My King Mates

Chapter Chapter Thirty Eight

5 chapters left!

“Anything new to report?” I hear a muffled male voice. “No sir. She’s still the same.” A muffled female voice replied. “Have the Alpha visited her recently?” The male asks. “No. He hasn’t stopped by in the last couple of days. Beta Flynn told me it’s getting harder for him to come to see her” the female says.

There was silence then a door shutting. Where am I? Why is everything so dark? My eyelids open and light blinds me. I quickly close my eyes then I open them again and blink till my eyes adjust to the light. Oh, that’s why my eyes were closed. I move my fingers and toes, okay my body is working.

I look around the room to find myself in a very white room with machines everywhere making an annoying beeping noise. I look over to my left to find a lady in white writing on a clipboard.

Wait am I in the hospital? Of course, I am. Sawyer marked me. Did I turn into a wolf? I wonder what color my fur is. I bet she’s beautiful.

The nurse puts her clipboard down and turns toward me. When she spots me she freezes. “Luna you’re awake,” she tells me with a smile. I nod not understanding the excitement on her face. “I’ll mind link the Alpha and Doctor,” she tells me.

Her eyes cloud over for a couple of minutes but then they go back to normal. “They’ll be here shortly,” she tells me. With all the excitement going through her, I’m surprised she isn’t jumping off the walls.

The door opens an older man walks in wearing a lab coat. “Good afternoon Luna it’s good to see you awake. Is it okay if I ask you a couple of questions?” He asks. I nod my head. He walks over to the chair in my room and sits down.

“Who are you?” He asks. I look at him confused “Amber?” I ask unsure of his questions. He smiles and nods “good. Where are you?” He asks. “The pack hospital,” I tell him. Does he not know where he is? “Who’s your mate?” He asks “Sawyer,” I tell him.

Maybe he’s losing his memory and needs help remembering. The doctor asks me a couple more questions until the door opens and Sawyer rushes in. “Out,” he tells everyone.

The doctor stands up and nods “I’ll give you two space. I’ll be back in shortly to see how you are” the doctor tells us before leaving.

I stare at Sawyer and he stares at me. “Your awake” Sawyer breathes breaking the silence. I look at him confused. “Umm... yeah?” I ask.

“How does my wolf look?” I ask not being able to hold the question in anymore. Sawyer’s face dropped. “Babe you never changed,” he told me. My heart sank. “What? Did the marking not work?” I ask Sawyer chuckles and shakes his head.

“No. Your body couldn’t handle the pain” he tells me. I nod I guess that makes sense. “Will I be able to shift soon?” I ask. Sawyer shakes his head. “I know you are excited for your wolf but babe it isn’t safe. I almost lost you the first time I can’t lose you again” Sawyer tells me.

I nod in understanding... for now. “How long was I asleep for?” I ask. Sawyer looks around the room not meeting my gaze. “Almost two months,” he tells me. I sit there in shock. Sawyer has gone almost two months without me? Leyla, is Leyla okay? “How’s Leyla?” I ask I can’t believe I forgot my best friend.

Sawyer chuckles “I don’t know who took you being gone the hardest me or her.” He tells me. I nodded understanding. The door opens and the doctor walks back in. “I’m going to run some tests to make sure you are okay to leave,” the doctor tells us. Sawyer nods. The doctor walks over to me and begins his tests.

‘Is he almost done? I’m so sick and tired sitting here and not being with our mate.’ A voice in my head speaks. I jump at the sudden voice. “What’s wrong?” Sawyer asks me concerned. ‘Mmm, his voice is so dreamy.’ The voice in my head purrs.

“Someone is talking to me in my head?” I tell him unsure. Sawyer looks at me shocked along with the doctor. “That’s intrusting. After her nearly dying I didn’t think it was possible for her to ever change” the doctor speaks.

Sawyer looks at the doctor than at me. ‘Tell mate to calm down you aren’t dying any time soon. I’ll make sure of it’ she tells me. I nod and realize the Doctor and Sawyer can see me nodding. A blush forms on my cheeks. “Umm, the voice told me to tell you Sawyer to not worry about me dying,” I tell him still shocked and unsure about what’s going on.

“Honey that isn’t just a voice. It’s your wolf” Sawyer tells me. “I have a wolf?” I ask shocked and excited. The voice chuckles ‘why else would you have a voice in your head?’ She asks. “Umm I could be going crazy,” I tell the voice.

Sawyer laughs “what?” I ask confused. “Babe you don’t need to talk out loud to reply to your wolf. Talk in your mind like when you talk to yourself” he tells me. A stronger blush forms on my cheeks ‘awkward. But don’t worry honey you’ll learn in no time. By the way, I’m Viki so you can stop calling me the voice’ Viki tells me.

“Doctor, what does this mean?” Sawyer asks. “Get that outdoor bedroom set up again and bring Luna there. If her wolf is contacting her then that means she can shift at any time and there’s no stopping it” he tells my mate. Sawyer nods and his eyes cloud over. ‘That means he’s mind linking someone’ Viki told me.

The doctor nods his head toward me and leaves the room. A couple of minutes later Sawyer walks over to me. “We better get going. I don’t want you shifting around the pack. The best thing for you right now is to be alone with your mate. Then once you are shifted and comfortable we can run with the pack” Sawyer tells me. He holds his hand out for me I place my hand in his and he helps me up.

“I brought clothes for you since I don’t think you’d want to walk around the pack wearing the hospital gown. And with the back open, I don’t want any males seeing you” Sawyer tells me with a growl in the end.

“Could you untie me?” I ask he nods and walks up behind me and unties the gown. When he’s all done I let the gown slip off my body. I feel Sawyer freeze behind me. “Are you sure you want me to see?” He asks.

“You’re my mate Sawyer,” I tell him as I turn around so I’m facing him. “Plus you’ve seen everything,” I tell him. Sawyer growls as he looks me up and down. “I know baby girl. I just wanted to make sure you are comfortable with me looking at you” he tells me while not taking his eyes off my body. “And to be honest it’s difficult not taking you right now,” he tells me. “In the hospital room?” I ask shocked but at the same time turned on.

“Baby I would take you everywhere possible. Please put some clothes on before my wolf and I lose control” Sawyer tells me while closing his eyes. I don’t know what came over me but I wanted to tease Sawyer. I think it’s my wolf making me do this.

‘Yeah sure blame the wolf. It’s the bond between the two of you. Since you’ve been marked the bond is pulling you to him. Why not have a quicky in the hospital bed’ Viki purrs.

I shake my thoughts and walk up to Sawyer needing to be closer. It has been two months since we hugged, kissed, and touched each other. I reach out and rub his cock threw his pants. Sawyer lets out a grunt. “Baby, what are you doing?” He asks while looking at me with hunger in his eyes. “I miss you,” I tell him. He smiles “I miss you too. But baby this isn’t the time,” he tells me. “When will be the right time?” I ask Sawyer smirks at me “if you’ve been a good girl tonight” Sawyer growls.

He grabs the clothes and hands them to me. “Now get dressed” I nod at his orders and walk into the bathroom. ′ Hurry I can feel the shift happening’ Viky tells me. I get dressed as fast as I could once finished I step out of the bathroom with a stumble.

Sawyer notices and rushes to my side. “Are you okay?” He asks. “Viki told me the shift is happening,” I told him as I wince in pain. He picks me up and runs out of the room.

I close my eyes and curl into Sawyer. Having him close dulls the pain down a bit but not enough for it to disappear. ‘It’s okay girl. Before you know it this will all be over’ Viki tells me.

Before I know it Sawyer and I are back in the secret garden he lays me on the bed and lays down next to me. “Baby even breaths. I am here listen to my voice” Sawyer tells me calmly. A jolt of pain stabs through my body I squeeze my eyes shut as I scream in pain. ‘It’s okay Amber. I’m trying to take as much pain off of you as I can.’ I hear Viki faintly.

Soon my bones start to crack and move into different places. I scream from the pain. “It’s almost done, baby girl,” Sawyer tells me. I squeeze my eyes shut and scream from the pain until my screams turn to howls and the pain is gone. I open my eyes and look around my surrounding. Everything is so much clearer. I can see further. I can hear sounds I’ve never heard before and I can smell a lot more.

“Amber?” I hear Sawyer ask worriedly. The most amazing smell then washes over me Vanilla and freshly cut wood. I look at Sawyer and just stare at him. “What?” He asks me. I open my mouth to reply but Viki told me that I’m in wolf form. That the only way I can talk to him was through the mind link. ‘How do I do that?’ I ask. ‘Find your connection with Sawyer once you have it think about what you want to say to him’ he explains.

I close my eyes and look for Sawyer once I find him I hang onto that connection ‘hi’ I say in my mind unsure. ‘Hello, beautiful’ I open my eyes and look at Sawyer. ‘Good job at mind linking baby girl’ he tells me through the mind link. ‘How does it feel to be a wolf?’ he asks. ‘Amazing. I feel so alive’ I tell him. Sawyer chuckles.

“Let’s get you standing,” Sawyer tells me. I nod my big wolf head. Sawyer stands up “try to stand I’ll catch you if you fall,” he tells me. With all my strength I lift myself. I feel wobbly and unstable. ‘That will pass soon’ Viki tells me.

“You’re beautiful,” Sawyer tells me. “Your fur is a dark gray and your eyes are a light silver-white depending on the lighting,” Sawyer tells me. I can imagine my wolf’s image in my head. ‘We are smoking’ Viki tells me. I laugh at her comment.

Before we could enjoy the moment Flynn comes running towards us. I pick up his scent Pine and amber. Weird combo. “What is it, Flynn?” Sawyer asks annoyed. “Alpha the Vampire they are planning on attacking us.”

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