My Hockey Alpha Neighbor

Chapter 32

Chapter 32

Aiden and I settle into the couch, the box of pizza on the table in front of us and a plate propped on each of our laps.

My, it was very easy to find the interview, so there was no way to pretend that I couldn’t find it. It has been

released on several streaming platforms already.

I’m not able to think of a reason to delay watching it anymore. I press play on the interview. As soon as the sound of the triumphant theme song for the talk show begins, I fix my eyes on the floor. I can’t bear to watch a single moment. I wish I could plug my ears without drawing too much attention to myself.

As the video seems to crawl by, I notice a slight tension in Aiden’s shoulders. I catch a glimpse of him out of the corner of my eye. He’s stopped eating his pizza entirely. He has an unhappy set to his mouth that I’ve come to identify as a bad sign. Oh no. He’s upset, I realize mummbly. Anxiety begins to gnaw at my nerves. I try to push aside my unease and just keep eating.

The interview continues. We imally reach the section where the interviewer begins relentlessly pressing me with personal questions about Aiden. I try my best not to pay attention to my uncomfortable answers.

I can see Aiden shift out of the corner of my eye. Discomfort radiates from him like heat waves. The tension in the room seems to build and build every moment that crawls on. I start to feel like I’m reliving one of the most embarrassing moments of my life in front of my boyfriend. Even worse, the embarrassing moment involves him.

Finally, I can’t bear the awkwardness any longer. I grab the remote off of the table and pause the interview. I get to my feet quickly, my hands clasped together in front of me nervously. Aiden looks up at my sudden movement with clear surprise.

“I’m sorry, I begin, my words tumbling out. I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. My boss didn’t even warn me about

we were doing, I swear, it’s never been my intention to use your fame!

Aiden’s expression softens. I can see the tension in his shoulders slip away. “Carol, I don’t think you’re using me,” he says gently. “That’s not why I’m upset. I promise. I’m upset because I can tell you’re uncomfortable with all of this.”

· you don’t think that I’m using you?” I say. I’m a bit The frantic energy leaves my body suddenly at Aideo response “You bewildered. I’m telling the truth, of course, but it’s almost shocking to see that Aiden believes me. He smiles gently.

“Of course not. That’s not why I feel upset. It’s because I can see how unhappy you are in the interview. His brow furrows.” don’t want to be a burden on your career. It can’t be easy to be associated with me, personally or professionally.”

I swallow hard, my

my throat tight with emotion. “It’s not you,” I confess quickly. “It’s my boss. I resent him for making me resort to these fame-seeking tactics. I feel like compromising my principles just to gain media attention”

Aiden reaches out, his hand finding mine. He gently pulls me back onto the couch beside him.

“You’re an incredible person, Carol,” Aiden says sincerely. “You shouldn’t feel guilty. You deserve a job that aligns with your values, where you can be proud of what you


His words warm me to my core. I feel relief wash over me. “Thank you.” softly.

What are you thanking me for

I murmur. “That means a lot to me.” Aiden laughs

*For comforting me,” I say, “And, for trusting me. I’m sure many people have tried to use you for your fame before.”

Aiden squeezes my hand “But you’re not just anyone. You’re Carul. My fated mate

I feel a weight hit off my shoulders and a spark in my heart. Incunable to resist the urge to lean in, pressing a gentle kiss to Tus lips

I can feel the busson of the evening melt away around us. We press our bodies closer together, the spate between us narrowing until we in completely wrapped up in one another.


15:16 Mon, Jun 10

Chapter 32


Aiden follows up my kiss with an even more passionate one. Before I know it, I find myself on my back with Aiden leaning over me. I laugh and put a hand on his chest.

“Someone’s eager,” I tease. He takes my hand and kisses my palm

“With you, always,” he murmurs against my skin.

enough, we

We begin to shed our clothes, leaving a trail of them in our wake as we make our way to the bedroom. Soon enoug tumble into the sheets together.

Our bodies fit together perfectly as Aiden presses against me. It isn’t long before we find ourselves lost in the heat of pleasure with one another yet again, My fingernails dig into Aiden’s back as he leans over me, pressing me firmly into the bed.

“Carol.” he whispers against my lips. My head tilts back with pure bliss as the pleasure builds and builds,

“Aiden.” I respond. With each other’s names on our lips, we soon find ourselves spent and blissful.

We don’t move far from one another after the intimate moment has ended. The embrace is so tender and comforting that it only takes moments to drift off to sleep. A sense of peace settles over me, the rhythmic rise and fall of Aiden’s chest lulling me into a peaceful rest.

But as the darkness of sleep envelops me, I find my eyes opening to the same strange celestial dreamscape I awoke in the other night. This time, however, feels different

There had been something strangely familiar about this vast expanse of space before. It was almost comforting. Now, those warm feelings are replaced by a sense of deep unease.

The hair stands up on the back of my neck. It almost feels like I’m being watched. I think.

I’m shaken from my thoughts by an urgent voice cutting through the silence.

“Carol” it whispers. It’s the same voice from before. The sound sends shivers down my spine. I turn quickly to try and find

but everywhere I look shows nothing but stars. The voice continues

the source,

“Something dangerous is coming, and it’s coming quickly

My heart pounds in my chest. I want to call out into the darkness. I want to demand answers, to ask the speaker to reveal herself but the words catch in my throat.

All around me, the darkness seems to close in. I feel almost like I’m suffocating. The stars dappling the endless sky an me flicker out one by one. Fear seizes my heart as I realize I will soon be lost in the endless dark.

And then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the dream shatters. Shoot awake, gasping for air. I glance around frantically lifelike as the dreamscape felt, 1 fund myself in Aiden’s room looking just as we left it.

My heart begins to slow and I lay back into the bed. Despite the echoed through my dream.

surance of reality, I can’t shake the ominous words that

Something dangerous? What could that mean I wonder. I shake myself. What am I thinking? It’s just a dream. Lremind myself

As I curl up barside Aiden, seeking solace in his comforting presence, I can’t help but wonder what the future holds and what darkness might want me just beyond the horizon

15:15 Mon, Jun Tu

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