My King Mates

Chapter Thirty Two

“I’m thrilled to introduce your King and Queen” Flynn announces. The room erupts with cheers and applause. Sawyer takes my hand leads me to the dance floor. When we reach the center Sawyer wraps his arms around my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck. The music of a soft piano plays in the background and we begin to dance.

‘I will never forget you, even if I wanted to. Lavender sticks in my mind. We never really had a clue what the hell we were gonna do. I just wish we had a little bit more time’ the male voice sang.

I look at Sawyer questioning “I’ve never heard this before” I tell him. He chuckles “yes that’s because you were taught classical songs this isn’t classical.” Sawyer tells me.

’And it’s true, I’m in love with you

And it’s true, so far gone, in love with you

And it’s true, so far gone, in love with you’

“The song is called True by Tilian. When you were missing I listened to love songs and this one made me think about you the most so I knew it had to be the song we danced to” Sawyer explains to me.

’I was lost before I met you

Little a sentimental fool

Writing my woes into lines

Now whenever I look at you, there’s no way I’m gonna keep my cool

More lost now than ever before in your eyes

More lost now than ever before in your eyes’

“Amber I love you,” Sawyer tells me. I look at him in shock never once did I ever think I would hear those words come out of his mouth.

’And it’s true, I’m in love with you

And it’s true, so far gone, in love with you

And it’s true, so far gone, in love with you’

“I love you too,” I tell him. A wide grin is placed on his face and before I know it we’re sharing our first kiss.

‘And it’s true, I’m in love with you’ the song then comes to a slow stop.

Sawyer is the first to pull away from the kiss. I look at him in shock, not believing what happened. I look to my right to find Flynn and Leyla ready to dance. Leyla looks towards me and gives me a big smile. I stare at her not knowing what to do or feel. Sawyer the Werewolf King and my mate confessed his feelings for me and kissed me in front of everyone.

The next song then begins to play and Sawyer takes the lead of dancing again. “I’m sorry for kissing you like that Amber. I was in the moment and I guess it felt right” Sawyer tells me.

’What day is it? And in what month?

This clock never seemed so alive

I can’t keep up and I can’t back down

I’ve been losing so much time I’ve been losing so much time

“Sawyer no please don’t beat yourself up. I... I loved it I just wasn’t expecting you to do that” I tell him.

’Cause it’s you and me and all of the people with nothing to do, nothing to lose

And it’s you and me and all of the people

And I don’t know why I can’t keep my eyes off of you and I don’t know why I can’t keep my eyes off of you’

Sawyer looks at me puzzled “what do you mean?” He asks.

’All of the things that I want to say just aren’t coming out right

I’m tripping on words

You got my head spinning

I don’t know where to go from here I don’t know where to go from here’

I giggle at that line of the song. It couldn’t have come at a better time. Sawyer looks at me confused “that line sums it up for me” I tell him.

’Cause it’s you and me and all of the people with nothing to do, nothing to prove

And it’s you and me and all of the people

And I don’t know why I can’t keep my eyes off of you And I don’t know why I can’t keep my eyes off of you’

“I’m not used to all of this yet. I’m a Queen now. Almost a year ago I was a slave who was being sold to the highest bidder” I tell Sawyer.

’Something about you now

I can’t quite figure out

Everything she does is beautiful

Everything she does is right Everything she does is right’

“Out of all the girls in the world and you want me,” I tell him. “Did you listen to that last line?” Sawyer asks me. I nod my head “it’s because of that” Sawyer tells me.

’Cause it’s you and me and all of the people with nothing to do, nothing to lose

And it’s you and me and all of the people

And I don’t know why I can’t keep my eyes off of you And I don’t know why I can’t keep my eyes off of you’

“It’s you and me and all of the people and I don’t know why but I can’t keep my eyes off of you” Sawyer repeats the line from the song. “That’s how I feel about you. There are so many people but you are the only one I see” Sawyer tells me.

’And me and all of the people with nothing to do and nothing to prove

And it’s you and me and all of the people

And I don’t know why I can’t keep my eyes off of you and I don’t know why I can’t keep my eyes off of you’

“Really?” I ask Sawyer smiles at me “really, really” he replied.

’What day is it?

And in what month?

This clock never seemed so alive this clock never seemed so alive’

“Sawyer, what song is this?” I ask as the song ends “You and Me by Lifehouse. Flynn and I wanted to agree on a song for this dance and we both strongly agreed on this one” he tells me. I smile at him “it’s you and me and all of the people and I don’t know why I can’t keep my eyes off of you” I whisper the lyric back to Sawyer as I lean in for a kiss.

When our lips touch for the second time sparks fly through my body. I feel happy. A happiness that I’ve never felt before and I don’t ever want this feeling to stop. We pull away from the kiss and Sawyer wildly smiles at me.

“It’s now time for dinner” Flynn announces. Sawyer lets go of my waist and offer me his hand. I grab it and we walk back to the stage together. We walk over to the table that we’ll be sharing with Flynn and Leyla. Sawyer pulls out my chair from across Leyla I take my seat and he pushes in my chair then takes a seat next to me.

I look out at the pack and notice they are all sitting and chatting with one another. “Welcome to the pack Luna,” Flynn tells me. I look away from the pack and at Flynn. “Thank you,” I tell him.

I look at Leyla confused “when was your ceremony?” I ask her “right before you came out. I didn’t have to do as much as you. All I had to do was the I do’s and drink the blood from Flynn and Alpha” she explains to me.

“Which reminds me. After the ball, I’ll have the pack doctor look at your hand. I may have forgotten you aren’t a wolf and you don’t heal like we do” Sawyer tells me while avoiding eye contact. “Sir when are you going to change her?” Flynn asks. I look at Flynn in shock “he can change me?” I ask Flynn nods “only a human can be changed by their mate. Since Leyla is an elf she won’t be able to change into a wolf,” he tells me. I nod in understanding I guess that makes sense.

Soon plates of food are being placed in front of us. Salads and chicken along with a glass of red and white wine. “Dig in,” Sawyer tells me. I smile at his comment and begin to eat.

Dinner was very nice. Soft music played in the background as we eat while we make small talk. With the pack chatting in the background. Throughout dinner, Flynn would tell me embarrassing stories about Sawyer. Sawyer would turn it around the tell Leyla Flynn’s embarrassing stories. It was really cute watching that two banter with each other.

When dinner was finished Sawyer and I walked around the ballroom meeting the pack. Along with some Alpha’s, Luna’s, and their children. Almost all the daughters glared at me the entire time as I talked to their parents.

It was very difficult remembering all the names I’ve learned today but Sawyer told me in due time I’ll remember them.

Sawyer dragged me through a few more dances but some of the pack children would steal me away from him. It was cute seeing that pout on his face as I dance with the kids. The kids noticed and started to dance with him. Makes me excited to have children of my own even though I haven’t put much thought into it.

The closer the clock got to midnight the more people started to leave until it was only the teens. “Let’s go home,” Sawyer tells me letting out a yawn I nod in agreement. Sawyer stands up and holds his hand out for me. “We’re going to stay a little longer,” Flynn tells Sawyer. He nods and we leave the ballroom.

Sawyer and I walked back to our room hand in hand in complete silence. Sawyer would occasionally compliment me not believing he did enough of it at the ball. “What do you want to do when we get back to our room?” Sawyer asks me. “What normally happens after a Luna ceremony?” I ask.

Sawyer stiffens up and clears his throat. “They haven’t taught you this?” Sawyer asks me. I laugh and shake my head “we were only taught what we need to know when serving a werewolf no matter the status. We were never taught about what happens between an Alpha and Luna since that’s none of our business” I explain.

Sawyer nods “well... umm normally the Alpha and Luna would complete the mating process,” Sawyer tells me. “And what’s that?” I ask. Even though I was taught a lot about Werewolves we were never taught about mates so I don’t have a clue what it includes.

“The Alpha and Luna will mark each other if they haven’t already. Marking is when they bite each a special spot on the neck. Marking connects the two wolves together. They can feel each other feelings and mind link one another. A mind link” before Sawyer explains a mind link I cut him off “I know what that is” I tell him. He nods.

“After the marking, the mates get a strong need for each other. That feels is to finish the mating process which is sex” Sawyer finishes. I walk beside him in silence. I’d be lying if sex with Sawyer hasn’t crossed my mind. But knowing that we need to do it to be fully connected gives me unknown feelings.

“We don’t have to do it tonight of course. I want to give you as much time as you need but I do want to inform you that marking you will start turning you into a wolf. I should have told you all of this before you became Queen.” I hear Sawyer whisper the last part to himself.

“Why?” I ask.

Sawyer looks down at me confused. “Why do you feel like you should have told me this before?” I ask. Sawyer looks away from me it was quiet for a couple of seconds before he answers.

“Because I feel like I’ve given you no choice but to change and have sex with me. I should have told you all of this while we were at the Mansion so you could have a choice. Either be my Luna Queen or leave and live your life as a normal human. But I was selfish and didn’t give you the choice” Sawyer tells me. I can hear pain clear in his voice.

I stop walking which makes Sawyer stop. He looks at me confused. “I would have told you then what I’m telling you now. I want to be with you. At the beginning of this journey, I would have chosen to be a normal human but over the time I’ve spent with you, I’ve grown to love you. I can’t and don’t want to imagine life without you, Sawyer. I may have not realized this then but I do now and I want to be with you. Through thick and thin through sickness and health through poor and rich, I will and I want to be right next to you” I tell him.

Sawyer stands there staring at me. I can tell he’s trying to come up with something to say or do but he isn’t sure of himself. I step closer to Sawyer so the gap between us is closed I stand on my tippy toes even in these heels he’s still super tall.

I lean up and place my lips on his. I try to put all of my love and want for him. I need him to know that I am serious and I do want this. When Sawyer finally breaks from his trance he tightly wraps his arms around my waist and brings me even closer.

Sawyer kisses me with just as much love and need if not more. Deep down I start to feel an odd feeling. The longer and stronger this odd feeling get the more I begin to like it. Sawyer growls into the kiss and steps even closer to me.

The kiss ended way sooner than I had hoped it would. I look up into my mate’s eyes to see a mixture of light blue and black. For some odd reason, the feeling in me deepens. Sawyer stiffens and growls. “Come we need to get to our room. I don’t want unmated males seeing you” Sawyer tells me in a deep voice.

He picks me up bridal style and rushes to our bedroom.

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