My Hot Alpha

Chapter Chpater 2

Closing the car door, I grinned. She knew how much I was addicted to sugar. Passing her coffee, I glanced back at the gas station as we drove away, 4 guys stood outside staring directly after our car. Yeah, because that wasn't odd. "I like sugar". I grinned sticking another twizzler in my mouth.

"You won't be saying that when your teeth fall out". She turned onto the highway picking up speed. "How are you really feeling about all of this?".

"Ask me again in a month". I couldn't bring myself to tell her because I didn't want to upset her. She thought this was the best thing for us and I was going to try and make it work.

"I know you weren't big on the idea of moving but I think you'll love it here. All I'm asking is that you try and make it home. Texas is beautiful, the people are friendly and I think we'll fit in perfectly".

I would give her the benefit of the doubt. I would try but that's not to say it would be easy. Making new friends was, starting over again was hard.

"I'll try but please don't push it on me".

As the car began to slow down, I became aware of my surroundings. Trees, trees, and more trees.

"Are we living in the forest?". I asked.

Laughing she placed her hand on my knee and squeezed. "This is just the road we take. We'll be there soon".

"Where are the-...". I paused when houses started to appear.

A street.

"We live in the middle of nowhere, great". I didn't have a car which meant I was restricted on what I could do. Our new house was located in the middle of nowhere. How was I supposed to go out? Did any buses run through here?

Sighing I ran a hand down my face as the car came to a stop. I looked up at the house and smiled. The front bedroom had a balcony, just like my old one.

I was in awe.

The house from the outside looked beautiful. A little old and it looked like it had been empty a while but nothing a little love and care couldn't fix. Maybe living here wouldn't be so bad afterall. "It needs some work but I had to buy it".

Stepping inside my heart fell a little. Everything screamed old and out of date. The carpets, the furniture, the smell.

"I have contractors coming in a few days. I know it doesn't seem like much but we can give it a real go out here. Decorate the way we want; we can make this our home".

She was happy and who was I to take that away from her. My thoughts were irrelevant right now. I had to think of the bigger picture, our future. I wasn't going to burst her happiness over a few old carpets.

"It seems like a quiet area. How far is the nearest beach?".

"Missing the beach already?". She smiled.

"I am but I can wait. Do you want me to start unloading the car?". I was only to bring the stuff I couldn't live without. She was going to buy everything else new. Where she was getting the money from, I will never know and I dare not ask. "Yes, and I'll see if I can get the heating working".

No heating?

Rolling my eyes, I made my way outside. Surely it wouldn't get any worse right? With half my body inside the car I didn't hear anyone approach.

"Need a hand?".

Wait, was that?


"You're moving in there?". She asked as I pulled myself out of the car. "You bought that house?".

I didn't like the feeling in the pit of my stomach. Was there something wrong with it? Kicking the door shut I stared at her. Something felt off about her too and I couldn't put my finger on it. "Is there something wrong with it?".

"No of course not it's been empty for a while. I live a few houses down but I mostly stay with my brother. He lives on the corner".

"Why has it been empty for so long?". I was curious.

"Not sure". She shrugged. "Let me help with that". She took the box from me and made her way up the driveway. I wasn't sure if we were going to be friends or not. Wasn't sure if I liked her. "Leah, I managed to get-... oh who is this?". My gran took the box from Alanna.

"Alanna, she lives across the street. She was telling me this house has been empty for a while. Are you sure you made the right decision with buying it?". I didn't want her spending all her money on a house if something was wrong with it. "Leah". She warned.

That was all I needed to keep my mouth shut. Once she was set on something there was nothing anyone could do to change her mind.

"Go and unpack the rest of the car. I will fix us some hot chocolate".

"She seems sweet". Alanna smiled as she grabbed another box.

She was sweet alright but she was also fierce and fearless.

"Thanks, I've got it from here". I couldn't seem to figure this girl out. I wasn't sure if she was being friendly because she wanted something or friendly because we were new to the street.

"I don't mind". She shrugged picking up another box. "Besides my idiot brother has friends over and I'd rather not be there".

"How old is your brother?". I asked.

"24 going on 50". She smirked. "Bit of an asshole".

"How so?". I was digging but I couldn't help but be a little curious.

"I'm sure you'll meet him one day. Do you have any siblings?".

"Only child".

Making my way up the drive I tripped over my feet and fell to the ground. Box up in the air I put my hands out to stop my fall. "Shit". I groaned grabbing my knee. Lifting my jean leg up I pulled out the stone that was embedded in there. "Are you okay?".

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