My Invincible Husband Has Returned by Voice From Heaven

Chapter 16

Chapter 16
Celena started sobbing the moment she felt Liam's arms wrap
around her. She wailed, “Run, Liam! Please-I'm begging you! I don't want Jovie
to live without a father.”
All of a sudden, a low voice boomed out from the distance, “You can
run but you can't hide! Whoever dares to even lay a finger on my master has to
feel my wrath!”
At the same time, a dozen vans screeched to a halt outside the
Nightwalker Club, and out stepped a team of burly men wielding daggers and
baseball bats. A man emerged from among the crowd, dressed in a tailored suit
with a cigar between his lips.
Celena started trembling at the sight of these men who looked about to beat
them up. Despite her intense fear, she tried her best to ignore the excruciating
pain shooting through her body and shielded Liam behind her back. She got onto
her knees and began pleading for mercy, “Mr. Walker, this is all my fault! If you
have to punish someone, you should punish me instead! Liam didn’t know better-
please show him mercy!”
Before she could even continue, Liam reached out from behind her and pulled
her onto her feet.
She turned to stare at him, tears brimming in her eyes. “Liam, stop it! Do you
even know who he is? That's Mr. Jonas Walker, the master of the Walker family
who holds the power of the major gangs in Drunham City! We can't possibly
stand a chance against them! Don't
to mess things up, please-I'm begging you! Leave while you can! his is all my
fault, and’l should be punished, not you. Please leave and bring Jovie with you
while you can.”
“Uncle Jonas, save me! I'm going to die! Please, Uncle Jonas! You
have to kill them!” Trent wailed in agony from the pool of blood he was lying in.
Jonas was ablaze at the sight of his beloved nephew being beaten up until this
state. He bellowed at the top of his lungs, “Who dares to touch even a hair on my
nephew's head? Whoever did this isn’t going to make it out of here alive!”
With that, he turned to Celena and snarled, “Celena Stone, you and your family
are just useless maggots leeching off us Walkers! My nephew was out of his
mind to have fallen for you! How dare you say you're willing to be punished? Do
you even know what's lying in store. for you?”
Liam sneered and stepped forward, shielding Celena behind his back. “You won't
stand a chance against me!”
“What a cocky b*stard!” Jonas was even more outraged by this. With a yell, his
men sprang into their positions, bracing themselves to charge with Jonas’s next
command. “How dare you speak to me that way? You're either very courageous
or very gullible. I'll give you one last chance-either you get down on your knees
and cripple yourself in punishment for what you've done to my nephew, or you
and your
little whore can die!”
Celena quivered at this, she clutched Liam’s shirt sleeve and whimpered, “Liam,
please go! Jovie still needs you!”
She was already counting her blessings at being able to see Liam again after all
these years, so to her it did not matter at all whether she would walk out of here
alive. All she wanted was for Jovie to
up with his father by his side!
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sneered and fixated his cold,
: “py
penetrating stare on Jonas. “I'm one
who hurt Trent. Let her go and take
3 » 3
me instead!” The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
nas stared intently back at Liam, calculating his next move. He
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knew full well that if he acted rashly,
Trent would be in grave danger, The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
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and although he outnumbered Liam,
. )
Liam's powerful aura sent a surge of
fear coursing through him that he
never felt before. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!

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