My King Mates

Chapter Chapter Ten

The bush opens and a lake comes into view surrounded by beautiful tall trees and my favorite willow trees. We walk forward through the bush. You can hear birds chirping and frogs croaking. In the distance, I can see a structure. From here it looks like there are six white pillars holding up an iron dome. That’s an odd structure I wonder what it is.

“My dad had a gazebo made. It’s somewhere that my mom can sit under for hours by the lake and read, paint or relax. He had some bushes and trees planted around it to give my mom that natural feel that she loves and shade from the sun. There are stairs from the gazebo that leads to the lake in case in the future you want to let your legs dangle in the water or even go swimming. This will be your secret oasis that you can go to anytime you want.” he tells me.

Stop being so nice to me. This is going to make it so much worse when Walter convinces the council that I should be with the Vampire. We reach the gazebo and I notice beautiful pastel pink and yellow roses along with other flowers that give you a woodsy feel going up the pillars as well as around the rime of the dome. After I take in the flowers and the beautiful surroundings of the green lush bushes and trees I notice a soft pink blanket with a beautiful basket in the middle of the gazebo with the King already standing there. I didn’t notice he left my side.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t help but watch you look at everything in awe. It fills my heart knowing you like this place. I didn’t need words your face said it all” he tells me. A blush covers my cheeks again and I walk over to him. Hmm maybe having rosy cheeks is going to permintally stay on my cheeks from now on due to this man who I can’t help but be crushing on. He’s so sweet and is showing me that life can be beautiful and meaningful.

“I had my chefs make the best for you. My Queen deserves nothing but the best. Today we’ll be having a deli sandwich, red wine, some fruits, and brownies for dessert” he tells me as he points to each thing. The King holds his hand out to me and I take it as he leads me over to the opposite side of him for me to sit. “Amber I want you to know that you are no longer a slave which means you will not follow those slave rules. You may speak when you choose to, you may eat when you choose to, you can speak whatever is on that beautiful mind whenever you want to, and please don’t hold anything back. I want to hear you talk all day and all night. I want to hear about what makes you happy and what drives you up the wall. I want to know what you want in your future. I want you to tell me when you are scared. I want to know everything about you” he tells me.

“Please stop” I whisper. I can’t hear this anymore. I can’t hear how much he wants to make me happy. I can’t hear how much he wants me to talk to him. I can’t take him showing me these beautiful areas and knowing that this could be the only time I’ll ever be here. He’s creating a life I’ve dreamed of my entire life but reality is… I can’t have it. “Stop what my darling? What is it?” he asks concern laced in his voice. I blink away the tears that are filling my eyes. I don’t dare look at him. “This life you are talking about. The life of you and me I can’t hear it any longer. Everything you say everything you show me... it’s too much.” I tell him as my voice cracks a bit.

“Amber, what’s wrong?” He asks as he stands up and walks over to me. “This amazing life you are picturing for us will never happen” I explain. The King sits down next to me and wraps his warm muscular arms around me. “Why would you say that?” he asks as he squeezes my shoulder. “Because they are rooting for the Vampire and me to be together. They treat you so much different than they do him. Yesterday Walter never came with him on the date. But he’s here today. The first time I met the Vampire King Walter took his time being there not rushing and loving his answers. But for you, he rushed. He wanted to leave as soon as possible. He hated the answers you gave him. He’s always talking so highly of the Vampire and I know he’s going to fit with the council for them to pair me with him. But here you are telling me everything I’ve dreamed of. Showing me these beautiful places telling me that one day it’ll be mine. It’s all too much” I tell him while not letting one single tear fall.

The King lifts me up and places me in his lap. His one hand is placed under my chin and lifts my head up so I’m looking straight at him. “I know he hates me, Princess. He has since day one. I know he wants you to be with the Vampire and I know you have no say in this. But there is hope. Don’t let that hope go away. I know deep in my heart that one day I’ll wake up and be told your with the Vampire. It hurts my wolf and I thinking about it. But at the same time, I have hope that we will be together. That they won’t think for benefiting for once and see a real connection a real relationship and hopefully real love. But if you do end up with the Vampire I will fight for you. I know he won’t treat you the way you should be. I will fight for you until my last breath” he tells me.

Okay, there’s the tears I couldn’t hold back any longer. What is with this man and knowing what to say and he made me open up so quickly and actually talk. I’m frightened but at the same time excited. I’m curious as to what he can make me open up to. He smiles at me and wipes my tears. “Oh and one more thing. Call me Sawyer. I don’t ever want you to call me Sir, King, Magisty, or anything of the sort understands?” He asks. This is going to be weird but I nod. I want to make him as happy as he makes me so if that means calling him by his name then so be it. “If you ever call me anything that isn’t a cute couple nickname or my name you will be punished,” he tells me.

I freeze. Punished? He leans down to my ear and whispers “Oh don’t worry baby it’ll be a punishment that I think you won’t want to stop. I like it when you wear dresses. It’ll make it easier to lift up and bend you against my desk” he whispers than nips at my neck. Why do my lady bites feel wet? Did I pee myself? Oh no, don’t tell me I got my period. Kenrich chuckles and leans towards the food bringing me with him. He picks up a sandwich and gives it to me. I take it from him and he takes the other one and sits back normally with me still sitting on this lap. “Eat” he whispers to me and takes a bit of his sandwich and I follow his actions.

We sat in comfortable silence while eating our sandwiches but after we talked about nonsense while we eat the fruit and tried my very first brownie. It was pretty good. I looked behind Sawyer as I sat in this lap the entire time we were eating to find Walter glaring at me. When he noticed me looking his glare got harder than looked at my brownie and back at me. Oh, I forgot I can’t eat any sweets or anything fattening since my other mate is a Vampire and he’ll want to drink my blood. Well you know what I’m with Sawyer right now the mate I want to be with so Walter and everyone else can suck it.

After we finished eating Saywer and I walk over to the lake hand in hand. “Do you know how to swim?” He asks I shack my head no. “The first thing I’ll do when you are announced mine is to teach you how to swim. To be honest I can’t wait to see you in a bikini” Sawyer tells me while whispering the last bit to me so no one else can hear.

“Miss Amber?” I hear Walter call. Sawyer and I turn around to find Walter walking up to us. “I’m sorry to interrupt but it’s getting late and we have a 3-hour drive back to the mansion,” he tells us. “If you must,” Sawyer tells Walter. He nods and walks back to where he came from. I turn so I’m facing my handsome mate. “I didn’t realize how fast time flew by. It sucks because I really don’t want to say goodbye but I’ll be counting down the days until we met again” he tells me and kisses my forehead. Soon these red cheeks will be permanent.

He pulls me into a tight hug “I don’t want to leave” I whisper as I snuggle into his chest. He’s so warm and cozy. I want to be in his arms forever. “Come on Amber” I hear Walter yell from a distance. Sawyer lets out a small growl but lets me go. Even with a coat, I feel instantly cold. I already miss his warmth. I look at him one more time before I turn around and walk away.

As I walk away it was so difficult to not turn back around and run to him and never leave his side. But I know this world is against me and I’ll never end up with him. But my relationship with Sawyer will last forever in my dreams. When I reach Walter he grabs my arm tight and pulls me into him harshly “Took you long enough. I’ve been here way longer than I hoped for. The next time you see him we will not be here for as long as we were today. You will be with King Dante so I would stop spending your time with the Werewolf and spend more time with the Vampire King” Walter hisses in my ear. He lets go of my arm and walks away.

I rub my arm and follow Walter with my head down. I knew this was all too good to be true. Yes, Sawyer raised my hopes but I should have known better. He and I both know we won’t end up together. Well, maybe that’s why hes’ doing this. He knows we won’t be together but he wants to act like we have a future together. Man, that’s going to be crushing for him when he gets the news that I’m with the Vampire. Walter walks through the magical bush but before I do I turn around and take one last look at the lake and the beautiful surroundings. I’m going to miss this place and the magical time I had with him. The man I want to be with.

I look at the gazebo and find Sawyer standing by the lake with his hands in his pockets and him looking at the water. He looks defeated. My heart breaks for him. All I want to do is kick off my heels and run back to him, but Walter yells for me. A single tear falls down my cheek as I turn around and walk through the magic bush, leaving the man who I’m falling for behind.

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