gangs in town shot her. Look at the bullet."

"Son of a bitch. This is the second drive by where one of our women ended up shot."

"We go after them this weekend."

I am going to bed and taking Kelly with me. Wake me if you need me. Rebel said.

I carried her to my bedroom and lay her on the bed. I walked over to the dresser and removed two t-shirts. I rolled her over on her back and removed her bra.

I put my t-shirt on her and pulled the blanket over her. I walked into the bathroom with my t-shirt and shorts. I dressed after I washed her blood of me.

I walked into the room and looked over at Missy in her bed before climbing into the bed next to Kelly. I am furious. I want the bastard that pulled that trigger.

I woke up to Kelly moaning. I sat up and took a pill from the bottle. I walked around the bed. "Kelly, take this pill. I lifted the glass to her lips as she drank the water."

"Reble it hurts."

"I know baby. The pill will take the pain away. I promise."

I walked back around the bed and climbed in. I covered us both up. She rolled over on her side and placed her arm across my waist.

I closed my eyes and it was morning. I heard my name called and opened my eyes to see Missy standing next to the bed.

"Rage why are we here at the club?"

"Kelly was shot."

"Is she going to be alright?"

"She is going to be fine."

"Let's get you dressed alright?"

I got out of bed making sure not to wake Kelly up. I grabbed jeans, socks, and a shirt for Missy. I then put her tennis shoes on her.

I noticed the difference between these clothes and the ones Kelly bought for Missy. Missy needs new clothes to have here at the club.

I heard a soft know on the door. I opened it to see Angel and Roxie standing there. "Rebel take Missy and get breakfast then bring Kelly a tray-up after you eat. Angel told me.

Missy and I walked out of the bedroom and to the kitchen. "How is Kelly, Rebel?"

"She woke up during the night and I gave her a pain pill. She is still sleeping."

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