My Little Dancer

Chapter 42: Celebration

Back at the clubhouse, everyone was celebrating. We were talking when Spider walked over to the table. "What do you want Spider?"

"I owe you an apology for the way I talked to you."

"Why is that, Spider? You didn't even know me but you felt you could disrespect me and get away with it. You knew I would leave dads club because I would never stay where I was not wanted."

"You knew I would never cause problems for my dad, mom, and their members. And you know something else? I don't like you I never will."

"I had you investigated. I know you were in the war with dad. I also know you have a sister. That your sister was taken three years ago and you have not found her."

"I had you investigated as well, Angel."

"But you don't know everything about me. You do not know that I have friends in very high places and very low places. That I did you a favor."

"And just what would that be, Angel."

"In about five minutes bikers from the "Black Raven Mc" will be driving into this compound. And that the woman of the President happens to be your sister."

"That's right, Spider. I found your sister. I contacted her. I even know her. We went to college together."

"I looked out the window and up at him smiling. That would be your sister and her husband."

I stood up and walked across the room to the door. I walked down the steps of the porch and watched as Kelly got off the bike.

"Angel, she yelled running over to hug me. It is good to see you again."

"Good to see you as well, Kelly."

"Now, what was so important we had to drive all the way from Lima?"

"Your brother, Spider is my dad's MC. He has been looking for you."

I moved aside so she saw her brother. "Spider, Kelly screamed. I missed you. I thought you were dead."

"I am very much alive, Kelly. I held her in my arms. I looked for you when I found out they took you."

"It took Angel to find you."

"Spider, this is my husband, Rock."

"Come inside and have a seat everyone. Dad yelled."

I looked over at Spider. "I could have kept her whereabouts quiet. But, she is my friend. You, however, I will always hate."

"Savage, I am tired. Can we go home now?"

"Sure baby."

As we started to look away I saw Kelly, looking across the table at Spider. I know she is going to give him hell. She hoped he and I would meet and get together. That is never going to happen.

We arrived back at our clubhouse and walked to our bedroom. Once we were in bed I lay my head on Savage's shoulder and fell asleep in his arms.

I looked down at Angel. She is strong. Stronger than she knows. She didn't hesitate to show the members who she and Roxie were.

When she walked into the bar dressed for war she yelled we are going to war, with or without you get your guns they didn't hesitate.

They all ran out of the room and did what she said. And in the woods, they were shocked watching her mom, Roxie, and Angel takes down five men leaving the President for Venom they knew she would never leave a member or family member be taken and not go get them."

I was so proud of her. She will make a perfect queen. And no member will ever question her decisions. They will follow her to hell and back.

They acknowledge that she walk through anyone that tried to stop her from getting what she wants or who she wants.

I need to talk to Harley. We need to claim Angel and Roxie as fast as we can before someone gets the idea to take them from us and force them to accept their claim.

Of course, it won't matter. We will come for them and take them back. I closed my eyes falling into a deep sleep.

In the bar, Hunter and his men were talking about Roxie and Angel. "Hunter, those women are good, really good. One of his members said."

"And what is your point?"

"I wouldn't mind claiming Angel."

I looked at my VP and members. "you are all bat shit crazy. Do not even think about it. As Angel's mother said. You will have signed your death warrant."

"Savage and Harley will kill you if you try that shit. And Venom, you all know what he is like. She is his daughter. And Tara will not hesitate to cut your fucking head off your shoulders."

"I would even kill you for doing something that stupid. Do not think I won't."

"We didn't mean we would take them. We just say we want women like those three."

"To get one like them, you need women that have been through hell and back. All three of them of earned the right to be like they are."

"You will find your woman someday. Now is not the time."

The next morning as we walked to the kitchen, a prospect stopped Harley and me and told us the conversation he overheard Hunter's members discussing last night.

Harley and I smiled and we caught up with the girls. The girls sat down and we carried our plates to the table then the coffee.

"So hunter, your VP wants Angel does he."

Everyone stopped eating and glared at Hunters' members and VP. "You do not want to try and take Angel or Roxie from us son. My members will hunt you down and kill you."

"That is not what he meant, Savage. He wants a woman like them."

"We are having a cookout tomorrow, stay another day and have fun before going home."

"We can do that."


The next day as we were all eating we heard a slap and a child crying. I looked over and saw a whore standing over a three-year-old gril.

I stood up and walked over and looked at the little girl's face. "Where are your mom and dad little one?"


"Who do you live with?"

"My big brother. But he is gone."

"Why did she hit you?"

"That is none of your business, the whore told me."

"I am not talking to you, whore."

"I wanted to eat, she won't let me."

I stood up and picked her up. I looked at Roxie. She walked over and took the little girl from me. I stood up and slapped the whores face.

"You do not hit little ones, and you never let them go hungry."

I turned to walk away. Then she yelled; "you do not tell me what I can and can't do bitch."

"I punched her in the face breaking her jaw."

"I can do what I want. I am the second in command. And if you ever slap another child I will break everyone in your hand."

I turned and punched that bitch in the jaw.

"You broke my jaw. I am telling Harley."

I walked over and sat next to revenge. The whore walked over to Harley. "She broke my jaw, Harley. She should be punished."

I heard him laughing. "Whore, I can't punish her. She is my boss, and second in command of this club. She can do what she wants."

"She threatened to break every bone in my hand, Savage."

"She didn't threaten Sandy, she promised to do it. And she will do it."

"Roxie take the little one and get her some food."

"Prospect bring a chair for her to sit in and a glass of milk."

"What is your name little one?"


"Who do you live with?"

"My brother and her."

"She is to take care of me when he is gone."

"She doesn't."

"What is your brother's name?"


I walked into the backyard to see my little sister. I looked around and saw her sitting at the VIP table. I walked over and kneeled down and looked at Dorethia."

"Rebel, she screamed throwing her arms around my neck."

"Dorethia you know you can't sit here and eat."

"Yes, she can. Rebel is it?"


"You need someone else to take care of your sister when you are gone. That bitch won't feed her, bathe her and she slaps her around."

"Excuse me."

"Hello, what can we do for you?"

"I will take care of her."

"What is your name?"

"Kelly. I arrived today. I love kids."

"You are hired. Go pack your clothes. You will live in my house with us."

I stood up and walked to the doctor's office. I opened the door and looked at Sandy. You will return to my house and pack your shit. Tonight you return here at the club. Your services are no longer needed.

"And, Sandy. I will go through your things before you leave. I found some of my mother's jewelry missing. If you took anything I will cut a finger off. And have you whipped for stealing"

"You will never steal another thing."

I walked out shutting the door behind me. The doctor looked at me. "Sandy, did you steal from Rebel?"

"Yes. I did. The jewelry is in a box in my dresser."

"Sandy, you know the consequences for stealing from a club member. And he will cut your finger off. And he will have Savage whip you."

"Did you really think he would claim you?"

"You know they never claim whores. And you are going to come back here to the club. The men have been waiting for you to fuck up."

"They will use you in one night."

"Who is the whore that is moving to his house tonight?"

"The new whore, Kelly. She just got here. No one has touched her. Now she is moving to Rebels to take care of his sister. Something you did not do."

"Is she pretty?"

"Yes, is more than pretty. She is tiny and beautiful,"

"Once you are gone and he talks to his sister, she will tell him everything you did to her. He will make you pay for all of it."

"You can go outside. You will have to eat liquids threw a straw for at least six weeks."

We looked up to see the whore walking threw the door. She walked over and sat at the table. Her jaw was badly swollen. I knew she was in pain.

I didn't give a shit. She deserved it. Rebel walked over to the table. "I need to talk to you, Savage."

I kissed Angel and told her I would be back in a minute. "I know that Sandy has taken some of my mother's jewelry. She is coming back here. I told her I would watch her pack and if I find she has the jewelry I will cut one of her fingers off."

"I also told her she would be whipped."

"You are right. If she stole it that is the punishment."

"I am taking a prospect and truck to the house. I am taking Kelly's things with me. We will be back."

I looked over at Kelly and asked if her things were packed. We would put them in the truck and take them to the house.

"Yes, they are in my room. I told the prospect already."

"Watch my sister for me."

"I will take care of her."

I grabbed Sandy's arm and dragged her out the door. I threw her in the truck and got on my bike. The prospect followed me to my house.

The prospect unloaded Kelly's boxes and put them against the wall next to the door. I walked to the closet and grabbed boxes. Then dragged Sandy to her bedroom.

I started opening the dresser drawer and throwing her clothes in the first box. I opened the last drawer and started to pick up the clothes. I saw a box I left it there.

After throwing the clothes in the box I turned back around and picked up the box. I opened it and saw all my mother's jewelry.

"Prospect, tell me what is in this box?"


I looked at Sandy. "You stole my mother's jewelry."

"No, that neckless is mine."

"Really. Watch her prospect." I left the room and came back with a picture of mom wearing that same neckless.

"Prospect, look at this picture and that necklace. It is the same one?"

"Yes, Rebel it is."

"Sandy, did you think I wouldn't know my mother's jewelry? I know every piece she had. Now, do you want to show me what else you took and are hiding?"

We watched as she walked to the closet and pulled out a suitcase. She opened it and stepped back. "You took her fur coat. How and where did you plan on trying to wear it?"

"You know the punishment. Prospect threw the rest of her clothes in the box and get this cunt out of my house."

"We headed to the clubhouse and walked inside. Prospect took her boxes to the basement. I dragged her towards Savage with the prospect following me."

"She tried to steal his mom's jewelry, and fur coat, Silver."

"Put her in the cells. Tomorrow we hand out her punishment."

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