My Gifts at Christmas (Bewitched And Bewildered)

My Gifts at Christmas: Chapter 1

Caspian walked through the Level Six Marketplace. He was hoping to find something or someone to break up the monotony of the endless sea of days that were blending together as the years rolled by.

The vendors gave him a short, incline of their head, then turned away. Everywhere he walked the citizens would quiet or cease talking altogether. The only ones that spoke to him were Founding and Noble family members that wanted to use him as an attractive arm piece at so-in-so’s next ball.

Sighing he went to the transport tunnel and dove straight down to Level One. He knew most would kill to be able to live on the Royal Level, some had, but to him, the level was lonely.

He lived here alone with his brother and their squire Sebastian. Thank all the gods for their squire. His efforts made the cold stone walls bearable. He walked through their door. ‘Sebastian, I am home.’

‘Welcome back, Master Caspian. Can I offer you a refreshment of some kind?’

‘A dry wine tonight Sebastian, and maybe something to help it go down?’

‘I have just the thing. We got a delivery today of some fae cheese. It is from a new artisan I wanted to try. I think that would go well with the red I have in mind. Will you be in the antechamber?’

‘Yes, Sebastian.’

‘Very well. I will bring it right out.’

Caspian eyed the hard furniture. He hated it, but it looked regal, and unfortunately looks were everything on the Royal Level. It was the only thing keeping the schemers at bay, that, and the fact that his older brother grew a few inches during his last transition. Magnus looked as though he could easily wipe the floor with any one of those snot-nosed mouth breathers.

Magnus entered from the direction of his office, his ever present scowl in place. ‘Caspian,’ he said shortly, acknowledging him.


Magnus sat and looked about. ‘Sebastian?’

‘Retrieving hors d’oeuvres for the evening. Fae cheese and a dry red wine,’ he informed him.

Magnus looked a bit relieved. ‘Good. Good.’ He eyed him. ‘I may have to ask a favor.’

Caspian could barely believe his ears. His brother was asking for help? ‘You have only to ask.’

‘I have welcomed a scientist to come to Noctem Falls. He is making groundbreaking discoveries researching human blood. I would like to support his efforts for the good of our people.’

Caspian fought rolling his eyes. Everything Magnus did was for the good of their people. ‘It would be an honor. When is he to arrive?’

Magnus grimaced. ‘He was supposed to arrive last week, but unexpectedly lost the mother of his child in a senseless carriage accident. He will be arriving tomorrow, with his daughter.’

Caspian looked at his brother. ‘Mother of his child? Not his mate?’

Magnus nodded. ‘Correct.’

‘It is incredibly rare for a vampire to have a child with someone other than their mate.’

Magnus looked him in the eye. ‘He is not a vampire.’

‘You invited a non-vampire to Noctem Falls? The Founding Families and Nobles will have absolute conniptions.’

‘He knows,’ Sebastian said, coming in with their drinks. He served Magnus first, then him. ‘But he believes that the knowledge this individual will bring is worth the headache.’

‘The massive headache,’ Magnus muttered.

Caspian looked at his brother. How many decades had it been since he had last seen him smile? ‘Magnus, once this gentleman is settled, what say you and I sneak off to Lycaonia for the holidays? I bet Sebastian could discover some new recipes to try while visiting another pillar city. I hear they do all the streets up in candles and decorations similar to what the humans do.’

Magnus shook his head. ‘You can go. I need to stay here.’

‘It would be no fun to go on my own.’

‘What about one of your many admirers?’ his brother asked.

There were days he hated his looks. Most assumed it was his only attribute and treated him accordingly. ‘That would be even worse than going alone.’

‘Then you will have to settle for just me and Sebastian again this year.’

Caspian sipped his wine. ‘I would give anything for a change.’

Sebastian gave him a funny look. ‘Be careful what you wish for.’

He sighed. ‘Anything would be better than the mindless days that trudge by.’

‘Maybe this scientist fellow will help break up your day a bit,’ Magnus suggested.

‘I highly doubt he will have any impact on my life beyond showing him where to eat.’

Sebastian shook his head. ‘Famous last words.’

Caspian raised his glass. ‘I should be so lucky.’


Caspian could only stare. The disheveled man before him, balancing a baby on one hip, with a large suitcase in hand, was his mate. The bandage on the man’s hand teased him with the scent of his mate’s blood.

They locked eyes and the man began to shake his head. ‘How?’ he whispered. ‘How could such a beautiful man like you, belong with someone like me?’

‘Your Highness, is all well?’ the door guard asked.

The smaller man with the baby groaned. ‘You’re a prince?’

‘Marek, this man is my mate. Please arrange for all of his luggage and equipment to be delivered to Level One.’

‘At once, Your Highness,’ Marek said, bringing a fist to his chest.

‘No, no, no, no. This isn’t right. I was supposed to be given a small place on Level Four.’ The poor man looked so lost.

Caspian stepped forward and pulled both him and the child into his arms. ‘It is okay now, love. Yes, you were supposed to go to Level Four, but that has changed. I live on Level One, and I would prefer it if my mate stayed with me,’ he winked down at the man. ‘I would also like to know the name of my mate,’ he said, running a hand over the man’s soft curls.

The man blushed a deep red. ‘My name is Doctor Broderick Monroe,’ he turned his body. ‘And this is my daughter, Elizabeth.’

Caspian’s breath caught in his throat as she stared down into the unblinking blue eyes of his daughter. ‘Hello, little one. My name is Caspian Rioux, but you can call me Papa.’

‘Papa?’ Broderick asked, in a whisper.

Caspian looked down at his mate. ‘She is now my daughter, unless you plan on denying me?’

Broderick barked out a laugh. ‘What sane man would ever say no to you? You’re almost too beautiful to look upon.’

Caspian grimaced. ‘I am more than my looks,’ he said, sighing.

Broderick stared up at him. ‘I meant that in a good way. There are much more important things than looks, like kindness.’ He smiled shyly. ‘The way you helped me when I was feeling overwhelmed and immediately accepted Beth, those things matter much more to me.’

‘Can I show you your new home?’ he asked.

‘I’d like that.’

Caspian steeled himself before leading his new mate down to Level Six. He prayed that the vendors wouldn’t be unkind to his mate. Him not being a vampire would be a very black mark against him.

‘We call this the Marketplace. You can find most of anything you would need for sale here, and many foods to try,’ he explained, keeping his voice light.

‘Dada hungee!’ Beth squealed.

Around them the people turned to stare as one. It had been centuries since a baby had last graced the halls of Noctem Falls.

‘Bring that child here, Prince Caspian. She can have whatever she wants,” a warm voice called out.

Caspian looked around and saw that many of the vendors were standing in front of their stalls staring at the baby girl.

He and Broderick made their way over to the female that had called out to them. ‘Many thanks,’ he said, by way of greeting.

She smiled at him, another miracle, before she turned to Beth. ‘And what would you like sweetheart? We have candies and fruits from all over the world.’

Broderick looked quite flustered. ‘We couldn’t accept…’ The woman just waved off his concerns. ‘We cannot have this little one going hungry. Now, you just tell Vella what you would like.’

‘Nanas!’ Beth was quiet for a moment. ‘Peaze’

Vella looked smitten. ‘So proper at such a young age. You just wait right here.’ The woman hurried inside her stall, then returned holding a half of a banana on what looked like a stick. She turned to Broderick. ‘I use a hard baked cookie for a handle, it should be safe for her. By the time she works her way through the banana, the cookie should be soft.’

Broderick nodded. ‘Thank you so much! Please tell me what I owe you,’ he started fumbling at his waist, for his wallet.

‘Not a penny. Her smile alone was worth a hundred bananas. In fact, she can come here any time she is hungry. I will always have food for this baby.’

Broderick ceased in fumbling for his wallet. ‘What?’

Caspian took out his handkerchief and wiped Beth’s nose causing her to giggle. Around them, people sighed in happiness. Her laughter alone brought more light to the citizens than anything else he had seen.

‘Let her spoil Beth, Broderick. It has been a very long time since Noctem Falls saw such a little one about,’ he explained.

Gratitude threatened to spill from his mate’s eyes. ‘Thank you. I was worried sick how we would be received here, but your kindness has chased those fears away.”

‘If she likes bread, I make a vegetarian stuffed pita pocket,’ another vendor offered.

Broderick turned to the man. ‘Figured out what we were huh?’

The vendor tapped his nose. ‘Rabbit?’

Broderick nodded. ‘We are of the family lepus curpaeums,’ Broderick began.

Caspian stared. ‘You are a bunny?’

Broderick looked up at him. ‘Lepus curpaeums,’

Caspian nodded. ‘So, you are a bunny. That is perfectly fine,’ he reassured him.

‘You’re lucky you’re my mate, I have destroyed men for less,’ Broderick threatened, scowling up at him.

Caspian laughed and laughed loudly. ‘Do your worst,’ he teased.

‘Mate?’ Vella gasped.

‘She is our princess?’ another voice asked nearby.

Broderick looked up at him. ‘What?’

Vella wiped her eyes. ‘A baby, on Level One! All of Noctem Falls will celebrate tonight! We have been blessed by the gods!’

‘Congratulations on your mating!’ the pita vendor called out.

‘A new mating and a baby on the Royal Level! This is news!’ All around them, people’s voices buzzed with excitement. He had observed more emotion in the past thirty-seconds than he had in the past three-hundred years.

He turned to the crowd. ‘If you will excuse us, I need to get my mate settled on Level One,’ he said, steering his mate and new daughter toward the transport tunnel.

‘Come back anytime!’ Vella yelled out.

‘And bring the baby!’

Beth turned in her father’s arms, her white hair created an angelic halo around her head. ‘Tank Oooo!’

The people shocked him again as they laughed and waved goodbye to the tiny child. She turned her bright blue eyes to him. She watched him intently all the way down to their new quarters. What on earth was he going to do with a baby?


They walked through the door to find Sebastian serving his brother a late lunch in the antechamber. Magnus stood frowning. ‘Caspian, I asked you show Broderick to his quarters, why are you both here? Is something the matter?’

He wrapped an arm around Broderick’s shoulders. ‘He is my mate.’

Magnus stared and Sebastian dropped his serving spoon. Sebastian recovered first. ‘What!’

Caspian stood up straighter. ‘This amazing creature is my mate, and this angelic child is my new daughter. Congratulations brother, you are now an uncle.’

‘Unky!’ Beth called, reaching for his poleaxed brother.

Magnus stepped forward as if in a daze and gently took the baby from Broderick. ‘Am I doing this right?’ he asked.

Broderick nodded. ‘Yes, Your Highness. You look like you’ve done this before.’

Magnus’ expression dimmed until Beth bopped him on the cheek, then he smiled for the first time is years. ‘You do not like my frown do you?’ he asked.

Beth just babbled. Magnus turned to Broderick. ‘We are now family, please call me Magnus. And yes, I have a bit of experience. I had a godsdaughter, centuries ago and used to visit her often when she was an infant.’

‘Had?’ Broderick asked.

Magnus nodded. ‘We lost her to a senseless act of violence, my heart still aches for what could have been. She would have been an incredible woman had she lived.’

‘Is she hungry? Is she dry? Does she need a diaper? Clothes? Toys?’ Sebastian was working himself up into a tizzy as he walked around the antechamber.

Broderick chuckled. ‘I was only able to bring this single suitcase between the two of us. She probably needs all of that and more.’ He looked up at him. ‘If you could show me later where to find such things on that market level, I can get her settled.’

Sebastian stared at the single suitcase, a gleam in his eye. ‘You both need all new wardrobes,’ he announced.

His mate’s mouth dropped. ‘What? No! Just a few things, really.’

Sebastian flapped a napkin at him. ‘You are of the House Rioux now, you must dress accordingly,’ he turned to Magnus who was still completely entranced by the baby. ‘I will be spending a godawful amount on your new brother and baby niece.’

Magnus just nodded without looking up. ‘Whatever they need. Especially this young lady. She is to have everything her tiny heart desires.’

Sebastian looked smug. ‘Good.’

Broderick looked lost. ‘I cannot afford such things,’ he whispered.

Magnus looked to him, then tilted his head. ‘Your mate, and through him, me, are vampires with many, many years between us. In addition to that, we are both the last remaining vampires of Royal blood. What makes you think that you would not be able to afford things for your daughter?’

‘But we have only just met,’ Broderick protested weakly.

Magnus shrugged. ‘You are both ours now.’

‘Mine you mean,’ Caspian out.

Magnus scowled at him. ‘Do not be greedy Caspian, share the baby.’ He grinned at Broderick. ‘You can claim him all you wish,’ he said, in a teasing fashion.

‘Who are you? And what have you done with my brother?’

Magnus ignored him. ‘You two get to know one another. I will watch over…’ Sebastian whacked him with a towel. ‘Sebastian and I will watch over the baby.’

‘Is it okay?’ Broderick asked, looking completely unsure if he should leave his child with Magnus.

‘You could not ask for a more fierce protector than my brother. Sebastian will ensure our daughter wants for nothing, they really are the best choices to watch over her.’

Broderick chewed on his lower lip. ‘If you’re sure.’

‘I am.’

‘Then you definitely need to show me to where my lab will be.’

Caspian’s smile faltered. ‘The what?’

Magnus cleared his throat. ‘I had most of his equipment sent to Level Four, so it will all have to be moved down here.’ He gave him an innocent expression. ‘What else would you be doing?’


Broderick could barely keep from hyperventilating. He thought he had been blessed when Prince Magnus heard of his work and offered him a permanent position and home in Noctem Falls. To discover he was mated to the Prince’s brother?

‘Darling, please breathe,’ Caspian said, rubbing his back. He steered them off to one side, apart from where Magnus and Sebastian were doting on his daughter.

‘I am breathing.’

‘You look like you are trying to breathe, but it does not seem to be going well for you.’

He gazed up at the impossibly beautiful man. ‘How are you fine with being with someone like me?’

Caspian frowned. ‘What do you mean, someone like you? Because all I see is a wonderfully kind man, patient father and insanely intelligent scientist. You bring much to this mating, including the most perfect baby girl in the world. What am I to offer in exchange? A pleasing visage?’ he asked, bitterly.

Broderick couldn’t bear the pain in his voice. Throwing caution to the wind he wrapped his arms around his mate’s waist. ‘You are all that to me and more. You’re just as kind, patient and intelligent. You may not have a daughter, but you have given me a new brother and a place in your family. Maybe, maybe we complement each other well?’

Caspian’s eyes softened. ‘You think I am intelligent?’

He nodded. ‘Yes. You were able to read the crowd and adjusted how you spoke each time, depending on the situation. That takes a great deal of empathy and intelligence.’

‘I never realized I did that.’

‘Most royals would have been upset when Vella ordered us over, but you didn’t take offense. You deliberately let them meet me and Beth as individuals before they found out we were mates.’ Broderick saw shock in Caspian’s eyes. ‘You really had no idea you were doing any of that did you?’

‘No. I was raised by my brother as a Royal, it must be second nature now.’

‘Well, I think that’s pretty amazing.’

“Let us pick out your new work space. We have many unused quarters here on Level One.’

Broderick reached down and took Caspian’s hand. ‘Is this okay?’

‘More than okay,’ Caspian said, and brought his hand up to his lips for a soft kiss. Broderick felt his cheeks burning and Caspian, drat the man, laughed at him.

‘You might want to get used to me loving on you,’ he warned.

Broderick tilted his head. ‘I don’t think I ever want to get used to that.’

Caspian pulled him in for a quick embrace. ‘The things you say,’ he murmured.

All too soon, Caspian stepped back, they said their goodbyes to Beth and he led him by the hand toward the transport tunnel. He lifted them easily to Level Four to meet with Simon Géroux.

Broderick watched his mate as they walked. The man strode forward, head held high, without a single measure of self-doubt. Women, and even the men turned to stare, his mate was that gorgeous.

When they stopped at a large wooden door, Caspian rapped on it smartly. Moments later it opened and a man in serving attire stood there looking surprised. ‘Your Highness, please come in,’ he welcomed, standing to one side so they could enter.

‘Hello Jules. I am sorry for coming unannounced but this concerns the arrangements made for Broderick Monroe. I was hoping to speak with Simon if he is available.’

‘For you, I am sure he will be.’

Caspian nodded. ‘Jules, may I introduce my mate, Broderick Monroe. Broderick, this is Jules Aubert, he is the squire here for House Géroux.’

Jules’ eyes widened and he placed his hand over his heart. ‘A thousand blessings on your mating.’ He turned to Broderick. ‘Welcome to Noctem Falls, Prince Broderick.’

‘Uh, thank you,’ he replied lamely. He knew that the upper echelons of the paranormal world had squires, but he had never had the opportunity to interact with one. His family came from humble stock.

Jules led them through the entry way to a warm sitting room. ‘Please, make yourselves comfortable. I will let Simon know you are here.’

When the squire left the room, Broderick exhaled. ‘I wasn’t that nervous around Sebastian. I wonder why?’

‘Mayhap you felt that Sebastian was already family in a way,’ he suggested.

Broderick was about to respond when the door leading to the sitting room opened and a tall man and lovely woman walked in.

‘Prince Caspian, what is this I hear about you finding a mate? Jules was beside himself to tell me,’ Simon asked, his eyes sparkling.

Caspian stood and shook hands with the man. ‘It is true Simon. The gods have blessed me with this wonderful man, and I could not be happier.’ Caspian turned and waved him forward.

Broderick launched to his feet and hurried toward them. ‘Please to meet you,’ he said.

Without reservation Simon offered him his hand. Broderick took it for a handshake and was surprised at he callouses on his palm.

Simon chuckled. ‘I can see the question on your face, young Broderick. My line has produced more unit warriors than any other in Noctem Falls. I make sure that I can at least hold my own during sparring sessions.’

‘Are you going to discuss fighting or introduce me?’ a light female voice asked.

Simon instantly turned contrite. ‘I am sorry darling, I would never forget the light of my life.’ He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close. ‘Broderick, I have the distinct honor in introducing my mate, Leana. Leana, as you heard, this is Caspian’s mate Broderick. He is the scientist that Magnus invited to the city to further research blood abnormalities.’

Leana offered up her hand and Broderick brought it to his lips. ‘Leana, it is wonderful to meet you.’ Broderick meant it. She had somehow made things a bit less scary with her teasing.

‘Let me guess, you are here to secure his belongings as he is now to live on Level One?’ Simon asked.

‘Yes, exactly. I hate to impose, but do you have anyone that can bring his things down?’

Broderick looked up at his mate shocked. ‘I’m not an invalid Caspian. I can carry my own things.’

Leana brought a fan up to hide her mouth as she chuckled. ‘Oh, I am going to like you.’

Caspian looked confused. ‘I never said that you were an invalid dear heart, but you have been traveling for quite some time. If Simon is able to find some strong lads with nothing else to do, lingering around Level Four, then why not have them do it?’

‘We can help,’ a deep voice volunteered.

Simon nodded. ‘Excellent, just the two I would have sent for.’ He turned to him. ‘Broderick, my nephews, Tarak is the taller of the two and Kuruk is his younger brother.’

Two giant men stepped forward from the hallway. ‘We overheard what is going on. We would be more than happy to help,’ Tarak explained.

‘Are you sure? Some of the crates hold scientific equipment and can be quite heavy.’

Tarak blinked. ‘If you were going to carry them, we should not have a problem.’

Simon sighed at the man’s gaffe.

Broderick narrowed his eyes. ‘What? Because I’m smaller, I’m automatically weaker? I’ll have you know I have a baby girl who is teething, my strength is immeasurable.’ He added a bit of levity to his indignation hoping that Tarak wouldn’t take offense.

Instead, the man’s eyes brightened. ‘A baby girl? Where? Is she on Level One?’

Leana clapped her hands together. ‘When can I meet her?’

Broderick took a half a step back. He had to remember that the city hadn’t seen that many babies lately. ‘Yes, Magnus and Sebastian are watching her for us.’

Leana brought a handkerchief to her eye. ‘I bet Magnus is over the moon. He adores children. He was devastated when we lost Mercia and Vivian.’

Caspian looked at Simon. ‘He was smiling, Simon. Even laughing with my new baby girl.’

Leana gasped. ‘Thank all the gods! I have been so worried about him.’

Simon exhaled raggedly, shaking his head. He turned to Broderick. ‘You are thrice welcome for bringing so much happiness to one of my closest friends.’

‘We can start carrying your things,’ Kuruk suggested.

Leana slapped him gently on the arm. ‘You both just want to go see the baby.’

Tarak didn’t even bother trying to hide his grin. ‘There is also that.’

Caspian reclaimed his hand. ‘We will take our leave and show Kuruk and Tarak where they can store Broderick’s equipment.’

‘Yes, let us do that,’ Kuruk agreed.

Leana scowled at all three of them. ‘I expect an invitation to tea and soon Caspian,’ she warned.

Caspian gave a half bow. ‘I will have Sebastian send something formal down later this evening.’

‘Good,’ she said, looking smug.

With both tall vampires on their heels, they made their goodbyes and headed back down to Level One.

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