My Fairy and I

Chapter 8


I smiled up at my mate as he opened the front door of his childhood home for me as he always did. It had been three months since he first opened that door for me, and yet every time he did it I felt like I was seeing him for the first time, well the first time with him being an adult.

My mate was very handsome, he had short dark curly hair, and brown eyes so deep I felt like I could drown in them. His skin was a light mix of his parents and was smooth and soft. Everything about him drew me in, but that was to be expected with him as my mate.

I nervously played with my hands as I said, “do you think we could go up to your room? I-I need to talk to you about something.” Felix quickly nodded and we walked to his room.

“What do you need to talk about, Angus?” He said, sensing my seriousness and not calling me by my new nickname.

“So, we have been together, in person, for a little over three months now. A-and as you know I’ve known we were mates since days after you were born.”

He nodded worriedly and I continued.

“I spent the first 11 years away from you completely, only having my memory as a way to know that you were real. I almost went crazy, and so I tried to get into contact with your parents. Thankfully they understood and gave me a blanket with your scent. Felix, I treated that blanket like it was glass. I wouldn’t let it touch anything that could make it lose your scent, but it lost it due to time. I spent the next seven years only getting blankets and clothes that smelled like you.” I said, leaving out the part where he found out about us, I didn’t want to bring it up in case it made him uncomfortable.

“When you turned 18, I was so excited to finally be able to be in the same room with you. I’m not saying this to make you feel bad about not being ready, I never want to do that to you, I just want you to understand things from my point of view. But then you didn’t want to meet yet, and so for the next two years, almost three, I only met you through a wooden door.”

“I will admit that I did try to get glimpses of you from time to time over the years, just to remind myself that you were actually real. But for the most part, I didn’t get to see you for nearly twenty years. Both times I was close enough to talk to you, you were ripped away from me before I could do or say anything.” I looked down sadly at my hands.

“I’m sorry,” Felix said as he gently pulled me into his lap and wrapped his arms around me, I rested my head on his chest with a content sigh. “I wish that I was born earlier, I wish that we could’ve done so many things differently.”

I looked up at him and smiled sadly, “I didn’t tell you all of this to make you sad or regret your decisions more than you already do. I told you because there’s still a small part of me that worries that the next time I come over, you won’t be here. I worry so much when we are away from each other, I just don’t know what to do. Logically I know that nothing is going to go wrong, nothing is going to take you from me again. But I still hold my breath every time the front door opens, hoping that it’s you and not your parents telling me never to come back.” I finished as I snuggled back into his chest.

“Let’s move in together,” my eyes snapped open at Felix’s suggestion.

“W-what?” I asked as I moved away from his chest, but stayed in his lap.

“Let’s move in together. I’ve been thinking about moving to the Alpha Suite in the pack house for a little while now. Being there would mean that we won’t have to worry about anyone interrupting our time together. And living together will hopefully lessen your anxieties.”

I smiled softly and gently grabbed his face in my hands. “I would love to move in with you Felix, let’s do it.”

“Great, so do you want help packing up the stuff from your place?” He asked, causing my blood to freeze.

“N-no, I can handle gathering my things,” I said, hoping that he wouldn’t catch on that I was trying to hide something.

I didn’t want Felix to see where I was living. It was in horrible condition, overrun with plants, the roof leaked almost every night even with no rain, and it wasn’t even mine.

When Aiden and Jayvee forbade me from seeing Felix that also meant that they forbade me from their home. I couldn’t have gone back to my village, it was way too far away from Felix, even if I wasn’t allowed to see him.

So I found an old shack in the woods near Felix’s pack, and stayed there. It was awful, I hated how cold it would get at night. There were a few nights, very few, where I contemplated going back home to my village. But even in my freezing state I knew that that place was no longer my home. My home was safe, warm, and happy growing up with his family.

When Felix and I started meeting, I didn’t leave the shack. Yes, it was awful but it was the place I had been calling my home for the better part of twenty years.

Felix gave me a weird look at my hesitation, but nodded and smiled at me. “Alright, how about we move in tomorrow and I’ll have Pa set up a pack meeting for after.”

I smiled up at him and gently kissed him, “that sounds perfect”

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