My Eternal Mate

Chapter Chapter Thirty Five


After birthing our girl, I remained rested for almost two whole weeks, getting used to the responsibilities that came with the little one.

Alexander stayed with me the entire time, helping me with our pup when and where he could. We had named her Arla, not for any particular reason, we both just liked the name.

She was growing faster than I expected. At two weeks, she already looked to be around six months. She could smile, and giggle and almost sit on her own.

She resembled Alexander a lot, with crystal big blue eyes, pale skin and the sweetest dimple on her cheek. When she smiled, she looked exactly like him. He claimed she looked like me, but we both knew he was just saying that to make me feel happy.

It seemed as if I had just put our daughter to sleep when her little aggressive growls woke me up. Groaning, I pried an eye open to see that the room was pitch black, meaning it was still night.

"I will take care of it," Alexander murmured, sleepily beside me, as he pressed his lips to my temple. "You go back to sleep, baby."

Honestly, I was exhausted, and nodded in agreement as I felt Alexander manoeuvre around before he disappeared from the bed. When Arla's growls quietened down, I knew Alexander was with her and with that, I returned back to sleep.

My eyes fluttered open in a panic, as if I had dreamt about the birth of our pup, feeling my heart race fast in my chest.

Alexander stirred in his sleep, his arm was lazily draped over my waist. He must have woken up by my sudden panic because he pulled me closer to him.

"Morning, baby. You alright?" he asked, his voice husky.

"The pup—"

"Arla is sleeping," he confirmed, his nose brushing against my cheek. "I have fed her and changed her diaper already, do not worry."

I smiled, closing my eyes as I wiggled closer to his side. "I love you," I murmured, placing a peck on his nude chest as I let him cuddle me closer.

With that, we fell asleep together again. Pups meant we were very short on sleep, and were exhausted almost all the time. Thus, we made sure to sleep as much as we could when we could. Having Alexander take on the role as the father really eased a lot of my concerns. We were in this together, as he had promised since day one.

A couple of days later, and we were at Ava's wedding. Arla was wearing a white laced dress, revealing her little chubby legs, which seemed to attract far more attention than Alexander liked.

"My little Princess," Jaxon beamed, rushing to snatch Arla from my arms. "Oh, hi, darling."

I smiled at him, grateful to know how much Jaxon loved her. He would always pop around to take her for a walk or just spend some time with her.

Him and Evan had adopted a pup of their own, and he had proposed to the man only last week, in private. Evan hadn't stopped talking about it for a good few days. I was extremely happy for them.

"Haila, careful," Evan said, to their pup, as the five year old girl waddled her way down the aisle to join Jaxon and I. "Do you want to hold your cousin?"

Haila, with bright big brown eyes glanced at me. "Luna, can I please?"

I smiled at her. I had known Haila for some time and was ecstatic for her when the pair of men had chosen her as their daughter. She was a very good pup.

"Of course, beautiful," I told her and guided her towards her father. "Jax, let her."

Jaxon turned his head to glance down at his pup, smiling adoringly at her before he crouched down with Arla in his arms. "Careful, baby. Open your arms, keep them there. Okay, now slowly."

"She's so small," Haila giggled, before she dipped her head and placed a kiss on Arla's cheek.

Jaxon lifted his head, a smile tugging at his lips as he glanced at me. I smiled back, hardly believing this was us now. Parents and proud, and honestly, we were doing a decent job at it.

We remained together for a while, Haila played with Arla, making her laugh and giggle, when the background music started playing, making us all take our designated seats.

I had just taken my seat when Alexander appeared beside me, before I could say anything, he pulled Arla in to his arms, cuddling her close before he leaned over and placed a soft kiss on my cheek.

"You alright?" he asked, his voice low and face inches from mine, as his blue eyes searched mine.

"I'm more than alright," I replied, pressing my lips together before I quickly pecked his lips.

Alexander pulled away and I rested my head on his shoulder, earning a kiss on my head from him.

We didn't wait long, when Matteo walked down the aisle, wearing a black tuxedo suit, and took his stance as we all waited for Ava.

The doors sprung open, and Ava walked in, with Jaxon beside her. Immediately, tears collected in my eyes. Her grip was tight on him, and I could tell how nervous she was. It must have been the pregnancy, because Ava was definitely not the nervous type.

She was wearing a white laced, tightly fitted, mermaid dress. Her auburn hair was done up in a low messy-bun, with a couple of her ringlet hairs on display. She had a veil hanging from the back of her hair, which was something she always said she wanted.

Her baby bump was bigger than ever, and I knew it was a matter of a week or two before her own pup would join us.

Her eyes met mine as she glanced around at her guests, and she chuckled softly through her tears, making me mimic her reaction. Jaxon noticed and glanced at me as well, a smile tugging at his lips as they walked past us and headed towards Matteo.

Alexander had his arm around me, and when he noticed that I was tearing, he pulled me closer to him and placed a kiss on my temple.

The ceremony went fast, it involved a lot of dancing and drinking. Zynthéa and Dyami joined us, with Luca, who was grown now and could speak properly. He had formed a close bond with Arla and always wanted to see her.

Aspen and Kai also came around, with Aspen's recently found mate. She belonged to the pack, but I didn't really know her properly. She was a lovely wolf, from the couple of times that I had met her.

Kai was grown and resembled Alexander less, thankfully. He was a sweet wolf and we would spend time with him a day or two in the week. He loved Arla, and was always showing her things even if the little pup didn't understand much yet.

I had just managed to put Arla to sleep, when I felt Alexander's arms snake around my waist, his head nestled in the crook of my neck.

"We have not done this for a while," he murmured against my skin, as he nipped at my mark, his teeth grazing. "I need you."

I was going to respond but when his tongue licked the length of my neck, I moaned loudly. We had been so busy with Arla, that even if we wanted time to ourselves, it would have to be a quickie. So yes, I needed him too.

I spun around and wrapped my arms around his neck, remembering what I had read in an old-werewolf historical book, as I pushed him up against Arla's bedroom wall, peppering kisses along his jaw.

Alexander's arms were tightly wrapped around my waist, his nails digging in to my skin as our lips met. Our tongues were intertwined and moved in sync, with low moans escaping from my mouth.

One of his hands travelled from my waist to rest at my neck as he held me still to kiss me better. "God, you are so sexy," he huskily said, against my lips, as he growled. "Come here."

He tugged at my hand, glanced at Arla over his shoulder to ensure she was sleeping, before he lead us out of her room and headed in the direction of our room.

We had just reached our room, when he tore at my dress, not caring that it was completely ruined, before he lifted me up and had me straddle him.

His lips found mine as he pushed me up against the wall, with his hand massaging my ass. The kiss was hot and fiery, before he trailed his lips down my jaw and neck, where he suckled on my skin, making me grip on to his shoulders tightly as pleasure erupted through me and the heat between my legs practically started screaming for him.

"Alexander," I moaned, as I slowly started grinding in to him. "You're so good."

Alexander grinned. "I can do better," he cheekily said, before he peppered more kisses on my neck, and released me.

My brows furrowed at first, when he dropped down to his knees, and dipped his tongue over the laced fabric of my panties, making my wolf whimper at the sensitive spot he was playing with.

I moaned, as the sudden pleasure erupted through me, but it was nowhere near ecstasy until he brushed the fabric to the side and pushed his face in to my core. His tongue swayed across my folds, searching for all the evidence of my arousal, licking and sucking on my clit.

My head was tilted back, with my eyes rolled to the back of my head as I moaned his name. My hand had a tight grip on his head, guiding him to where I wanted him.

He pleased me for a while before we ended up making slow love. Alexander thrusted in to me in missionary position on our bed, with his face inches from mine as he lowered his head to pepper kisses all over my face.

Alexander murmured words of endearment, before he released himself inside of me, with loud grunts erupting from him. I reached climax shortly after, feeling myself at complete rest.

When we were finally cuddled, I thought that was the right moment to do it, so I ended up biting down in to his shoulder, without a warning.

Alexander growled lightly but didn't say anything, until after I pulled back. I glanced up at him to see his reaction, but he only smiled before he looked at his shoulder.

"Not bad," he said, looking impressed, a smirk on his face. His blue eyes met mine again. "I was wondering when you were going to mark me."

"You knew?" I gasped, my brows pulled.

Alexander chuckled softly. "Absolutely. I know everything."

I frowned. "Why didn't you tell me?"

He shrugged. "I wanted you to do it on your own, not because I ask you to."

Biting my lip, I asked, "How did I do?"

"Took you long enough," he told me, a teasing grin on his face. "But you did well, baby. I can already feel our bond strengthening."

"It's already healed," I commented, as I eyed the little remaining scar on his shoulder where my canine had sunk in to, but there were no skin changes on his skin.

"I love you," he told me, reaching to brush my hair out of my face. "From the moment that I saw you, I knew you were going to be exceptional. I seem to fall for you even more by the day."

His confession was random, but enough to tug at my heartstrings. "I love you too, Alexander."

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