My King Mates

Chapter Chapter Six

“You look beautiful Miss. Amber” Lennon tells me. I give him a small smile and a short nod in acknowledgment. He opens the door to the limo and I slide in. Soon Walter follows along with Lennon. I look at Lennon questioning. Why is he coming? “I don’t trust the Werewolf King. No one does so I asked Lennon to come with us today” Walter tells me while bringing a fold-up table in front of him and placing a small computer on top of it.

“I have a lot of work that needs to be done so please keep it silent,” Walter tells us as he opens his computer. I look out the window without giving either of the men in here a second glance. Is the Werewolf King that bad? I thought the Vampire King was bad but now knowing Walter doesn’t feel safe without a guard is scary.

“The Werewolves aren’t that bad” I hear a voice whisper. I look towards the voice to find Lennon has scooted over to me. Lennon looks over to Walter to find him buried in his work, he then looks back at me.

“The Werewolves have been hunted a lot longer than the Vampires. Whatever the Vampire King is telling people isn’t even close to being the truth. The Vampires were the ones who would attack other creatures. The witches are the most powerful beings and the Vampires hated that. But when they found out they were helping the Werewolves that’s that set them off. That’s when King Dante’s grandfather grew an army to attack the witches. The Werewolf King tried to help the witches at the time but the Witches wouldn’t let them. it’s their battle to fight and they’ll need the werewolves to help them recover when the war is over. When the witches noticed the Vampires were very low in numbers they retreated but made it look like they were all dead. The Vampires think they won but in reality, the Witchs are in hiding.” Lennon tells me.

I sat there speechless. Not knowing what to think. then we heard Walter chuckling. “Don’t believe the stories he tells you. People who hate the Vampires will make up any story to make you believe the Vampires are the bad ones” Walter tells me. I looked away from them both and brought my gaze to the outside world, zooming past. I lean my head against the glass and close my eyes. Maybe a little nap will make me feel better.

“Wake her up Lennon. I don’t want to be here longer than we have to.” I hear Walter say. “Of course sir” Lennon replies soon after I feel a hand on my bare shoulder and someone shaking me. “Miss it’s time to wake up. We’re at the Werewolf Castle” I open my eyes and sit up. I let out a small yawn and nod my head. Lennon gets out of the limo and I follow behind him.

As we walk towards the castle I look around me. This area is nothing like the Vampire castle. It’s bright and beautiful. The castle is small in height but big in size unlock the Vampire castle which was tall in high but smaller in size. “Come on Amber hurry up,” Walter tells me. He seems like he’s in a hurry. I pick up the front of my dress and rush towards Walter and Lennon.

We walk up the stairs Walter in front of Lennon and me. When we reach the top of the stairs we are met with some guards and a man who I don’t remember being the Werewolf King. The man ignored Walter and Lennon and smiles at me. “I’m so happy you made it Miss. Amber. I’m Beta Fynn the Alpha King is waiting in his office for you. He’s been very excited for your arrival” Beta Fynn tells me still not acknowledging Walter and Lennon.

Beta Fynn moves to the side and the doors open Walter goes to walk ahead but a guard stops him. “Miss. Amber goes ahead she is the Alpha Kings mate” Beta Fynn tells him. I freeze at the spot. I go first? A slave? “Miss. Amber are you okay?” Beta Fynn asks I mentally shake my head and softly nod. I walk forward and through the doors.

As I step into the building ladies who are wearing maid uniforms stop what they are doing and bows towards me along with the guards and men in suits. After they bowed they went back to work. No one did this yesterday at the Vampire Castle. “Don’t get used to this Amber. It’s a setup to make you think you are important. At least the Vampire King showed you where you belong” Walter whispers to me.

My heart breaks. Is this all a setup? Are they going to treat me nice and if Walter thinks I best suit the Werewolf King everyone will treat me the way the Vampire King did… or worse? “Come along Miss. Amber. I’ll show you the way to the King’s office” Beta Fynn tells me.

Beta Fynn walks towards an enormous staircase. I look at all the paintings, the lines the walls up to the second floor. Every painting had beautiful colors brightening them up to beautiful outdoor scenes. Some were wildflowers in a large field some were of wolves playing in the woods and some beautiful waterfalls. The interior of the castle so far is so bright and happy. I can’t imagine anyone having a bad day here. It’s too bright to be in the dark.

Once we made it to the second floor we walked down the hallway past many doors until we stopped in front of the only double door in the hallway. Beta Fynn knocked on the door and we waited until we heard a come in. Beta Fynn opens the door and steps in instructing me to wait. “Alpha King she’s here,” he tells the Werewolf King. I hear a chair moving on wooden flooring then a strong voice spoke that sent shivers down my spine… the good kind. “Send her in.”

Beta Fynn turns towards me and nods his head. I take a deep breath and walk into the room about to meet my second mate for what feels like this first time. I step by Beta Fynn and turns towards my mate but I don’t dare to look at his face. “Let’s get down to business,” Walter tells everyone as he walks into the room. “Right if you all could take a seat. Thank you, Fynn” The Werewolf King tells everyone. Beta Fynn nods his head and leaves the room.

I turn around and notice a long brown leather couch. I walk over to it and sit down on one side while Walter sits on the other side and Lennon continues to stand. “What is it you would like to talk about Walter?” the Werewolf King asks. “What rules would you want Amber to follow if she’s chosen to be with you?” Walter asks while opening his notepad and pen.

“Oh, that isn’t a bad question. If dear Amber here is chosen to be my mate she won’t have many rules that she’ll need to follow. The only rules she’ll have to follow are ones that every Queen has.” He replies. Walter gasps “I’m sorry but did I hear you correctly? Did you say, Queen?” Walter questions. “Yes, I did. Is there a problem with that?” The Werewolf King asks Walter. “Your Majesty I don’t mean to overstep but she’s a slave. She was brought up as a slave to serve.” Walter says. The Werewolf King stands up with such force that his chair fell. He slams his hands on his desk making me jump a bit.

“Are you telling me how I should treat my mate and Queen Walter? Don’t forget that I am higher than the council and I can throw you out without a question” the Werewolf King growls. I scoot back into the couch now understanding why Walter is scared of the Werewolf King. “I didn’t want to snap in front of my mate Walter. I know you’ve put nonsense into her head. Believing that my kind is cruel. That we don’t have a soul and I will not allow you to piss me off by your words to make her believe it” the Werewolf King tells Walter. He grabs his chair and sits back down while fixing his tie still not daring to look at his face.

“Now back to the rules. She will be submissive like all-female wolves. Listen to her mate and will need permission to do certain things. But as a Queen, she’ll have more freedom than a normal she-wolf. While most female wolves are below their mate Amber will be my equal. She will be aloud to talk back to me and start an argument and be able to argue to a degree of course. Now is there anything else you’d like to ask?” The Werewolf King asks.

“Just one more thing. How will she benefit you?” Walter asks. The question I hate. How will I benefit them? That shouldn’t even be a question. “It should be how we benefit each other. “Amber will benefit me by bearing heirs for the thrown. She’ll keep my head on straight and keep me less snappy and make sure my anger is under control. I’ll have more of a clear head to make better decisions in a better headspace. Now how will I benefit her? Well, she will not be treated like a slave because she isn’t. Yes, she may have been brought up to be one but once the Vampire King and I called her mate she stopped being a slave but a future Queen that will be treated as one. I’ll protect her from all who wish her harm. I will love and cherish her. I don’t find any women beautiful but for her. Amber is always in my thoughts and dreams. She’s everywhere. I only want her” the Werewolf King spoke.

I got lost in his words. Is that really how he feels? Does he want me and no one else? By his words and how honest he sounds I hope he isn’t lying I hope he’s speaking nothing but the truth. “Thank you your majesty but that’s all the time we have for today. We better get going” Walter says as he stands up. I look at Waler in disbelief. I don’t want to go. I want to stay and listen to him talk. His voice is very soothing. “Already? But you’ve only just got here” the Werewolf King says as he stands up. “We’re on a very tight schedule,” Water tells him. “Come Amber we must leave,” Walter tells me already heading for the door.

I stand up and begin to follow but the King stops me by grabbing my wrist. I didn’t realize how tall he is compared to me till now. My head reaches his chest. I feel a figure placed under my chin. Light sparks are felt where his finger lies. The King slowly moves my head up till I’m looking at him and wow he’s handsome. He has a light tan that makes his blue eyes pop. His hair is almost to the skin on the sides but longer on top and he has a beard growing. I like that on a man. The King smiles at me making my knees feel weak.

“It’s so nice seeing you again Amber even if it was so short. I can’t wait to see you again” the King tells me. I nodded not knowing what to say or even how to act. He smiles at me. “Till next time” he whispers and kisses my forehead. I feel like I’m paralyzed. Soon the sparks disappear from my chin and I’m being dragged out of the room and to the limo, everything is in a blur.

“Well, that went terribly. What a stuck-up he is. I’ll do everything in my power to convince the council to have you go with the Vampire King. He knows how to treat a woman. Equal what fairyland is he in? He’s making it seem like you are the one who will be choosing who you’ll be Queen to” Walter goes on. His voice starts to blurs into the background as I imagine my life with the Werewolf King.

“Um… Miss?” I hear a voice and see a hand waving in front of my face. I look away from the window and to Lennon. “I’ve been trying to get your attention for some time now but it seemed like you were deep in thought. We are back at the mansion. Walter said dinner will be brought to your room and the rest of the night is free to you but you must stay in your room” Lennon tells me. I nod and we get out of the limo. Was I that deep in thought? Did I seriously have that much to think of about the King of Werewolves?

What kind of spell did he put over me? Lennon told me the Werewolves had witches living in their kingdom. He probably had them put a spell over me. Thankfully, it’s gone now. I walk into my room and go straight to the closet stripping off the dress.

I then sit on my makeup table and find makeup remover wipes and remove all the makeup on my face. It felt like I was wearing at least a pound of makeup. My skin can now breathe. I take off the lace panties and put them with the dress. I walk around my closet naked trying to find something comfy.

But then a weird feeling came over me along with a thought of the Werewolf King coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my naked stomach and kissing my neck while softly biting it. I quickly shake my head I quickly grabs underwear and comfy pajamas I run out of the closet and get into the shower after I put my clothes on top of the closed toilet. I turn the shower on and stand under it for a couple of minutes letting the warmth of the water wash over me. What was that crazy thought? I’ve never thought of som

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