My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 12: Sect Master and Patriarch

Chen Ming quickly came down as he told me:

"Chu Mang, the sect master, and the patriarch are coming right now, bow down, and wait for them!"

Yun Jhin bowed his head as he slowly waited, after a few seconds of waiting the sect master entered the cave first, his eyes were a dark golden color as he observed Yun Jhin's bowing form and nodded his head at him, he wore a long black robe that hid his body, his face was average but his fiery red hair was there for all to see.

The patriarch came down next, his blonde hair fluttered in the wind as he crashed directly in the cave making a cloud of dust go up, after the dust settled down the heavenly realm patriarch figure appeared, unlike the sect master his robe was fully white with no specks of dust on it even though the cloud of dust settled down none touched his body, Yun Jhin chuckled inside as he looked at the man, he used his soul power for such a petty trick, that would just make it easier for him to capture his body later.

The patriarch walked forward as he told Chen Ming and Yun Jhin:

"Let me be clear with you two, as long as the corpse king is fully awakened you both will get a very big reward from the sect, you would have done us a huge favor, as the patriarch of the sect I thank the both of you."contemporary romance

Chen Ming and Yun Jhin both cupped their fists and bowed to the patriarch, the sect master and the patriarch then opened the hidden trap as they looked at the armor-wearing corpse twitching and moaning, the patriarch looked like a kid who waited to open his gift in a Christmas morning, he was giddy that he almost jumped in place waiting for the corpse to wake up.

Yun Jhin looked at the patriarch and sect master with a cold look on his face, suddenly the eyeless corpse opened it's mouth as a soundless scream was heard from its mouth, the soundwaves impacted both the patriarch and the sect master as the sect master fell on the ground and blood started seeping out of his eyes nose and ears. The patriarch had it better as his soul was refined for quite a bit as he reached the 2nd stage of the heavenly realm, as he was closer to Yun Jhin, the body snatcher realized what kind of cultivation he achieved, he also realized that he cultivated a peculiar technique for corpse enslaving, too bad he couldn't use it on the corpse king as it was already under Yun Jhin's control.

The patriarch thought the corpse king was acting up as it fully awoke and it tried to pierce his consciousness with his soul, he saw that it was already controlled by someone and he shouted quickly and wrathfully towards Yun Jhin and Ming Chen's direction:

"You traitorous dogs, how could you!"

Yun Jhin shook his head as he looked at the patriarch then his palm entered the body of Ming Chen immediately killing him, he slowly slid his hand out of the man's now dead body and looked at the patriarch:

"Too late to realize that dear 'patriarch'" Yun Jhin said in a slow and bored tone, the corpse jumped from the hidden place and attacked the patriarch brutally, he unsheathed his katana and slashed at the patriarchs head trying to bisect him.

Yun Jhin frowned as he started controlling the corpse's bloodlust, he needed the patriarch whole!

The corpse started to attack at a slower pace and less brutally as he only tried to tire out of the patriarch instead of killing him directly now, the patriarch took a fan out of his robes and parried the corpse king katana then he used it to slash it at the corpse's armor and he rushed directly towards Yun Jhin as he shouted:

"If I kill you I will directly take the control back, DIE!"

Yun Jhin slowly backed away and dodged the patriarch attack, however, the fan nicked his face as a little bit of blood started to leak from his right side, Yun Jhin tongue extended from his mouth as he licked the blood from his cheek and continued to look coldly at the patriarch, the patriarch's gaze had to return to the corpse as the katana almost slashed his back open, suddenly fire started to assault him from behind as Yun Jhin finally made his move!

The small fireball was concentrated and fast, however it wasn't a killing blow, it was meant to only injure, at quick speeds the patriarch barely dodged the fireball as his clothes were singed by the fire, but due to his sudden dodge, a katana lodged itself in the man's shoulder as he cried out in pain.

His soul will came out of his forehead in the form of a dagger as it rushed towards Yun Jhin's forehead since he couldn't deal with Yun Jhin with his physical body as it was preoccupied with the corpse king he now tried to destroy his soul with his.

Yun Jhin sneered as the soul will hit his soul defenses and rebounded injuring the man's soul and making him stagger, another slash at his other shoulder immediately incapacitated him, Yun Jhin slowly walked forward towards the patriarch as he clapped slowly:

"Good job patriarch, now this corpse refining sect is mine."

The patriarch chuckled coldly when Yun Jhin finally stood in front of him, out of the patriarch's mouth a hidden kunai immediately lodged inside Yun Jhin's heart, Chu Mang's body started to give out as a bunch of blood was spat out but a smile remained on his face as he looked down at the patriarch and said:

"Is that all?"

The body's pulse stopped as it dropped down out of his now open mouth, Yun Jhin's true body immediately entered the patriarch's cranium through his nose, the patriarch started shouting as he said:

"A mind-controlling caterpillar? HOW?"

Mind controlling caterpillars weren't intelligent at all if a body with a mind-controlling caterpillar was found it was very easy to see if it was possessed or not as it would act like a zombie, it wouldn't even be able to talk normally, but Chu Mang acted normally and he could even cultivate to such a high level!

A voice echoed inside the patriarch's cranium that now housed Yun Jhin:

"If you haven't heard of my name Yun Jhin, then you should die unknowingly."

That fiend Yun Jhin? the patriarch's eyes widened as his brain was impaled by Yun Jhin's stinger, his body went limp as he suddenly laughed and looked down at his hands:

"Finally a decent body, a very decent one!"

The patriarch's body had a yin ki constitution, his body could transform into a living dead that could cultivate! (...)

I started to check the body's condition as I looked it up and down with my soul, it was a very good body, very good. With one of the cultivation techniques, I knew about corpse refining I could make this patriarch even reach the King Realm if I was lucky! (...)

The corpse king suddenly lurched at Yun Jhin's new body as his mouth was ready to devour the patriarch's head, the sect master suddenly regained consciousness as he looked at his father almost meeting his end at the corpse king hands, but suddenly the corpse king lurched back as new orders from Yun Jhin came and he stopped meekly walking a little behind and then sat down.

Yun Jhin closed eyes opened as he looked at the sect master which was the man's son, the patriarch was called Sun Sisheng, and his son was called Sun Miedo, as he started to collect the memories of Sun Sisheng he nodded his head inwardly as he finally knew the patriarch's whole life story, he got up from the ground as his wounds healed slowly and walked to his son as he helped him up:

"Miedo, it's fortunate that you almost reached the entrance to the heavenly realm or else the corpse king soul attack would have killed you *sigh* I didn't know this Chu Mang and Chen Ming are spies, they almost realized their mission, killing you and me, it's fortunate that when Chu Mang wanted to give me the finishing blow I attacked him with my hidden kunai killing him instantly, with his soul will being dissipated, the Corpse King consciousness space was now empty so I could finally brand him with my own and I stopped him from killing me."

Sun Miedo nodded his head at his father as he cleaned his face from the blood, then he walked towards the duo's corpses as he spat on them and said:

"Should we feed them to the corpse king, father?"

Yun Jhin nodded his head at his new 'son' and said:

"I will feed them to the corpse king, I now need to be alone with it to finish the bonding ceremony, you go back to the palace and inform the elders about what happened, I will come to join you and the others after I finish, also prepare a banquet, we need to celebrate our second heavenly realm expert!"

Miedo smiled at Yun Jhin as he swam out of the sea of corpses, Yun Jhin looked down at his hands again as his cultivation base was getting slowly boosted towards the first stage of the heavenly realm, however, he couldn't advance now as he still had to get rid of the bodies, and he wouldn't be giving them to the corpse king.

Yun Jhin slowly inched towards the two dead bodies as his jaw unhinged, he used a technique to sharpen his teeth as both of the bodies entered his mouth their slowly crunched and eaten, even though he didn't need to cultivate the corpse devouring technique the nutrients from two high leveled earthly realm practitioners were extremely useful to him at this point, as he needed them to stabilize his breakthrough to the heavenly realm.

His mouth returned to its normal state as he stored the nutrients in his snatched body, he would use them later on his main body when he broke through, he already knew what the treasury of the sect had from the patriarch's memories and he realized that some things wouldn't be that useful for his next transformation, but he could evolve his current one to a different branch of the mind-controlling caterpillar with the items in stock, and continue his control behind the shadows, giving missions to the disciples to get the rare materials that could be found around, but the materials that not everyone knew about, he would also mask his intentions of gathering materials by sending them on getting some of the more popular ones.

As he made the plan in his mind Yun Jhin looked at the corpse king as he made it follow him, the cave was now useless, so he decided to destroy it, he didn't need the cave to create more undead!

He jumped outside of the cave as lightning appeared at his fingers, the lightning shot directly into the cave and destroyed it burying a lot of bodies under the debris and rocks, Yun Jhin nodded to himself as the corpse king followed him back to the inner palace, he now had to play the role of the patriarch but considering the patriarch mostly cultivated in seclusion, he only had to waste his time on the banquet, after all, the patriarch truly promised a great banquet after the corpse king would have awakened.

Yun Jhin shook his head as he got near the inner palace, he would quickly finish this 'banquet' and then go directly to the treasury!

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