My Little Dancer

Chapter 12: The Dates

The club member was having a hay day. They get to babysit, Angel while we are on our dates. They hurried us out the door and settled down to watch cartoons with Angel.

They changed her diaper, fed her, and even bathed her and put her to bed. They continued to check on Angel every 15 minutes. They wanted to make sure everything went smoothly.

When Revenge, Sara, Renegade, and Donna arrived back at the club around 11 pm. They were shocked to see that Angel was sound asleep in her bed.

They told them they fed her, changed her, and watched cartoons then gave her a bottle before giving her a bath and putting her to bed.

It was quiet in the bar and the members were watching "Blood Origin" We sat down and watched it with them. It was not a bad movie. When it was over we all went to our rooms.

Tomorrow Tara and Psycho will return home from their honeymoon. It seems like they have been gone for months instead of two weeks.

I slept soundly through the night. When I woke the next morning I ate breakfast before walking out to the garage to start my work.

We had all finished eating and were watching "MASH" when we heard the bike drive into the compound. We looked over at Angel. She was sitting in her high chair with her little feet on the table.

We looked in as Psycho and Tara walked in the door. "Welcome Home."

Tara walked over and picked Angel up kissing her and hugging her. Angel giggled and smiled. We let them have their time with Angel before Revenge looked at them both.

"What is going on Revenge?"

After I told them about what Julie did we saw the anger in Tara's eyes. "That bitch has gone to far."

"We have her in the shed out back. We waited for you to come home to deal with her."

"Watch Angel. I am going to change and then deal with Ruth once and for all."

"Tara, I ask one thing."

"What Revenge."

"Keep her alive. I told her I was going to shove a stake up her ass and set her on fire."

"I will do my best, Vengence."

We walked out to the shed and opened the door. "Hello, sister."

"So you think you can come to our clubhouse, shoot it up and try to kill my child?"

She proceeded to beat her sister. She took a belt and wiped Ruth with it. Ruth begged her to stop. She was barely breathing when she stopped.

"Revenge she is all yours."

Members held her down as I shoved the steak up her ass. Then we carried her outside and stood it up.

"I told you what I would do. You tried to kill the baby. I poured the gas all over her and lit it on fire."

Good thing we live in the country her screams could be heard for miles around. That bitch deserved this for trying to kill Angel, I told them

We left prospects outside to make sure she fully burned and when the fire dies down we will rake her bones up and drive them to the next city and bury them in the ground.

"That bitch will never hurt another person. We made sure of that. Tara will never have to worry about her sister starting shit again."

We continued to live our lives as if nothing happened. We had club parties, cookouts went on runs, and visit our sister clubs.

Sara and I are engaged as are Donna and Renegade. We plan on claiming them in June and in the meantime, we all went house hunting. We found houses close to Tara's.

We have been relaxing at the clubhouse when we watched a small car drive into the compound. I watched as my father got out.

"What the hell are you doing here and what do you want?"

"Have you seen Ruth?"

"Why would I see her? I hate her guts."

"We were told she came here to see you."

"And that would be a lie. You know she would be thrown off this property if she came here. Maybe she finally spread her legs for the wrong man."

"And just when was my dear whore of a sister supposed to have come to see me?"

"Two weeks ago. We were told she had come to ask you for money."

"First off, If I had talked to her which I did not. I wouldn't give her or either of you one fucking dime. Second I was on my honeymoon and just got back last night. So no I did not see that bitch."

"Now, if that is what you came for you can leave again. But, I want to remind you of something. Don't ever come back here, And remember the will. You have seen the last of getting any money from me."

I lit a cigarette and watched them turn and get back into their car and leave. "You know that they really came here for two reasons. The main was to ask you for money."

"And you know that I am not going to give them any. They won't get any when I die either."

I stood up and lifted Angel in my arms. "Psycho we should go for a ride later tonight. I want to go to our waterfall."

I looked over at Tara grinning. I knew what she wanted. I think we should do that baby. It has been a while since we have gone there."

"I miss the sound of the waterfall and watching it flow down to the bottom and the sounds of the birds, the peace."

"We will go tonight. I am sure Revenge and Renegade will watch Angel for us for an hour or two."

I ran upstairs and changed my clothes and walked downstairs wearing my property cut. Psycho lifted me on the back of his bike and then he sat down and started his bike.

We arrived at the waterfall and Psycho turned the bike off. He lifted me down and we started kissing.

I was soon naked and he was sitting on the bike facing me. He sucked and licked my neck and I moaned as he rubbed my clit with his cock.

I pushed my hips up against him and he soon had two fingers inside me. I slowly removed my fingers licking them. Then I was pushing my cock into her sweet wet pussy.

I rode her and she matched me move for move. Soon she screamed my name as her muscles squeezed my cock. Then I gripped her hips as I pumped in and out of her and shot my seed.

As our breathing slowed down, I sat up with his cock still inside me. "I love you, Psycho."

"I love you more, Tara."

"Why did you avoid me in college, Psycho?"

"If you had, I would not have gone through the shit I did. I know you never touched Ruth. I grinned at him. licking and sucking his neck and moving up and down on his cock."

We made love three more times before going back to the clubhouse. As we arrived at the clubhouse we noticed that it was quiet. We walked in the door closed it and locked it. Then walked to our bedroom.

We closed and locked the door and walked into Angel's room to check on her before taking a shower and going to bed.

I lay in the bed in Psycho's arms. I don't understand how I never knew how he felt about me. I knew I had feelings for him. But it took me so long to understand I loved him so much.

That was why I really never had a boyfriend for long. Why I hated Ruth so much. I thought if she knew how much I liked Psycho she would end up trying to fuck him.

I could not deal with that. Especially Psycho having sex with her. I know he never touched Ruth. He hated her. I think he knew if he have had sex with Ruth I would refuse to let him anywhere near me.

I was sitting out on the porch later the next day thinking of all the things Ruth did. I don't know why she did the things she did.

I looked up to see Psycho standing in front of me. "Something has been on your mind lately, and I think we need to talk about it. Come, take a walk with me."

I stood up and we walked off the porch. As we got to the barn he looked down at me. "Tell me what you are thinking about, love."

"Psycho, I lied to you. I always knew I loved you. I stayed away from you so Ruth would not know that I really loved you."

"I knew if she found out, she would have fucked you."

I stopped and looked down at Tara. "That was never going to happen. Tara, I love you. I would never cheat on you. And I hated your sister."

"I would not put my cock in her diseased, stinking pussy. I heard of the many sexual diseases she had. I would have gone to any woman but her for relief if that was what I had wanted."

"I didn't. I wanted you. When I needed relief I used "Rosie and her five sisters." That's right I jerked off."

"So, that is what you lied about? Telling me you only liked me as a friend."

"Yes, Psycho."

"All this time, you thought if you had dated me I would have cheated with Ruth. Why didn't you tell me? I would have set that bitch straight in front of you."

"You were always the love of my life. The only woman for me. I do not need a piece on the side. Why would I? You make give me a hard-on just by looking at me."

"By now you should know I don't like it when women try to throw themselves at me. To me they are pathetic."

"I want a woman who takes care of herself, who knows she doesn't have to settle for second best. It pissed me off how the minute Ruth was anywhere near you that you lost your smile."

"You lost the sparkle in your eye. All because she thought she was sexier than you. That was not true. She wanted what you had. She wanted to be loved the way you were loved."

"She was lower than you. She was not really confident and she had no real self-esteem. Not the way you did."

"Now, come here and give me a kiss. I want to hold my beautiful woman in my arms. The only woman I have ever loved, or will ever love."

"Woman, we will grow old together. We will set on that porch and watch our children run around and play, then we will watch our grandchildren do the same thing. And hopefully, our great-grandchildren."

"Tara my love for you will never die. Not even when one of us is dead and buried. I meant it when I told you, I always loved you. I will always love you. Don't you forget that."

We held hands and walked back toward the clubhouse. Psycho walked to the garage. I sat on a chair watching him work. I loved the muscles in his hands, arms, and legs.

I heard a car drive into the compound and stop in front of the garage. I watched as Psycho walked out and then heard a female voice talking to him.

I heard her flirting with him but he was nothing but polite. Then she said; "You are wearing a wedding ring."

"Yes, I am. I am married to a very beautiful mother, and we have a one-year-old daughter."

"I was told bikers don't get married."

"Well, whoever told you that doesn't know about bikers. We fall in love get married and have children just like every other man does."

"How long have you and your wife knew each other?"

"Since high school."

"You must be tired of her by now."

"Look, lady. Stop. I am not tired of my wife. I will never be tired of her. If you came here looking to be fucked you can stop right there."

"I think it is best that you take your car to the shop in town."

I walked out of the shop and wrapped my arms around Psycho. The woman looked at me. "She is beautiful."

"Yes, she is."

"I believe you are right. I will take my car to the shop."

We watched as she got into her car and drove out of the gate. "So, she came here thinking she could get her car fixed for free if she fucked you."

"That is just what I was thinking. We are a business like every other business. I think I should put a signup that reads. We do not fix cars for a free fuck."

"That is funny. You should do that and see what happens."

"I think I will."

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