My Hockey Alpha Neighbor

Chapter 53

Chapter 53

My assailant’s grip tightens around my wrist, dragging me further into the darkness of my apartment. He kicks the door shut behind us as we go. Unmitigated panic surges through my veins as I struggle desperately against the relentless force. Again and again, I attempt to rip my attacker’s hand off of my mouth so that I can scream for help, to no avail.

I have no idea where my assailant has dragged me. In the darkness. I feel just how lost I am. The fact that this space was once the place I called home serves me no real comfort. Everything feels alien and out of my control, now, especially considering what disarray the room was in. I have no power here.

Even if I could scream, there is no one here to hear me, no one to come to my rescue. The sickening realization hits me dead on. I redouble my attempts to struggle against my attacker grip. My mind races, searching for any possible escape. but I find nothing

In my desperation, my mind has kicked into overdrive. I replay the moment right before I was attacked.

Is there anyone nearby that I could get to help me? I wonder desperately.

In a cruel twist of fate. Aiden’s old apartment appeared to still be unoccupied. Not only was Aiden not there, but no one was The bitter irony leaves me feeling sick with dread.

I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. I frantically try to reach for, but the attacker’s hand moves from my mouth to my wrist. He holds my hands firmly in place. At least, now my mouth is uncovered. I curse loudly as the potential lifeline becomes just out of my reach, so tantalizingly close, but so impossibly far.

I’ve become completely disoriented. In the darkness, I can’t even tell where in my old apartment I am. All I can do is let out ragged screams and fight with all of my strength No matter what I do, it seems completely helpless, I don’t know if this man. has a weapon on him. I don’t even know what his intentions are. All that I can do is assume that he’s here to end my life. At this rate, I fear that it will only be a matter of time.

Just as I begin to fear that it’s all over, a deafening crash shatters my focus. The door is flung wide open, harsh light flooding through it. It feels like a door opening to heaven. In the doorway stands a strong silhouette, that of the person I had silently been praying would save me.

Aiden is a blur as he rushes toward us. For just a moment in the half-darkness, I catch a glimpse of the mask of fury that his normally kind face has become. He lunges for my assailant without mercy.

My body courses with both terror and release as Aiden pins the attacker to the ground. I stumble away, catching myself on a nearby piece of furniture. It takes me a long moment to come to my senses. I need to get law enforcement involved, and quickly. I reach for my phone and quickly dial the police.

1 hastily shout my address into the phone as soon as the line connects. “Come quick, please!” I cry out. “Someone just tried to kill me!” I can faintly make out in the darkness Aiden and my attacker, fighting tooth and nail on the floor. At long last, 1 see Aiden flip the two of them over, so he’s on top, slamming the attacker into the ground. It seems like whatever Aiden did knock him unconscious.

The relief I feel is quickly replaced with concern. The light from the doorway casts a stark contrast across Aiden’s face. As he looks up from my attacker, I can see how his expression is twisted with pain. I’ve never seen such agony on his face before. My stomach drops

“Send an ambulance, too,” I add on quickly. I hang up the phone before I can hear the operator’s response. My body trembles with urgency as I fall to my knees beside Aiden. Aiden cranes his neck to look up at me.

“Carol, are you okay?” He asks. His voice is thin- moment crashing down around me.

It’s obvious he’s suffering. I choke out a sob, the adrenaline of the

“Why are you asking me that?” I say shakily I turn on my phone flashlight and shine it on his ankle. It’s twisted at an angle I didn’t think was possible. The sight makes me want to throw up. sob again.


Chapter 53

“I’m so sorry.” I choke oni, so, so sorry…

Aiden quietly tries to comfort me, and the two of us hold one another on the cold hardwood floors of my old apartment. The seconds seem to stretch into an eternity as we wait for the emergency responders to arrive.

Finally, the wail of sirens pierces the night. Everything becomes a blur as the policemen and paramedics bust through the door. I feel completely out of my body with confusion and fear. I don’t regain my sense of place again until I’m sitting in the ambulance beside Aiden’s stretcher.

The journey to the hospital is similarly blurry. All I can focus on are flashing lights and frantic activity all around me. My hand tightly grips Aiden’s as though he might disappear if I let go. Without even being fully conscious of it, I call Fiona. 1 explain what had happened with a shaky voice, the words tumbling out in a jumble of fear and disbelief.

I can barely make out the words Fiona is speaking. Although I can’t process what she says, her voice is a soothing presence. It feels like my brain is coming in and out of the real world.

be there if you need me, okay? Carol?”!

“I’m fine,” I say unconsciously. “Thank you. Thank you.”

I have to put down my phone as we finally arrive at the hospital. We are rushed into the emergency room. It’s bustling with activity as doctors and nurses rush to Aiden’s side. Finally, we find ourselves in an operating room

A nurse politely escorts me out of the room. I’m too numb to even argue with her. All I’m able to do is stare at pained expression as I am led away.


I pace outside of the room anxiously. My heart thunders in my chest as I wait for the news. Minutes stretch into hours as I wait for any news. My mind is a whirlwind of worry and fear as time drags on.

Finally, a nurse reappears from inside the room. Her expressionis neutral as she motions for me to follow her back inside.

As soon as I step inside, my eyes lock with Aiden’s. His expression is grim, but he still tries to smile at me. I’m relieved to see that his vitals seem normal, and he doesn’t seem to be in extreme pain anymore.

The doctor turns toward the two of us. They pull off their mask and let out a long sigh. “I’m sure you didn’t want to hear this, but… It’s broken. Both the ankle and the foot have been seriously damaged. It was much more severe than we anticipated. It seems the previous injury was quite bad.”

My breath catches in my throat. I go to Aiden’s side and wrap an arm around him. I can feel how tense he is. I can’t even imagine how much mental turmoil he’s undergoing right now.

Uncertainty knots between us as we hold one another. The reality of the situation sets in. I could have died. Aiden was seriously injured.


With a pit in my stomach, I can’t help but wonder was Mr. Cruz right?



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