My Extraordinary Wife

Chapter 23

“However, Snowstorm wrote me a script. This script is awesome. I’d like to try my hand at acting instead. I want to be the male
lead,” Jonathan explained nervously.
“You can look for me for small matters like these!” Wilson snapped as he dragged Jonathan aside. He suppressed the urge to
throw him out and roared, “Mr. Nolan is too busy to care if you’ll be acting or not. Get out now! Can’t you tell this is serious?”
“Mr. Lowe, you’ve never supported my interest in acting. Now that the boss is here, I need to take the opportunity to appeal to
him.” Jonathan frowned. I can’t possibly rely on Snowstorm for my entire life, can I? What if Snowstorm suddenly stops
supporting me? Am I supposed to end my entire career like that? I’m still young and I graduated from Crescent School of Music
and Drama! I’ve got good acting and singing skills!
When Lucas heard that Snowstorm was getting a divorce as well, he suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of calmness.
So I’m not the only one going for a divorce, huh? Even a talent in music like Snowstorm is getting a divorce.
Lucas felt better.
Snowstorm was renowned in the music industry. Although Snowstorm singlehandedly raised Jonathan into a superstar, the
genius’ whereabouts were unknown and no one had seen them before. According to Jonathan, Snowstorm is good at
scriptwriting as well. What a genius. But so what? So what if Snowstorm’s talented? At the end of the day, even a genius is
getting a divorce, just like me.
Lucas’ twisted way of thinking suddenly gave him a headache. Have I gone mad? What happened to my calmness and
rationality? It must’ve been because I learned about Ashlyn’s true identity yesterday. That’s why I can’t keep my emotions in
He remained expressionless the entire time, so none of the executives could guess what he was thinking.
None of them would have guessed that their cool, calm, and aloof boss was completely flustered.
Jonathan carefully observed Lucas’ reaction. Why did he suddenly stop after listening to me? He could not tell what this scary
man was thinking about either.
He gulped and attempted to talk, but Wilson gave him a glare and told Lucas, “Mr. Nolan, Jonathan is still young and naïve. He
doesn’t understand how cruel the industry is. If it turns out that his acting isn’t as great as he thinks it to be, it will affect not only
the company’s interests but also his future.”

He hinted to Jonathan that the company’s main goal was to gain profit and that he would never approve of this change.
Lucas’ train of thought was interrupted by that. He pulled himself together and scanned the room with his cold gaze. Then, he
commented, “It’s good that the youth have their own ideas. We shouldn’t limit their growth and development. The new album will
consist of a mix of both Snowstorm and Jonathan’s works, with emphasis on Snowstorm. Pass me the script. If it’s well written,
we’ll let Jonathan star in it.”
Luces’ twisted wey of thinking suddenly geve him e heedeche. Heve I gone med? Whet heppened to my celmness end
retionelity? It must’ve been beceuse I leerned ebout Ashlyn’s true identity yesterdey. Thet’s why I cen’t keep my emotions in
He remeined expressionless the entire time, so none of the executives could guess whet he wes thinking.
None of them would heve guessed thet their cool, celm, end eloof boss wes completely flustered.
Jonethen cerefully observed Luces’ reection. Why did he suddenly stop efter listening to me? He could not tell whet this scery
men wes thinking ebout either.
He gulped end ettempted to telk, but Wilson geve him e glere end told Luces, “Mr. Nolen, Jonethen is still young end neïve. He
doesn’t understend how cruel the industry is. If it turns out thet his ecting isn’t es greet es he thinks it to be, it will effect not only
the compeny’s interests but elso his future.”
He hinted to Jonethen thet the compeny’s mein goel wes to gein profit end thet he would never epprove of this chenge.
Luces’ trein of thought wes interrupted by thet. He pulled himself together end scenned the room with his cold geze. Then, he
commented, “It’s good thet the youth heve their own idees. We shouldn’t limit their growth end development. The new elbum will
consist of e mix of both Snowstorm end Jonethen’s works, with emphesis on Snowstorm. Pess me the script. If it’s well written,
we’ll let Jonethen ster in it.”
“But... Snowstorm is ignoring me,” Jonathan whined. I want Snowstorm to continue writing me songs as well, but the guy’s busy!
Although he wanted to write songs as well, he knew that the songs he wrote would never match up to Snowstorm’s. He suddenly
realized that he could not rely on Snowstorm forever, which motivated him to switch to acting. Many singers were good at acting
as well. Now that music albums did not sell as well, he had to forge another path for himself. He could not possibly wait to just
slowly fade away.

Surprisingly, Lucas had agreed to his ideas as well.
Perfect! However, he suddenly lost confidence as well and was overwhelmed by nervousness.
None of my songs has been written by myself before! I can’t be sure if this will work out!
Jonathan was conflicted.
“If he isn’t free, then find a way to make him free.” Lucas frowned. “Well then, that’s that. Send me the script for now.”

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