My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 201

My Fated Human Luna Chapter 201
54 Forgive For Me
Four Days Later
Lucy POV
I walk toward Jade and Luca’s wing. I’ve been thinking about everything that happened before we came to the castle since the
day I shifted. I’m not sure how to tell them what I want without everyone losing their mind. “Lucy, you have the right to want this.
You lived through it and you are strong”, Gia says. Her words give me the strength to make my way to the door. I knock and hear
Jade’s soft voice telling me to come in. I push open the door and Jade and Luna are sitting on the floor playing with toys. “Lucy,
is everything alright? You look worried.” She stands and ushers me over to the couch. “Lucy, I promise you can talk to me about
anything.” “I want to see my parents.” I can see shock in her expression before her eyes fill with sympathy. “I don’t think your
brother and father are going to agree. They wouldn’t want you to see them. I know you understand what happens in the cells.”
“I’m not the weak little girl they think I am. I’m the one that took their abuse my whole life. I deserve my chance to say what I
need to say to them.” I can see she is torn but I don’t ask this lightly. Her eyes glaze over, a sure sign she is linking Luca. A few
minutes later the door opens and Esme walks in. I look back at Jade and she stands to her feet. She reaches her hand out to me
and despite my confusion, I take it. She leads me out of the wing and down a hallway. Guards stand in front of the doors we
approach. “Please move aside gentlemen” she says. Neither man moves from his spot in front of the door. “When your queen
speaks, you listen” I hear William’s voice from behind us. Both men quickly step aside.
We walk through the door and William follows behind us. It’s a winding stair case leading to a cement floor. Luca waits at the
bottom. I can’t read his expression but he obviously knew Jade was bringing me. “Thank you, love” he says to Jade and she
hugs me before she leaves. “Lucy, I want you to know we never thought of you as a scared little girl. You are stronger than most
people I know. Our job as your big brother and your father is to protect you.” I go to speak, to tell him I don’t need them to protect
me from this, but he stops me with a hand. “Our other job is to give you what you need. If you need this to put the bad, behind
you, then we want you to have it.” I smile and I can feel unshed tears prick the back of my eyes. “I do have one condition before I
take in those rooms. You will not go behind the barrier we have placed in the room. You do not need to see them to speak to
them”, Luca says. “Thank you, Luca. Thank you, dad.” He takes my left hand and William takes my right hand. We walk down a
hallway with cells on both sides. At the end of the hallway are two rooms across from each other. They lead me to the room on
the left first.

When Luca opens the door, it smells of burnt flesh. Part of me is glad I can’t see either of them. Luca leans down so only I can
hear. “Madelena is here. Say whatever you need to.” I take a deep breath. “Madelena, Lucy is here and she has something to
say to you”, Luca says. There is silence for a minute before she finally speaks. “I have nothing to say to that worthless little
b**ch.” Luca and William both growl and she whimpers. I touch both their forearms. “She can’t hurt me with her words. I came to
say this and I’m going to whether you listen or not, Madelena. I forgive you, not for you but for me. I won’t think about you or
Wesley again after today. Liam and I are going to be loved and cared for by our family and you’re going to die in this cell. All
because you wanted power and things that never belonged to you. I hope the Moon Goddess gives you exactly what you
deserve. She blessed me with my dragon early because, despite all you have done, Liam and I are nothing like you.” I turn to
Luca and I can see pride in his eyes. When I turn to William, he wraps me in a hug. He leads me into the room where Wesley is
being held. “Wesley, Lucy is here too and she has something to say to you”, William says. “F**k her and f**k all of you.”
This time they stay silent, knowing that his words mean nothing to me. “I forgive you, not for you, but for me. I will never give you
a second thought after today. I’m going to live my life and be happy. You hurt not just me but the people I care about. You don’t
have to answer to anyone here, but you will answer to the goddess. You and Madelena deserve everything that she has waiting
for you.” I turn and walk out of the door. Luca and William follow me out and I turn to both of them. “Let them go. Let her handle
them now. You have punished them, but what she has waiting will be far more than either of you can do. Liam and I are safe and
happy.” They each pull me into a hug and I feel lighter. Liam didn’t want to come with me. He trusted me to say all that needed to
be said. I promised him that when I was done, I would let him hang out with Gia. “Lucy, I’m proud of you”, Luca says. I kiss his
and William’s cheeks before I go to find Liam. I want to spend the rest of my day with people I love.
Four Weeks Later
Maverick POV
The coven is completely moved into the pack house and honestly it feels right. Danica and Archer have decided that they will not
return to the old territory. She told us that her father’s evil plans have tainted it and this is a fresh start for everyone. Some of the
pack and coven have found their mates in each other. I know Ruby hasn’t said it but she feels better knowing that Danica is
close and under the protection spell of the pack. Connor and I are doing the training with the elite warriors today. Ruby and
Autumn wanted to spend some girl time together. We are in the middle of sparring when a feeling of unease washes over me. It
allows Connor to get the upper hand. He uses his upper body to throw me to the ground. I get my bearings and manage to get
back to my feet. We take fighting stance again and start to circle each other. The feeling returns but it’s stronger this time.
“Maverick, what the hell is wrong with you?” “I’m not sure but something is definitely wrong. Where are Ruby and Autumn?”
“They were supposed to be hanging out in our cottage”, Connor says. I take off shifting into Gaylen. I need to see her and know
she is alright. As soon as I reach the cottage, I pull on shorts that are in a basket on the porch. I don’t even knock as I push the

door open. “Ruby”, I yell but there is no response. Her scent is faint but she definitely isn’t here. I can feel panic rise in my body.
“Ruby” I link her and she immediately answers.
“Maverick, what’s wrong?” “Where are you, I’m at the cottage and you’re not here?” There is silence for a minute before she
finally answers. “I’m at the hospital but don’t panic.” I don’t even let her finish as I take off for the pack hospital. Ranger joins me
and we reach the hospital in two minutes. We both shift and pull on shorts. “Maverick, why the hell are we at the hospital”,
Connor asks. “I’m not sure but I intend to find out.” The nurse smiles when she sees me and I realize I’m shirtless. I don’t roll my
eyes even though I want to. “Alpha, are you looking for Alpha Ruby?” “Yes, I am. Can you take me to her?” She nods and we
follow her down the hallway. “Is Beta Autumn here also,” Connor asks as we walk. “Yes, she is but she is in a different room.”
Connor stops walking and I see concern in his eyes. “Connor, she will take you to Autumn.” The nurse stops in front of a door
and I can already smell Ruby. She leaves with Connor. I open the door and Ruby is on an exam table in a hospital gown. “Before
you get upset, I was going to link you as soon as my results came back”, Ruby says. “What results Ruby,” I say but the door
opens and the pack doctor walks in. “Alphas, it seems congratulations are in order. I can give you something for the nausea,
Alpha Ruby. I’m going to grab the ultrasound machine and we will see if we can get a look at the future Alpha of the pack.”
I feel like I’m in a dream. Did he really just say that Ruby is pregnant? I turn to my beautiful mate who is smiling at me. I walk
over and take her hand in mine. “I wasn’t trying to keep anything from you. I just wanted to be sure”, Ruby says. I bend and
press a kiss on her soft lips. Goddess, I love this woman. The door opens and the doctor wheels in the ultrasound machine. I
help Ruby situate herself and he squirts the gel on her stomach. The machine comes to life and I wait for the doctor to tell us
everything is good. The sound of a thumping heart fills the room. Ruby squeezes my hand and Gaylen prances in my head. I
can’t help the chuckle at Gaylen looking like a deer in my mind. “I’m not a deer, I’m a stallion” he says, and I roll my eyes. The
doctor turns the screen and I have no idea what I’m looking at. Ruby gasps and I look between her and the doctor. “Is something
wrong with the pup?” The doctor smiles and my raging heart slows down. “No Alpha, the pups are perfect. Three pups, to be
exact. I’ll get you some pictures and your vitamins.” He leaves and I turn to Ruby, who has tears streaming down her cheeks. I
scoop her up, not caring about the gel she wipes all over me. “Ruby, you and these pups are my everything.” She buries her
head in my neck. “We feel the same way, daddy.” I smirk and kiss her.
Autumn POV
I can smell him before the door even flies open. I can’t believe the test was positive. I only took the test to support Ruby when
she told me she thought she was pregnant. I got two tests and we both peed on the sticks. When two lines appeared on both, I
couldn’t believe it. We came right to the hospital to get the blood work done before we told our mates. My mate looks concerned
and pissed. “What the hell is going on Autumn? Why didn’t you tell me you were at the hospital? I thought we were a team with

no secrets.” “If you let me talk, you would already have your answer.” That seems to shut down his tirade. He crosses his arms
over his chest. “Ruby, thought she was pregnant, so being the good friend I am, I took a test with her.” His posture seems to
change with my words. “I never expected the test to be positive. So, I came here with Ruby to get blood work before I told you
the news.” He looks disappointed but I can see it’s not with me. I open my arms and he rushes over to me, wrapping his arms
around me. “I’m sorry Autumn. I was worried and I should have talked to you before I got upset.” “I won’t ever keep secrets from
you. I promise you that we will always be a team.” He kisses me and someone clearing their throat interrupts our moment. I look
back to see the doctor smiling. “It seems we have a lot to celebrate. Congratulations Betas, you are expecting as well.” He
pushes the ultrasound machine near my bed. When he starts to move the wand on my belly, the screen lights up. The sounds of
our pup’s heartbeat is strong and the doctor shows us our perfect little combination of me and Connor. “I can’t believe we are
going to have a pup” Connor says, and his smile lights up this room. I can’t thank the goddess enough for picking this man for

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