My Little Dancer

Chapter 10: Three Months Later

I was 8 months pregnant and was in the baby store looking at bassinets and baby beds when I saw not only Knuckles looking at me but Lightening. I turned my back on them both and told the sales lady what I wanted. I also bought a stroller and car seat.

I paid for the items and gave her my address. She stated everything will be delivered tonight. I thanked her and walked out of the store. I walked over to the car and opened the door.

I had just sat down and rolled the window down. I looked up to see Knuckles standing in front of my car.

"Get out from in front of my car, Knuckles."

"I need to talk to you."

"We have nothing to talk about. You said it all months ago."

"I want to see my child."

"The answer is no. You signed a document, or did you forget about that?"

"I will take you to court."

"Go ahead. I filed the document which you signed. And I can hold you up in court for years, at least until my child graduates from school."

"I gave you a chance. You threw it in my face. Goodbye, Knuckles."

I started the car and drove away. I drove to Burger King and ordered food then drove home. I thought about what Knuckles said to me.

Serves him right for telling me to find the real father. I had the real father however he more or less thought of me as a whore or slut. He went straight to strike three. Nothing in between.

I contacted a lawyer about the baby. Once he reviewed the document, he looked at me with sad eyes. "I am sorry, Knuckles. This is airtight."

"She had one hell of a lawyer draw this up."

"She drew it up herself."

I looked at the signature and laughed. "I went to college with her. She is dam good. She was always business and she always beat us in mock trials.

"You are never going to see your child unless she wants you to. Did you really tell her to find its real father?"

"I did."

"That was your big mistake. You didn't say the words, but you more or less told her she was a slut."

"I assure you; Tara is no whore or slut. She doesn't sleep around."

"Might as well face it, Knuckles. You will never win rights to that child. Not unless Tara is dead. And then not even then. She will make sure of that."

"You got on her bad side. And by the way. Tara has three degrees. Business, attorney, and artist."

I wanted to date her, in fact, most of us did but she was cold as ice."

"I will tell you this much. The man that does earn her trust and falls in love with her will be the luckiest man alive."

"I have seen the loving side of Tara. She has a heart of gold if she likes you. But if you get on her bad side, she will not know you."

"And you, my friend, have gotten on her bad side. Go back to the clubhouse, Knuckles. Forget that baby. She will not put your name on the birth certificate."

"Who will she put on it?"

"There is only one man's name she will put down as the father, and I will tell you right now, he will let her do it."

"Who will she put down as the father?"

"You won't like it."

"Who, tell me right now?"

"She will put Psycho's name on the birth certificate."

"You have to be kidding. That man hates everyone."

"Everyone but, Tara."

At that very minute Psycho and his VP, Revenge was sitting in Tara's living room. After I told Psycho everything, he said; put my name down as the father, Tara."

"He will get nowhere near that child. And no one will ever try to take him or her or try to hurt that baby. They know I will rip them to pieces."

"I have to leave but we will be back when you go into labor, I will be in there when you give birth to our child."

I walked them to the door and hugged them before they left. "Thank you, Psycho."

"You don't have to thank me. I will always protect you and you know it."

I watched as they rode out of the gate and I walked inside shutting the door. I lay down on the couch and fell asleep.

Two weeks later I felt labor pains. I called Psycho and told him I was headed to the hospital. He said he would meet me there.

Once I parked my car, I saw Psycho and Revenge turn their bikes off. Revenge took my suitcase and Psycho helped me into the hospital.

Once I was in my room/labor room the nurse prepared me. Three hours later, Psycho was holding my little girl in his arms. Revenge was demanding that he give her to him.

They were fighting over my baby. I named her Bella as she was the bell of the ball right now. Psycho handed Bella to Revenge while he signed the birth certificate.

He kissed my forehead. She may not be mine, but I am claiming her. I have a child. I am a father. I thought that would never happen. Thank you, Tara."

Revenge and I sat taking turns holding Bella, feeding her, and changing her while Tara slept. She needed her sleep. I have been in love with Tara since the first time I met her in college.

I know her life story. I do not push her. I think she has some feelings for me. Maybe one day we will start dating. I would claim her in a heartbeat.

"Psycho, you love her, don't you?"

"Yes, I do love her. I have for a very long time. I am giving her the space she needs. One day, she might let me claim her."

At Knuckles brother's clubhouse, they received the news that Psycho and Tara had a daughter. "I told you she would put his name on the birth certificate. And there is nothing you can do about it."

The day I was to take Bella home, Psycho drove his truck and took us home. Once inside he walked out and carried a suitcase inside. He made sandwiches and soup for the both of us later that on.

"Psycho, why did you agree to sign the birth certificate?"

"I love you, Tara. I always have. I would claim you if you would let me."

"Psycho, maybe one day I will do just that. You have never hurt me, and you have always stood beside me."

Psycho's clubhouse was two streets over from Tara's house. She has often gone to his clubhouse and always sat next to him at the VIP table.

Every member has always stated that one day the two of them would claim each other. They were not wrong. Maybe Psycho and Tara didn't know it yet but in 12 months they would do just that.

Every weekend, Psycho would come and stay at the house and help take care of Bella. She calls him daddy. Once we went out to eat and saw Knuckles and a woman setting two tables from us.

He looked over as he heard Bella calling Psycho, daddy and became angry. Psycho was kissing Bella's face and she was giggling. She is one year old now.

Once back at the house, and Bella was bathed and in bed, I was sitting next to Psycho. I wanted to kiss him. I stood up and sat on him facing him.

"Tara, what are you doing?"

I leaned down and kissed him. Soon I found myself on my back on the couch. We were making out and soon we had our clothes off. "Tara, if I make love to you, you will belong to me."

"I already belong to you, Psycho. You just never realized it."

He made love to me for hours before we fell asleep exhausted. He woke up in the night and made love to me two more times before we both fell back to sleep.

The next morning, he asked me to let him claim me as his wife. I agreed. We would claim each other in two months. Later that day he rode his bike to the clubhouse with me following in the car with Bella.

Once inside he announced that we would be claiming each other in two months. We heard a woman scream that Psycho can't do that.

"And why can't we claim each other?"

"Because I am pregnant."

"Nice try Candy. I never touched you."

"But you did three days ago."

"Impossible, I was with Tara and Bella our daughter at her house. I do not stay here at night. Tara and I live together."

"And we will settle this right now."

"Doctor do a pregnancy test on her."

"You can't make me do a test. I am not a member of your club."

"Candy go take that test right now."

"Her brother is pissed off that she is lying."

We looked up as the doctor walked across the room with his hand on Candy's arm carrying the test. "She is lying. She is not pregnant."

"I grinned at Candy and told her; I knew you were not pregnant. I also know that Psycho has never touched you or any other woman."

"Shut up you bitch she yelled at me."

"You stole, Psycho from me."

"I never stole Psycho from any woman. He has always belonged to me. We decided to claim each other and make it legal."

I didn't realize how much I loved Psycho until three weeks ago. Now, I will finally be happy. Psycho and I were meant to be together. Our claiming day is this weekend and I for one can't wait for that day.

Bella loves him as much as I do. I looked over seeing Bella setting on Revenge's lap when a member was arguing with him over Bella. Everyone loves her. Even the whores.

Later that night Psycho and I made love. I can't get enough of him. He is a really good lover. "Psycho, I love you."

I looked down at her and smiled. "Say it again. I waited so long to hear those words from you."

"I love you, Psycho."

"I love you too, Tara. I always have."

I made love to my woman making her scream my name over and over. I pulled her close to me holding her in my arms.

My eyes snapped open. Something was not right. Then I saw a glint shining as a knife was swinging down on the bed towards Tara's body.

I grabbed the wrist, and a woman was screaming. Let me go. I have to kill her so you will claim me. I felt Tara roll over and then the light was on.

I got out of bed and opened the bedroom door. "Revenge I yelled."

I saw Revenge wearing jeans running down the hall to our bedroom. "Take this bitch to the cells. And hold on to this knife. She tried to stab and kill Tara."

"And in the morning, I want more locks and deadbolts on that bedroom door."

I walked back into the bedroom and examined Tara making sure she had not gotten hurt. "I am alright Psycho. You stopped her from hurting me."

I kissed her pulling her tight against my chest. "I could kill her for that. I will not lose you not ever."

"You will one day when I get old."

"I will fight to keep you by my side even then. And we will die together."

"Come on, Psycho. Come back to bed."

I climbed into the bed pulling her back into my arms. I finally fell asleep and slept through what was left of the night.

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