My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 198

My Fated Human Luna Chapter 198
51 Choices
Luca POV
Once they are taken from the room, I lose the tight rein I have on my rage. Sebastian is ready to push forward and burn them
both alive. A quick death is not something that either of them deserve. “Luca, you need to calm down. They are both where they
belong and we have more pressing things to deal with”, my father says. My eyes meet his and I have no idea how he is so calm
or what the hell he is talking about. I guess Gwen has begun to change him as much as Jade has changed me. “Gwen, just
linked me and you are not their only victim in this. They have Lucy and Liam in the private dining room. We need to go and
speak with them before we deal with Madelena and Wesley.” Sebastian seems to calm when my father speaks about the
hatchlings. My father walks to the door and I follow behind him. When I enter the dining room, both Lucy and Liam drop their
gaze. I make sure I have control of my aura. I take the seat next to Jade and she takes my hand. “Lucy, can I tell Luca what we
talked about.” She nods but her eyes never meet mine. “As soon as we reached the hallway, Lucy told me about her parent’s
plans against you and William. She was worried that they would hurt you both.” I can’t help the smile that spreads on my face to
know that, despite the people that raised them, this young woman has a moral compass.
“Lucy, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you telling my mate about what your parents were trying to do.” Her eyes finally
meet mine for the first time. “They are not our parents. They are an egg and sperm donor to us, nothing more. They have never
treated us like their hatchlings and I refuse to give them that title.” She takes a deep breath. “Where are they now?” “They have
been taken to the cells.” I see her shoulders relax and my brows furrow. “I am glad to leave here with Liam. We have not helped
them in any way against you. I have taken care of Liam since I was able to remember. We just would like to leave and we will
never bother you again.” The anger that I had tampered down, is burning brightly again. What did they do to these poor
hatchlings? “Lucy, I need you to tell me what they have done to you and Liam.” She drops her gaze again and I wonder if she is
going to answer my question. She looks back into my eyes and Liam moves closer to Lucy like he needs her protection. She
talks for twenty minutes and with every detail my heart breaks a little more. That b**ch may have abandoned me as a hatchling,
but she did far worse to my brother and sister. That is what they are, no matter if we don’t share a father. I will protect them as
their parents should have done. Jade’s cheeks are stained with tears and I pull her close to me.
I notice that Gwen looks at my father and he smiles at her with love and adoration. His eyes meet mine. “Luca, my mate and
dragon have accepted these hatchlings. I accept these hatchlings as my own. They are meant to be ours and have the life they

should have had from birth. Those two will suffer for all they have done to my hatchlings.” My heart squeezes at his words. “Lucy,
you and Liam are my family. I would never send you out on your own. You are my sister and brother. I know you don’t know us
yet, but you are both safe here. I promise you that you will be taken care of and find happiness here.” For the first time they both
look into my eyes. I’m sure they are trying to see if I’m being sincere after all they have endured. “In fact, my father and Gwen
would like you both to stay with them. They want to be the parents that you deserve. Jade and I want you to be part of our
family.” Lucy’s strong demeanor that I’m sure she has perfected after years of abuse slips and tears slide down her cheeks. She
stands and comes around the table. “Thank you, Luca. Liam and I would love to stay here and be part of your family.” I stand and
pull her into a hug. Liam runs around the table and we pull him into a hug. “You are an amazing man and I’m so happy you’re
mine” Jade says through our link. “Yours and only yours love. I want to get them settled in because I plan on spending some
quality time with those two evil f**ks in the cells.” My mate smiles and I love that she accepts every piece of me, even the dark
Danica POV
I wake up and reach for Archer but his side of the bed is cold. I roll off the bed and head into the bathroom. As I undress, I catch
my reflection in the mirror. My belly is no longer flat. I smile and place my hands on my belly. The door to the bathroom opens
and his scent surrounds me. He comes to stand behind me and wraps his arms around me, placing his hands over mine. “How is
our pup my love?” We haven’t found out what we are going to have yet but that all changes today. “The pup is perfect, just like
their dad.” I turn in his arms and he presses a soft kiss to my lips. When he pulls back, I see the love that he has for me in his
eyes. I could never ask for a better beloved. “Take your shower because I have breakfast for you before we head to the pack.”
He kisses my forehead before I get into the shower. I let the warm water run down my body before I take the vanilla body wash
into my hand. It smells good but nowhere as good as Archer. Once I’m done, I step out and dry off before I pull on yoga pants
and a t-shirt. I head into the bedroom and the table is set up with muffins, eggs, bacon, and tea. Goddess, I love this man.
Besides offering me his blood to keep the increased thirst at bay, he does things like this. I walk over and pull him into a kiss
before I take a seat at the table.
When we finish breakfast, we get ready to leave. We haven’t had any more issues since Milo and that witch were dealt with by
Serina and Nicholas. My heart broke for them knowing someone wanted to hurt their daughter. My pup isn’t even born and I
know that I would kill to keep them safe. I know they made the right decision going with the king and queen, but it still sucks.
Constance and Wes meet us in the foyer. “I want lots of pictures of my niece or nephew. We are going shopping as soon as you
find out what you’re having”, Constance says and I laugh. I love her enthusiasm and I’m excited to go shopping for our little one
too. “That’s all you ladies”, Wes says and I smile. “We didn’t invite you, so that’s good” she says as she slaps his arm. “I promise
we can go shopping as soon as I get back.” She kisses my cheek and we get into the SUV. We reach the pack in twenty minutes
and Gabby and Lake are waiting for us. They are so excited about becoming grandparents and I couldn’t be happier to have

them as my parents now too. I knew my father was a poor excuse, but being around them makes me realize just how bad he
“Danica, I’m so grateful you’re going to let us see the pup with you today.” “Hey, I’m your son. I had a say in this too”, Archer
says. I chuckle and his mother rolls her eyes. “I’m sure you did, Archer, but the pup isn’t in your body. We head to the pack
hospital and they show us to an exam room. Gabby and Lake wait in the hallway while I get situated. They come in with Dr.
Daniels. She makes me feel comfortable. Don’t get me wrong, all the doctors I’ve seen have been nice, but she just put me at
ease during my second visit. “Well, let’s see how the pup is doing?” She puts gel on my belly before she starts to move the
wand. I’m holding my breath until I hear the sound of a steady heartbeat. It’s amazing every time we get to hear it. Archer
squeezes my hand and I look up to see amazement on his face. The doctor turns the screen and I’m amazed to see how
different the pup looks. “Do you want to know what you’re having?” Archer and I both nod. “It’s a girl and she looks perfect. She
is bigger because of being a hybrid and having Alpha blood. Your pregnancy will be shorter than normal werewolf pregnancies”
Dr. Daniels says. I see a look of concern on Archer’s face. “How much shorter” he asks. “Normal werewolf pregnancies last
about five months. Hybrid pregnancies are typically four months, but with the Alpha blood it could be as early as three and half
months.” My eyes must get big because Gabby comes around and rubs my leg. “So, we could have this pup in two months”, I
ask and the doctor nods. Holy sh*t, I guess we had better get the stuff we need.
“Danica, are you alright” Gabby asks. I smile “I’m good, just a little shocked. I thought I had more time before she made her
appearance.” She smiles “I can’t wait to buy baby stuff” Gabby says. “Constance and I are going to go shopping this afternoon if
you want to join us.” She squeezes my leg. “I would love too.” The doctor wipes my stomach and everyone leaves to give Archer
and I a few minutes alone. “Archer are you alright” I ask because he hasn’t said a word. “We’re having a little girl” he says before
a smile that could light up a room spreads across his face. He leans down and presses a soft kiss to my lips and then my belly.
“Thank you for making me a father.” I laugh “I can’t take all the credit, you helped.” He helps me off the table and we head to join
his parents. “Archer why don’t you join Maverick, Connor, and me while the ladies go shopping” Lake suggests. He turns to me
and kisses me before we meet Ruby at the SUV. After we pick up Constance, we head toward the human mall. We reach the
mall an hour later and we head to the first baby store we find.
Unknown POV
“The vampire and her wolf mate have left the Gold Moon Coven. They traveled to the Scarlett Rose. We saw her leave the
Scarlett Rose pack in a car full of women heading toward the human city.” “Did you have them followed and the answer better be
yes Carl?” “Of course, my queen. They are at the mall in the human city. They arrived about fifteen minutes ago. Four of your
men are following them and waiting for further orders”, Carl says, and I smile. “I will be handling this message personally.” I wave

my arm changing my clothes into something more appropriate for humans. I appear outside the mall and my men approach me.
“They have entered a store for children.” I roll my eyes before I order them to return to the coven. As I walk into the mall, I
immediately can sense the wolves aura. It seems the Alpha of the Scarlett Rose is with her. I follow the aura until I see them
looking at cribs. Isn’t that sweet? The vampire must be pregnant with a hybrid. I walk into the store and before I get close
enough, I wave my arm, stopping everyone around us. I see panic flash in her eyes as she notices the change in the room. She
begins to look around to identify the threat she knows is coming. I’m glad she is scared, she should be.
I walk closer and she takes a fighting stance. I chuckle “I’m sure you realize that I don’t have to fight you with my powers,
besides I’m just here to congratulate you.” “Who are you?” “My name isn’t important. So, you are having a hybrid girl” I say
pointing to her round belly. She places her hand over her stomach, like that would stop whatever I want to do. “I hope I didn’t ruin
the surprise.” “What do you want” she says with all the venom she can muster. “I told you I want to extend my congratulations.
Well, it’s a little more than that though. You and that f**king pack took someone important from me, so I’m going to take
something important from you.” “I don’t even know you” she says. “Your mate’s pack killed my sister and her beloved. So, you
have a decision to make. You can get me the little b**ch they were after or I can take your precious hybrid girl. I expect that this
will be an easy decision since your pup is on the line.” Her expression is one of anger and fear. “Don’t worry Danica, I’ll give you
a little time to decide. Have fun shopping” I say before I teleport back to my room.

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