My Invincible Husband Has Returned by Voice From Heaven

Chapter 23

Chapter 23
this exact moment, Liam arrived just in time to see Cheryl slappoping jana across
the face and Celena slumping onto the ground in an a
tals his blood boil and wanted nothing more than to snap Cheryllyl's ght in thial
halfeThe moment he saw that, he leaped out of the catar
It even so stopped and sprinted toward them.
€ was alballenwed to treat Celena like this!
I raised her arrancabove her head, poised to give another slap, p. all of a
suddende someone swatted her arm away so forcefully he staggered
bacbackward. Finally, she lost her balance and
ed onto the ground, ria, right in the middle of the puddle of
water! erl
she shrieked in discusouscriter hands were now covered in
water, and she was evenverornore infuriated by the sight of Jacob TI
ing to one side, his mombahaagape in shock. “Are you an idiot?
:an you stand there like the that while someone else picks on your Ind?”
finally snapped out of his stapopor ble stared at Cheryl, wanting > her up, but
hesitated at the sickofther her covered in wastewater. , after some contemplation,
he gritated his teeth and helped her ay. “Don’t be mad at me, Cheryl. wasvas just
shocked, that's all!”
e useless! You couldn't even protect you your woman! Useless twat!
shrieked like a banshee. She witnessessed Jacob's hesitation in her and was
extremely displeased by thysthis. How dare he treat iress of the Stone family like
this? is?
held Celena in his arms and cast Cheryl a steelteely look. “How dare [ this to
her? I want you and every single memenber of your family
to beg her for mercy, or else!”
“You? Who the hell do you think you are, ordering us around like this?” Cheryl
shoved Jacob aside and stepped forward, intending to give this man a piece of
her mind. However, she was stopped short by the malicious look in Liam's eyes.
She did not dare to even move.
This man was terrifying!
Liam was staring at Cheryl as though she were already dead and was a rotting
carcass in front of him. She shuddered at this and could not help taking a small
step backward in fear.
Celena finally could not hold it in anymore and went limp right in Liam's arms.
The blood from her forehead already soaked through Liam's clothes, not to
mention the bleeding wound on her right
Liam began to panic. “Celena! Celena! Are you okay? Hold on, I'm bringing you
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3 . . ,
The sight of this made Liam's blood
boil once more. He turned to Cheryl
“ :
and shouted, “Very well, Stone family!
3 ci) 5
We will meet again!” The content is
on! Read the latest
chapter there!
With that, he turned and carried Celena back to the Jeep, ignoring
Cheryl entirely.
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Cheryl finally snapped out of her
stupor, but the Jeep had already.
begun to pull away. She pointed in
the direction of the retreating car and

screamed, “Stop! How dare you treat
me like this on my property! Help!
5 ; 5 =
Someone seize him!” The content is
on! Read the latest
chapter there!
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cob quickly caught her and said,
« : BS
Cheryl, as long as he remains in ham
Pp )
City, you'll have plenty of
opportunities to get your revenge. y
don't you go get showered and
3 ” :
changed first?” The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
spite almost suffocating from the stench of the wastewater, he till stifled his
disgust and put his arm around Cheryl's shoulder. ”

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