My Eternal Mate

Chapter Chapter Seven


The weekend flew by a lot faster than I had anticipated, and before I knew it, Alexander and I had arrived back to the pack house in Silver Crescent.

I hardly had a chance to exhale when Dyami popped through the door and asked for my mate, making me pout slightly as I realised we were back to the normal routine.

"I will be with you shortly," Alexander told the beta, nodding his head once before the latter boy disappeared.

Biting my lip, I eagerly eyed my mate as he approached me before he wrapped his arms around me. I leaned my head against his chest, closing my eyes as I tried to enjoy this quiet time with him.

"You alright?" he muttered in to my hair, his arms around my waist squeezing.

I pulled my head back to glance up at him, before I nodded. "I am," I assured. "I'm just a little tired, and perhaps very sore."

Alexander grinned and dipped his head down to nuzzle his nose against my cheek. "Hmm," he hummed. "Sounds like you are sore for the right reasons."

I slapped his chest lightly, gaping at him. "You should go before we have a pool of members at our door."

Alexander smiled adoringly at me, moving his head to peck at my lips lightly. "I love you," he murmured in to the kiss. "This weekend was the best weekend of my life."

When his lips trailed kisses down my jaw and neck, I giggled and pushed at his chest. It was enough to make my mate pull back and glance down at me, a teasing smile on his lips.

"I love you too," I told him. "And it was a good weekend, I agree. Hopefully we can make a habit of those getaways."

My mate nodded in agreement. "We sure can," he replied, pecking me once more before he pulled back and headed towards the front door.

"Don't be late!" I stated as I watched Alexander hurry out of the house.

'Wouldn't dream of it,' he responded in our mind-link. ‘Have fun with your friends, baby.’

I grinned as he disappeared out of my sight, leaving me to exhale loudly with a pang of disappointment racing down my spine. We were back to the normal routine. This was our life, we were the leaders.

It was the only life that I had known up until now, and now that Alexander and I had been on a couple of getaways, it made me realise how much I enjoyed our time together— away from everyone.

The wolves around us were incredibly kind and considerate, but I wanted to be selfish and spend more time with Alexander. He was busy with the pack most of the days, with a day off here and there to dedicate to me. I tried to join him to lead our pack, but most of the times it was just training.

Training was extremely boring. It was necessary to ensure training was performed adequately, but after watching the same actions every single day, was repetitive. I realised the training grounds didn't need both Alexander and I to be present.

Where I could step in as the Luna, I did. I attended to the orphans in the pack twice a week, enjoying various activities and had dinner with them. Other times, I trained the she-wolves when I could.

"Knock knock," Jaxon's loud voice boomed, making me yelp in surprise as I grasped back to reality.

"Hi," I responded, enthusiastically, waving a hand.

Jaxon approached me, wrapped his arm around me to give me half an embrace before he plopped himself on a stool by the kitchen island.

"Everything alright?" he asked, his eyes narrowing.

I leaned my elbows on the kitchen island, standing opposite of where my best friend was currently standing.

"It's all fine," I said, biting my lower lip. "Though, I won't lie and say I am ecstatic about being back."

Jaxon chuckled at my words. "Do I want to know what happened in that honeymoon that's made you want to hate being here?"

"I don't hate being here," I argued and gave him a pointed look.

"Try tell someone who hasn't been your best friend for years that," Jaxon retorted. "Was he that good?"

"Jaxon!" I gasped.

The boy in question burst out laughing at my outburst, shaking his head as he tried to compose himself again.

Watching him with curious eyes, I turned to turn on the kettle, not wanting him to sit there with no beverage.

"So," I spoke, waiting for the water to boil. "What brings you here?”

Jaxon inhaled a deep breath, his playful stance now gone. "I actually wanted to speak with you," he replied, his eyes a shade darker. "About what Evan saw."

His words caused for me to return back to my previous position where I had been standing opposite him.

Arching a brow, I questioned. "What do you mean? Is he okay?”

"No, he's fine," Jaxon promised, shaking his head. "He noticed something during our run earlier and I thought perhaps you might know more about it."

I frowned at his words. “Something good, I hope?”

Jaxon ran a hand over his face, before he cleared his throat. “Does Alexander have, I don’t know, any other nephews to Luca?”

Out of all the questions Jaxon could have asked me, the one that he blurted was not one I had expected. I was confused.

“Not that I am aware of,” I told him, my face puzzled. “What are you trying to say, Jax?”

“Look,” he started saying, his face hard and his eyes dark. “Perhaps, it is a coincidence, I don’t know.”

“Jaxon,” I said, warningly.

“Evan and I were running earlier on today and we bumped in to a little kid,” Jaxon spoke fast, his voice flat. He glanced up at me in that moment, making me squirm under his hard gaze. “This little pup, he can’t be any older than seven years of age, Lyr, I swear by it, he looked exactly like your mate.”

For a good ten seconds, I glanced at Jaxon as if he had said the most absurd thing ever. The sound of the kettle to signal that the water had boiled engulfed the kitchen, but I paid no attention to the abandoned item as it screamed. Eventually, I burst out laughing, ridiculed by what my best friend was saying.

A child that looked exactly like my mate? Alexander didn’t even have a typical appearance to him. He was built to perfection, honestly. His hair was dark and spiked, his ocean blue eyes that I always got lost in and his pale shimmery skin. He was the most handsome man that I had ever seen.

For a kid to resemble him, did that even make sense? And for the resemblance to be that noticeable, made me question what the heck my best friend was talking about. This had to be a joke.

“You’re playing some kind of a joke on me, right now, right?”

His brows edged closer, his facial muscles protruding. “Lyr, I wouldn’t joke about something like this.”

He was telling the truth. I could see that he was. When he was being playful, it was quite obvious, which was most of the time. Meaning, his seriousness always stood out to me.

“Where is this boy?” I asked, frowning.

“I’m not sure who’s pup he is,” Jaxon explained, shrugging. “But I can show you. I saw him about two hours ago.”

“He belongs to my pack?”

Jaxon nodded, “I think so. He was running with an older wolf, by the orphanage. I couldn’t tell who the wolf was.”

I wanted to ask him to show me, because curiosity was slowly eating me up. But I already had made plans to spend the day with Ava, and as if the girl didn’t want me to explore the information that Jaxon had given me, she strutted through the door.

“Welcome back to hell,” Ava beamed, rushing to embrace me.

She must have noticed the uneasy atmosphere, because she pulled back and glanced between Jaxon and I, with a raised brow.

“What’s going on?” she asked, her voice uncertain.

“Alexander has a little twin,” Jaxon blurted, sarcastically, before I could explain.

“Your mate has a twin?” Ava gasped, turning to me dramatically. “Since when?”

Giving Jaxon a dry look, I turned to Ava. “No, he doesn’t,” I elaborated. “Jaxon says he saw a child that looked like Alexander.”

Ava frowned. “He has a child?”

I sighed, exasperatedly. “No, Ave. He doesn’t.”

The auburn haired girl glanced between Jaxon and I, confused. “I am so confused, right now.”

I chuckled, humourlessly. “That makes two of us.”

“Make that three,” Jaxon chimed in. “I was waiting for Lyr to get back or I would have approached the kid. I thought you might know, though.” He gave me a pointed look.

“Nope,” I told him, honestly. “I have no idea who this Alexander look-alike child is. But now I’m curious.”

“What if he’s had a child all along?” Ava said, horrified. “Oh my god, I knew he couldn’t be a virgin!”

“Ave,” I cried, hardly believing my ears.

She gave me an annoyed look. “You’re really telling me this kid who apparently looks like your mate, is not related to him?”

I shrugged, but remembered how Alexander and I had already talked about his past. We had already been through the mess with Jessica and the pup that she claimed was his. I didn’t want to deal with this all over again. Frankly, I was still traumatised from what had happened.

“Alexander would have told me,” I told the pair, not appreciating the speculation. “Maybe I should see the pup for myself.”

“Duh,” Ava added, meanwhile Jaxon sprung to his feet and said, “Right this way.”

Perhaps it was because the situation seemed more real, I started to become a little nervous as I glanced at Ava and followed behind Jaxon. My heart was pounding in my chest.

Did it matter that a pup looked like Alexander? My wolf growled, telling me she cared and wanted to know. And I had realised it was her all along, being overly curious about this new information.

Frowning, I followed behind Jaxon with Ava by my side as we headed in the direction of the woods.

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