My King Mates

Chapter Chapter Nineteen

I’m sitting on my bed in my cell watching King Dante passing with my guard by the door and the lady leaning against the wall with her arms crossed over her chest looking really annoyed. “I don’t understand what you’re so worried about. They didn’t find her” she tells the King.

“It was a close call. He could have barged into the room at any moment and found her. If Darren didn’t grab her when he did she would have been found. We can not let this happen again. he already suspects that we have her.

His stupid wolf instincts when it comes to mates. I will not lose to him. She will turn into the perfect salve like she once was and will give me all the power. I’ll be able to take over that stupid Werewolf and his pack and I’ll be the only King” King Dante tells everyone. I’m pretty sure the last part was supposed to be in his head.

“I don’t understand your obsession with that dog.” The lady sighs. “Vanessa he ruined my life. It’s my turn to make him pay and that’s by taking his precious mate. Watching him today was the highlight of my life for a very long time.

I loved watching him struggle with his anger knowing his mate was missing it was even better when he went crazy when he sensed she’s in the castle. Him acting like that will be how I win. He will ruin everything for himself. A Werewolf can’t be without their mate for very long especially when they aren’t marked. He will destroy everything and I won’t have to even lift a finger all because of this girl.” King Dante laughs.

“So what are we going to do with her after?” Vanessa asks. King Dante chuckles. “She’ll remain as my personal slave until the day she dies. And I’ll make sure she has a long life” he tells her as he looked at me. My body runs cold. I don’t like the sound of that.

“From now on when the Elves and Werewolf come here in the search for the slave she will be kept in here. I don’t want any more close calls.” King Dante tells Vanessa and the guard Darren. “When we feel like she’s an obedient slave again we’ll let her free and have someone find her and bring her back to the council. She’ll listen and follow every rule given to her.

They’ll see the Werewolf King struggling with her not opening up to him and having a mind of her own. So they’ll choose me because they’ll see us being the perfect couple. I tell her what to do and she follows happily. The Werewolf goes crazy and destroys his kingdom” King Dante laughs.

The Vampire King gives me one look up and down. “Humans are hideous creatures,” he says and walks out of the room with Vanessa following behind. A couple of seconds later a cart and a man walks into my room. Oh, good food. It hasn’t been that long since I ate but I don’t want them to know that.

Darren walks in front of the open door and glares at me. Like I’ll escape. Dude I’m chained to the fucking bed I promise I won’t get very far. The man in a white outfit puts a tray on my bed in front of me. He then places a plate with a steak in front of me. Oh, this is going to get very tiring eating the same thing for dinner very quickly.

“Your 5 minutes starts now,” Darren tells me. I grab the knife and fork and start cutting. I eat as fast I can without getting sick. That’s the last thing I need at the moment. Once 5 minutes was up I look down at my plate noticing I ate more than last night. Hopefully, by tomorrow I’ll be able to eat everything. One day at a time. I pick up my glass of water as the man picks up my dirty plate and fork.

When I finished my water he takes it and leaves. Darren walks over to me and undoes the chain to the bed. “We’re going to the bathroom,” he tells me. I get out of bed and stretch my legs then I follow him out of my room and to the bathroom.

Darren leads me down a gloomy hallway until we reach a different part of the slave’s courters. That’s what I’m going to call down here from now on. I notice cells with no doors at all lining the walls. Cells back to back with a thin layer of brick breaking the rooms apart. I notice there’s a staircase leading to even more cells above the ones on the ground floor. How many slaves are there?

Darren leads me to the entrance of a bathroom. “In your cubby their’s clothes for you to wear to bed. This is your assigned bathroom the only bathroom you can use while down here. Go get changed I’ll be waiting and don’t lolly dally.” He tells me. I nod and walk into the bathroom.

I walk straight to my cubby and grab a plain gray sweater and sweat pants. I strip out of my maid uniform as I was about to put the sweatpants on I hear a familiar voice. “I don’t see any bruises or marks.”

I pull the sweatpants up and turn around to see a happy Green eye, Blue eyes, Redhead, and a mean glare from blondie. “Are you okay? Did they hurt you? The way the guard dragged you out had us worried” Green eyes tell me.

I shake my head “I’m fine. I wasn’t punished or anything. The King didn’t want Sawyer finding me so he had a gaurd rush me out” I explain. “You call the Alpha King by his first name?” Blondie asks amazed. I nod my head “of course. He told me he doesn’t want me to ever call him King, Majesty, or anything of the sort” I tell her.

“Girls we can talk about this tomorrow. Amber has a guard waiting for her and you know how short-tempered they are” Blue eyes say. The girls beside Blondie bid me good night and leaves. I finish getting dressed I brush my teeth and use the toilet. Once I’m ready for bed I walk out of the bathroom.

Darren grabs my chain and heads back to my cell. I turn my head to find Green eyes waving at me before she walks into her cell. I was able to get a quick glance into their cells and I feel terrible. Their bed isn’t even a bed. It’s a metal frame with what looks like a thin mattress on top with a thin blanket and a terrible-looking pillow. They also don’t have a window as I have in my cell.

Darren walks back into my cell and re-chains me to the bed. I lay down and cover myself with a blanket that is definitely thicker than the ones in the other cells. The lights turn off and I close my eyes with one person on my mind. Sawyer.

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