My Little Dancer

Chapter 19: Depression

I was sick. I don't understand. Why am I not good enough for Psycho? What have I done wrong that he prefers a whore over me? I heard the doorbell. I opened the door to let Beth in.

I told her everything. Beth, can you do me a favor? I walked to the closet and grabbed my property cut. I walked over and handed it to her.

"Give this to Psycho. I don't need it anymore."

I looked over at Tara. I want to kill Psycho for divorcing her. "I will give it to him then I will kill him."

"No, do not kill him, Beth."

"Fine, I won't kill him."

I carried the cutout and placed it in one of my saddle bags. I drove to Psycho's clubhouse and parked my bike. I carried the cut inside and walked over to the table.

I saw my brother sitting at the table along with Anger. I threw the cut in his face. "Tara asked me to bring this to you seeing how she doesn't need it anymore."

"I promised not to kill you. But I didn't promise her not to hurt you." I roundhouse kicked him in the chest. He flew backward and hit the wall putting a huge hole in it.

"I never want to see you again Psycho. Do not talk to me when you come to my brothers' clubhouse. And do not think I will show you any respect because I won't."

I turned and walked out of his club and got on my bike. I rode back to our clubhouse. In Psycho Anger was helping him off the floor.

If she can do that I wonder what Tara can do if she was mad. I don't know that I will ever find out. But something told me I will regret divorcing her.

Back at Tara's house, she called her cousin Jake. "Jake I want my RV next to the stage. I want Devils club to have the spaces next to mine."

"But Psychos across from us. And if he tries to rent the space near the stage do not give it to me. Tell him it is the VIP space and belongs to me from now on."

"What the hell did he do to you, Tara?"

"He divorced me."

I was shocked. I know I did not just hear what I thought I heard. "Come again."

"He divorced me."

"I will do what you ask, Tara."

I put the phone down and looked over at one of my managers. "What's wrong, Jake.?"

"Tara has the space next to the stage from now on. Psycho will be across the road. And he divorced Tara."

"That is a good joke, Jake. Now, what is really going on?"

"It is no Joke, Rick."

We sat in the office in shock. We cannot believe that Psycho divorced Tara. "This is going to be big news. And she will fight when she comes here."

"I know that, Rick. If he bothers her kick him and his member from the campgrounds."

"You got it, buddy. We will make sure he doesn't bother her in any way. Then I started laughing."

"What the hell are you laughing at?"

"You know who is going to be coming don't you?"

"I looked up at Rick grinning. This is going to be so fun to watch. You do know how much Thunder hates Psycho."

"I know. I also know that once he finds out that Psycho divorced Tara he will be around her as often as he can and that will piss Psycho off."

Yes, it will. But that is going to be next year. I can't wait to see what happens."

"I can't either. I do hope that he makes Psycho think he is trying to get with Tara."

"We will see."

"Don't tell Tara what Thunder would be up to. She will give us all hell. And she will enjoy it too."

"Well we have a few months to put things together. I think, Karan should ask Tara to dance with the Flaunt Girls. She was one of the faviorates."

"What name did she use?"

"Tara danced under the name, Legs. The bikers gave it to her."

"I think if we advertize she is back for one week only we will get more bikers over here."

"Or you can just surprise them and announce her as your faviorate dancer, Legs is back for one week."

"We will talk to Karan about it and see what she has to say."

"I think that is even better. Give Psycho a big surprise."

"I like it, Jake. He can really see what he lost for his stupidity."

I picked up the phone and called Tara. "Tara how would you like to dance with the Flaunt Grils for one week?"

"Jake, I would love that. I have not danced in a long time. It would feel good being back dancing with the girls again."

"Count me in. I will arrive one week early."

I hung the phone up and called my grandmother. Hey, granny, can you do me a favor? I need a babysitter for two weeks.

"How would you like to go to Sturgis with me and Angel?"

"Why don't you just bring Angel here and she can stay with us at the clubhouse."

"I am leaving one week early."

"We do not care. We love having Angel."

"Thanks granny. I will bring her over this Friday."

I hung the phone up and packed a suitcase for Angel. She was excited to be going to stay with granny. She also loved her uncle, Brick.

I put the suit case in the car so I would not forget it. Not that it mattered. Granny always takes Angel shopping. We ate our dinner before going into the living room.

I put her in the playpen and turned her faviorate movie on. I grabbed my laptop and started the first chapter of my new book.

When I finished five chapters I picked Angel up and walked to the bathroom. I gave her a bath and put her PJ's on her and lay her in the crib.

I left her night light on before walking out the door and down the hallway. I walked to the kitchen and made a pot of coffee. I poured a cup and walked back to the living room.

Soon I had five more chapters completed and I turned the laptop off and sat watching The Haunted.

I looked at the clock and stood up. I carried my coffee cup to the kitchen, rinsed it and placed it in the dishwasher before walking to my bedroom. I took a shower and put on clean underwear and a knee length tee-shirt.

I walked out of the bathroom and climbed into bed. Closing my eyes I fell into a deep sleep. I woke up to a pounding on my front door.

I walked to the front door and looked thorugh the peep hole. I told that bastard to stay away from my house. I walked to the kitchen and got Angel's breakfast ready. I sat down and drank my coffee.

I finished my first cup and stood up walking to Angel's room. "Good morning my beautiful baby girl I told her."

Angel started laughing as I lifted her from her crib and carried her to the kitchen. I placed Angel in the chair at the table and gave her the bowl of cereal, and glass of milk.

After she ate her breakfast I washed and dressed her getting her ready to go to the shop with me. I picked her up and carried her out to the car and placed her in the car seat before backing out of the garage.

We arrived at the shop and I turned the car off. I got out and opened the back door. I lifted Angel in my arms and walked to the door of the shop.

We walked inside and I noticed more bikers than before. Most of them I had never seen before. I looked over at my cousin as she screamed and ran toward me.

"Give me that beautiful girl."

I handed Angel to Sam and she walked down the hallway. I yelled, if you give her candy I will beat your ass, Sam."

I watched as she walked toward me and noticed that Angel was eating animal crackers. I grinned and took the mail she was handing me.

"Angel are you going to stay her with Sam or come to mommy's office?"

"Stay with Sam, Mommy."

"Fine, you be a good girl. And if you are nice to Sam maybe we can talk her to going across the street later and have lunch with us."

I ignored the looks I was getting from Presidents and their VP's. I unlocked my office door and walked inside closing it behind me. I sat down at my desk and paid the bills and ok'd the people who worked for me so they got their checks on time.

I then answered all my e-mails and managed to get 10 new design's completed. I looked at the clock and saw it was noon.

I walked out of the office and locked it. I walked to Sam's desk to find Angel playing with a small laptop. I grinned and looked at Sam.

"Here are 10 new designs."

"Tara, these are good. Realy good."

I didn't see the president and his VP turn and look at me. "Angel, put your laptop away. We are taking Sam to lunch."

"Tara, wait."

I looked up to see Animal walking toward me. "I have a question."

"What is it?"

"Are you riding your bike to Sturgis this year?"

"Yes, why are you asking?"

"Psycho wanted me to ask if you will ride with his club?"

"Tell, Psycho to go fuck his self. I am not married to him. Remind him he divorced me for his whore. No, I am not riding with his club."

"Who are you riding with?"

"Devil's Mc."

"Psycho is not going to like that."

"Do I look like I care what Psycho likes or doesn't like anymore?"

"No, and I told him you would not ride with the club."

"Tell him to get used to it. He did this. Not me."

I lifted Angel and turned toward the door. Sam and I walked out and crossed the street. We walked in and found a seat before the waitress walked to our table.

"Animal. That is Tara. The ex-wife of Psycho?"

"Yes, it is. He fucked her over. And now he wants her back. After she cut his whores face he doesn't want the whore now."

"She has not talked to him since he divorced her."

"She still lets him see Angel but he can't go to her house. Preacher, Revenge, or Renegades picks her up and takes her home."

"Angel is the next president of the club, and packhouse."

"I bet Angel will stay with her great grandmother, and Jim's members that are not going to Sturgis."

"So why would she ride with Devil's Mc?"

"It was one of Devil's whores she cut. In fact, I think she was one of your faviorates. Pshco was making out with that whore."

"No shit. He has not been married even two years. Why the fuck would he do that?"

"Story is that they went to college together. He dated her and asked her to marry him. She turned him down because at the time, he was not going to be a president."

"When she saw him and the was a president of his own Mc she went after him."

She and Psycho were warned to stay away from each other. Devil gave Tara permisson to do what she wanted to her.

So, she cut her face to bad that Psycho decided he didn't want her after all. It is very hard to look at her now.

Tara cut that whores face never taking her eyes off of Psycho. There was blood everywhere. The she threw that whore in Psychos arms and told him he could have her now.

Tara then followed Beth to her bedroom where she took a shower and Anger got one of his tee shirts and gave it to her.

She didn't show any emotions but hate. She even lit into the doctor. She was something. That woman will do what she says she will do.

She sounds like my kind of woman. "She won't look at you twice, trust me. She will only glare at you, Temper. And she sure as hell won't trust you."

"Tara doesn't trust any man. She will tell us all not a fucking one of us can keep their cock in their pants."

"She can't believe that?"

"Oh, but she does. Every man she has been with has fucked a whore. Psycho is the only man to have ever made love to her."

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