My King Mates

Chapter Chapter Thirty Six

Sawyer and I walk hand in hand as we walk through the yard and towards the bushes that guard the hidden garden. Neither of us spoke a word on our walk. The closer we get to the bushes the more nervous I get. Once we walk through those bushes I’ll be his and there’s no changing that. I hope Sawyer doesn’t regret this or back out. I’m ready to be his mate and turn so I can help him rule his kingdom and birth his children.

A smile crosses my face at the thought of being with this man for the rest of our lives and having his children. Watching them grow up into incredible people. Sawyer stops walking which shakes me out of my daydream. Sawyer turns towards me and grabs both of my hands.

“Baby I want to make this perfectly clear I want you. No, I need you. I need to be by your side for the rest of my life. I want to love you every single day and I want to have as many children with you as you’d give me. But I want to make sure this is what you want. As soon as we walk through those bushes there is no turning back” he tells me.

I look deep into his eyes and all I see is love and need. I smile at him “Sawyer I am yours. You own every part of me. My body, my heart, and my soul” I tell him. Sawyer lets out a breath as if he was holding it in. He smiles at me “that’s all I needed to hear baby girl” he tells me. Sawyer lets go of my one hand and lead me to the bushes. After making sure no one was around the bushes opened allowing Sawyer and I to pass through.

When we cross to the other side the bushes close. I close my eyes and let the familiar sounds and smell of the garden wash over me. I missed this paradise. “You okay?” Sawyer asks me I open my eyes and look at him “yeah sorry. I just missed this place” I explain. “After tonight you’ll be able to come here without needing me,” he tells me.

Sawyer leads me towards the gazebo. The beauty of the flowers growing up and around the structure will always amaze me. Inside the gazebo, there’s a blanket laid out with a picnic basket, two glasses, and red wine on ice. Sawyer has me sit down on a puffy pillow facing the lake. He sits next to me and opens the basket pulling out two plates and silverware. “Let’s see what we have in here,” Sawyer tells me. He pulls out a glass tupperware “this must be the sweet potato and rosemary” Sawyer says as he sets it down. He reaches back into the basket. “Cucumber and Cream Cheese Pinwheels,” Sawyer says with a bright smile on his face as he sets it next to the potatoes. “And lastly chicken mozzarella paninis oh there’s also some pitless cherries.” “Looks like the cooks cooked my favorites. Babe do you have any favorite food that I should know of? Next time I’ll want to have some of your favorites” Sawyer tells me.

I shrug my shoulders “I don’t know if I have any.” I tell him. Sawyer nods his head “well we’ll have to change that” he tells me. Sawyer grabs a plate and puts one of everything on it then sets it down in front of me. “Let me know your thoughts,” Sawyer tells me as he takes a bit out of the pinwheel. I grab the paninis since that looks the best out of everything here. I take a bit and a moan passes through my lips. It’s so warm still and the chicken with the mozzarella goes so well with one another.

“You better stop moaning. You’re making me jealous of your food for making you feel good” I hear Sawyer I chuckle after I swallow my food. For the rest of our picnic, we made small talk getting to know each other some more. When we finished eating and Sawyer put everything back into the basket he stands up and holds out his hand for me to take. I grab it and stand up myself. “Let’s go for a walk and let our stomachs settle,” he tells me. Excitement floods through my body. I’ll be seeing more of this beautiful garden. We walk away from the gazebo and onto a boardwalk.

One side is a beautiful forest full of birds singing and deer running chasing after each other. While on the other side is the lake. One step off the boardwalk and you’re in the lake. “A witch put a charm on this land. Only royal blood, the mates to a royal, and few trusted guards and maids are welcomed in. If a wolf that isn’t any of those walks through those pushes all they’ll find a forest.” Sawyer explains to me.

We walk halfway on the boardwalk before Sawyer tells us we are going back to the gazebo. “Enjoying the garden?” Sawyer asks. “Are you running out of things to talk about? Because you know I am” I tell him. He chuckles. “I know my love. I had to ask to make sure. It warms my heart to know you are enjoying this place. My father hoped that this would be a safe place for future Kings and Queens to come to get away from being a King and Queen. This will be a place where the couple can just be a couple” Sawyer explains.

“I can’t think of anywhere more perfect than here,” I tell him. Sawyer leans closer to me and kisses my head. “Are you nervous?” He asks I know what he’s meaning but I’m surprised to hear him say ask me that. “Of course I am. Not for being with you but for what being with you brings. I’ll be a Queen. People will have to treat me with respect and if it comes to it protect me and risk their own lives. Females will want to be me. I’ll be having a family and I’ll be loved and cared about. It’s something I have never thought would ever happen to me.” I explain to him.

Sawyer nods “are you nervous?” I ask. We stop walking and turn so he’s facing me. “No. I love you and tonight is what starts our forever lives with each other. After tonight you’ll be mine forever. Soon when we are both ready we’ll be having children. I’m nervous for you baby girl. I’m scared that this life will be too much for you. I’m terrified to lose you in any way.” Sawyer expresses. I smile at him hearing his worry makes me feel better. It makes me realize I have a man who loves and cares for me. Who doesn’t ever want to lose me. I’m no longer scared for the future. Knowing that he wants to be with me makes me want this life with him.

I place my hand on his cheek and smile he places his hand over mine “let’s get back to the gazebo” he tells me. I nod and pull my hand away and we continue our walk. it was once again a silent walk until we reach the gazebo.

I notice that the blanket, pillows, and picnic basket are gone and in its place is a perfectly made bed. “Here?” I ask sawyer chuckles “where did you think it would be?” he asks. I shrug “I don’t know. I thought it would be in a tent or something” Sawyer laughs then kisses my head. “You are adorable. Come let’s watch the sunset” Sawyer tells me. We walk to the bed and sit down. We both remove our shoes then sit down.

Sawyer wraps his arm around my shoulders and brings me in close. He plans his other hand on my upper thigh and softly rubs it. I look towards the lake and I notice the beautiful color that is reflecting from the sky. The best way I can describe this beautiful scene is the sky is on fire. Thick clouds are covering the once blue sky. As the sun goes down the dark gray turns to bright orange with pink and purple. The bright fiery sunset matched the mood. Tonight will be filled with love and passion.

As the color starts to disappear Sawyer’s hand travels higher until he reaches my bare pussy. He lightly rubs between my lips until he bumps a very sensitive part. A loud moan escapes my lips. Sawyer growls at the sound. He leans closer to me and whispers in my ear “mmm seems like I found your clit baby girl” he tells me then nibbles on my ear lobe.

We lay down in the bed I turn to face Sawyer and he pulls me into a passionate kiss. “Ready for our life to begin?” He whispers. I nod my head not being able to form words. Sawyer smirks “am I pleasuring my baby girl?” He whispers. I nod my head again. He chuckles. “How much foreplay do you want?” He asks. I open my eyes and look at him confused. “Foreplay?” I ask now being able to form words. He smiles “foreplay is this. I play with you and if you want you to play with me. Do you want to play with each other or do you want to get to the good stuff?” He asks.

I think over what he said. Play with him? As in his cock? A blush forms over my cheeks at the thought of me touching him. But the more I think about it the more I want to try it. “Foreplay a little longer. I want to touch you” I tell him. Sawyer looks at me surprised but then smiles. He removes his hand from me and stands up. He unbuttons his shirt and lets it slide off his muscular shoulders. When the shirt hits the ground he unbuckles his belt. I bite my lip as I watch his every move. I watch his arms flex when he unbuttons his jeans and pulls down the zipper.

My heart speeds up and the butterflies swarm my stomach but at the same time, I feel myself getting wetter at the sight of him. Sawyer pulls down his pants and boxers together. I gasp when his cock springs free. “Take your dress off,” he tells me. A blush warms my cheeks as I sit up and slip the straps off my shoulders. I pull the straps down my arms and off. I stand up and the dress falls down my body leaving me on full display.

Sawyer looks me up and down with hunger in his eyes. I take a deep breath for what’s about to happen next. There’s no turning back now. Sawyer walks over to me I watch his every move in slow motion. “Your body is breathtaking. I wish people could see how lucky I am to have you as mine but I’m glad they can’t because I don’t want anyone seeing your body besides me” he tells me. Sawyer runs his hand through my hair and grabs it then smashes his lips against mine.

Every part of Sawyer’s body is pressed against mine. I moan at the feel of his cock pressing against me. Sawyer pulls away and tells me to lay down. I do as I’m told and he follows after me. Sawyer grabs the blanket and pulls it over us. I scoot as close as I can to him needing to be closer. “Touch me whenever you are ready,” he tells me then kisses me again. He reaches for my pussy and starts to play with me once again.

I touch his chest and side for a bit feeling nervous to touch him. But the more he plays with me the more turned on I get the more confined I feel. Sawyer slips his tongue into my mouth I melt when our tounges touch.

I reach down and grasp his cock. Sawyer inhales from the touch but calms down. I start to stroke him and it seems the longer I stroke him the more aggressive he gets. “Baby I need you” Sawyer growls when he pulls away from the kiss. I nod in agreement. We pull away from each other Sawyer tells me to lay on my back and he gets on top of me.

“If it gets to be too much let me know and I’ll stop,” he tells me. I nod in understanding he smiles at me “you ready?” He asks. I nod again getting restless. He notices and leans down to kiss me. He grabs hold of his cock and rubs it against me. I moan into the kiss from the feeling. After a couple of seconds without struggling to find the right place, he pushes into me. I pull away from the kiss and let out a small cry with tears running down my face from the pain of him stretching me.

When Sawyer is all the way inside of me he stills his movements. “It’s okay baby. I know it hurts but it won’t for long. Take all the time you need” he whispers to me as he rubs my hair and wipes away the tears that slide down my cheeks.

After what felt like forever but I know is only a couple of minutes the pain disappears and intense pleasure takes over. I move my hips around getting used to the feeling of having something or someone inside of me. Sawyer growls in pleasure at my movements. “Starting to feel better?” He asks me. I nod my head “you can start moving but please be slow” I plead. “Of course, my love” Sawyer tells me. He kisses my forehead then starts to move his hips.

I close my eyes and let out small moans as his hips move in and out. “You can go faster,” I tell him needing to feel more of him. I want to feel the power this man has. I want him to make me his. “Are you sure?” He asks. I open my eyes and look at Sawyer “make me yours” I tell him. He stills for a moment and looks me in the eyes. Once he sees what he needs to he doesn’t hold back. He slams into me. I close my eyes and arch my back at the feeling.

Sawyer growls as he pounds into me. “Baby girl you feel so good.” He growls. His nails dig into my hips when I start to rock them needing to feel more of him. “Baby I can’t last much longer,” he tells him. “Mark me Sawyer” He looks at me and nods. He leans down towards my neck he softly kisses where my neck and shoulder meet. I moan at the new feeling. “Ready?” He asks. I roll my eyes it’s cute how he wants to make sure I’m ready but I need him to take charge and just do it.

“Yes,” I tell him. Without a second thought, I feel sharp teeth dig into my skin. A short scream leaves my south at the sudden pain but that soon turns into the most intense pleasure I’ve ever felt. “Sawyer... I’m gonna” before I could finish he pulls his teeth out of me and licks the bite. “Let go” he growls. My body followed his command and my body clenches around him. I scream his name at the intense orgasm. Sawyer pumps a few more times before he stills and warmth flows through my lower body. I look at Sawyer with a sleepy smile then everything goes black.

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