My Ex-wife's Hidden Personalities

Chapter 123

Chapter 123 Don’t Fall Twice
Freya’s hand holding the cutlery tightened slightly as her gaze fell on Radley’s hand.
His fingers were thin and fair, which looked good. They were hands that were good enough to be doing. hand modeling, but now
there were more than a dozen red spots on them.
Freya was skilled in cooking, and with just one glance, she knew those were burns from hot oil.
Such injuries were very painful.
A soft spot in her heart suddenly emerged.
She lowered her gaze and said. “Give me your hand. Let me take a look.”
Radley didn’t think much of the burns, but he automatically reached out his hand after seeing Freya’s expression.
Freya looked at it and sighed. “You didn’t have to do this. We’ll be going back in a few days and I will be able to eat the noodles I
Radley smiled. “It’s okay. It’s my fault for not being careful. It has nothing to do with what you wanna eat.”
Freya pursed her lips. “Do you have any ointment? Go find some and apply it.”
She ate her noodles in silence and with her eyes lowered. She could feel Radley’s care for her these days.
There were a few moments when she could understand why she used to love this man so much back then.
It was just that she had already been hurt once so she wouldn’t allow herself to fall into this the second time.
Freya convinced herself that Radley was being nice to her now because of past regrets.
Although she had lost that part of her memories, she and Radley were together for two years. Those two years proved that they
didn’t have a good relationship. Radley might be a good friend but he isn’t a good
After Freya finished the noodles, the maid came to collect the bowl.

Freya got out of bed and put on her slippers to brush her teeth. When she returned, she discussed tomorrow’s plans with Radley.
“We’ll leave early tomorrow and finalize the matter with Mr. Lane. Don’t forget that we have to bring him back. Things have
already been delayed for three or four days. I don’t know if the construction site in West Geft has stopped. The losses caused by
a day of work stoppage in West Geft are immense.” Freya frowned.
money and Radley nodded. “I’ve been investigating Mr. Lane the past few days. He doesn’t care much for has no hobbies. Even
when Connor and Brisa bought him gifts with artistic or monetary value, he refused them all. It seems like he’s made up his mind
not to take on the job.”
“He doesn’t want anything at all? Living in this world, how can one not have any desires? He really is like God or something”
Freya frowned once again.
Radley suddenly raised his head. “Mr. Lane probably has a bigger issue. He’s trapped by it, which could be
why he can’t accept the invitation of West Geft.”
“What issue?” Freya was surprised.
“Mr. Lane has a wife he deeply loves. They’ve known each other since childhood, and she’s seriously ill now. Maybe that’s why
he doesn’t want to leave.”
“Do you know what sickness she has?”
“Mr. Lane is keeping it a secret. I found out from Soli. Radley shook his head.
Freya’s eyes flickered. If it was a terminal illness, she might not be able to help, but if it wasn’t, she might be able to try.
“Let’s visit him tomorrow and then I want to talk to him,” said Freya.
The two of them decided on this. At night, Freya’s body was much better. When she went down to have dinner, she saw Connor
and Brisa.
The two of them had been going out to get a lot of gifts these days and it included some items that Radley had shipped over from
Caltun. In order for Freya to have a comfortable stay, Radley had shipped some special knitted ragged over from Caltun.
Freya had just realized that in these three days’ time, the house had already matched her preferred taste.

She pretended as if she didn’t notice and didn’t even ask. She just went back to her room after dinner.
The next morning, the four of them had breakfast and drove to the Vincent Residence.
Radley had already called Soli in advance before heading over. The servants there would be letting them in but it was hard to
say if Brandon would see them.
They went straight to the castle with a hundred years of history, with walls made of giant stones that looked like they had a deep
historical background. The car stopped and the four of them went to the living room.
When they arrived, the butler of the Vincent family, who donned a suit, welcomed them. Freya stood. beside and heard the
conversation between Radley and the butler. She heard that the butler said they were allowed to have a look around.
However, Brandon had not been seen for the past few days.
Freya asked about his whereabouts, but the butler was reluctant to answer.
Freya and Radley exchanged a glance. Since this was the case, they could only just sit and wait.
However, just sitting around wasn’t really a good idea. Freya whispered to Brisa and Connor and asked
them to run an errand.
After half an hour, they returned.
There are only gardens and mansions around, but no place for Mr. Lane to live.”
Freya and Radley looked at each other. “Mr. Lane probably lives right here in this castler
The castle had five floors, and they were on the first floor. The two highest floors were attics and at
decorative floor.
The second floor was normally where the owner of the property stayed...
Freya thought and stepped out of the castle.

She looked up at a room on the corner of the third floor. It had the same window as the others but she noticed some wooden
ornaments by the window.
Freya squinted.
Radley stood beside her and looked in the direction that Freya was looking. “It must be here but it’s useless. to know his room. If
Brandaon doesn’t allow us to go up, we can’t possibly force our way in.”
Freya smiled and said, “He doesn’t allow us to go upstairs but he didn’t say that we can’t break his windows, right?”
Radley frowned. “You...”
Freya smirked mischievously, revealing her pearly-white teeth. Her canine teeth shone under the sun.
She picked up a small pebble from the garden and threw it at the window.
The glass made a loud sound, but it didn’t break.
Freya continued to throw the pebbles. She didn’t use all her strength but the glass kept making loud noises. as if it was going to
shatter at any moment.

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