My Elf Soulmate

Chapter 5

I was woken up by a small, soft, and gentle hand as it shook me awake. I groaned in protest but the person chuckled and continued to gently shake me until I forcefully pried my eyes open.

"I'm up." I groaned as I through my hands up in frustration of being woken up.

"Good because breakfast is ready," Paxton said just as my stomach rumbled in hunger, signaling that I had no choice but to wake up and feed it now. "And by the sound of your stomach you're in much need of it," Paxton said as he laughed in amusement, making me cover my face with my pillow in embarrassment. "No need to feel embarrassed." He continued as he gently lifted the pillow off of my face and looked at me with such a big grin that I couldn't help but to smile in response to it.

"Okay, so what's for breakfast?" I asked him as I sat up on my bed and stretched my body until I heard satisfying cracks in my back, leaving me feeling so light and at peace.

"Okay so I placed everything that you'll need in the bathroom so feel free to freshen up when you're ready," He said gesturing to the bathroom door in my room.

"Okay let me go brush my teeth and then I'll meet you in the kitchen," I stated climbing off the bed and looking at Paxton who stood at around 4'0 as an elf, and stood at around 5'7 or 5'8 in his human form. He had warm brown eyes that promised kindness in both of his forms and had short chocolate brown hair again in both forms. As an elf, his face was way more youthful and gentle than when he is in human form and one thing I noticed is that his ears were very elf-like and pointy in elf form while in human form they were still pointy but not as much in a way that they could give away his secret.

"What, would you prefer that I change into my human form?" He asked seeming fidgety and uncomfortable which made me feel guilty. I didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable in his natural form, I found him to look cute as an elf.

"No you really don't have to. You're cute as an elf, I'm sorry for making you feel uncomfortable I was just thinking about how different but the same your human form looks from your elf form." I hastily said as I waved my hands around and shook my head around to defuse the situation and to try and show him that I really didn't mind. This was his real self after all. I watched as he seemed to relax more but I could tell that he was still a little uncomfortable but it was better than before.

"Oh, I understand. When I change I basically just stretch upwards and become slightly wider. My mother is an elf and my father is human so I'm a little bit taller than most elves when I'm in my human form." He explained as he moved around from foot to foot.

"Seems like an interesting love story. Come to think of it, I know nothing about your family, then again I only met you yesterday." I stated as I walked to the bathroom only to find Paxton already standing inside the bathroom, giving me a bit of a scare. I took in a deep calming breath to calm myself. This was something that I wasn't used to at the moment, he was just too fast for me.

"I'm sorry about that, I'll remind myself to move slower when I'm in front of you, actually I'll try to move slower in general." He said looking at me apologetically as he let me lead the way to the basin.

"Can you move just as fast in human form?" I asked him as I watched him gesture to the cupboard above the basin, I opened the cupboard to find it loaded with things so I reached my hand out and took the toothbrush and toothpaste since that was all that I needed right now.

"I'm not as fast as I am now, but I can be a little fast, one thing that I keep is my hearing," He said pointing to his ears, I just nodded in response since I had foam in my mouth and could not talk through it, it would just sound muffled. "Okay I'll leave you to finish up, you'll find me in the kitchen when you're done." He said before he disappeared from the room.

I quickly brushed my teeth and rinsed my face so that I could look more awake and less groggy, before I was off to the kitchen, which is also where I found Paxton sitting and waiting for me. I found him sitting on the floating chair and facing a hologram-like screen, he seemed so focused on whatever he was busy with that it felt weird to disturb him.

"I'll be done in a sec," He said out of nowhere, surprising me a bit because I wasn't expecting him to say anything, to be honest, I didn't even think that he knew that I was here until that very moment. "And done," He said pressing something that made the hologram go away, and then he turned his attention towards me. "Alright, we can go and eat." He said hopping off of the chair and slowly moving towards what I believe is a food warmer and pulling out the food.

"Wow, you really prepared quite a feast didn’t you." I said with my eyes wide open in surprise at the amount of food that he had made, I saw bacon, sausages, toast, and chocolate chips pancakes.

"I didn't know what exactly you liked or wanted so..." He trailed off as the tips of his ears turned red in colour as well as his whole face, which made me laugh at how adorable he looked as the blush spread over his whole face.

"Thank you." I said moving over and gently pinching his cheeks making him swat my hands away, I couldn't help but to just burst out into laughter at his reaction.

"Stop it," He said trying to sound and look serious only for him to just look more adorable as he puffed out his cheeks. "Anyway, so I was wondering whether you maybe wanted to go out for a bit today?" He asked as he hopped onto the floating chair after I had taken a seat.

"Wouldn't it be wiser for me to see less of this place so that I have less information to spill about?" I asked as I cut into my pancakes.

"I trust that you won't jeopardize the safety of my people and I, besides it would be difficult for any human to enter this world." Paxton replied as he dug into a bowl of fruits that I don't remember seeing him take, he must have used his elf speed. It was honestly a bit creepy or rather it was unusual.

"Okay I guess that I'd like to see your world then, but first, I need to take a shower." I said as I ate more of my pancakes.

"I got you some clothes by the way," He said just before he pulled up a small hologram. "They should be here any second now." He said just before a small floating person which I assume to be a pixie appeared in front of us, out of absolutely nowhere.

"Delivery for Mister Woods," He said just before a large floating box appeared in front of us next to what I could only identify as a pixie. "Adjustable female clothes from Tiny Tinka." The small female pixie said as she looked at the floating board in front of her.

"Those are for me, thank you." Paxton said and watched as the pixie nodded and then turned the board around so that it was facing Paxton. I watched as the pen hovered and Paxton's eyes turned into a bright brownish colour as he signed right before the pixie disappeared leaving the floating box in the kitchen.

"That was interesting." I muttered as I wondered about what more I would stumble upon while I was on my stay here.

"Are you talking about the pixie?" Paxton asked as he hopped off of the chair, and I followed suit and followed him and the floating box, back to my room where he placed it on the floor and I watched it open. After the box had opened I saw hanged clothes on a rack ranging from skirts to jeans and to dresses and then below the clothes I saw a couple pairs of shoes ranging from flats to slippers, heels, and boots. "I hope that this will do, you were sleeping when I ordered these so I chose everything for you." Paxton said scratching the back of his neck.

"Everything looks great, maybe just a little too tiny is all." I said looking at the clothes that would probably not fit me.

"Don't worry about that, they will readjust themselves to your size when you wear them," Paxton explained. "Now I'll leave you to finish bathing and everything and then we can leave unless you've changed your mind about leaving of course." Paxton said.

"No, I think that it would be nice to see what the new outside world looks like. I might be here for a couple of days so I might as well get comfortable," I said with a slightly excited smile. I was going to see everything that I had dreamt about seeing when I was a child, and who knows, maybe I would also get the chance to ride a Pegasus or a unicorn, and maybe if I'm lucky I'll get the chance to fill what it's like to fly by flying with borrowed wings from a wings store or rental or whatever. "Plus I would like to ride a magical horse if it's possible." I admitted and watched as amusement filled Paxton's eyes but he nodded nonetheless.

"Okay, I'll see you in a bit then, I would suggest that you wear something comfortable, something that you would wear if you're going to ride a normal horse." Paxton advised to which I nodded and then I watched him zip out before I heard a 'sorry' from outside the door, probably from Paxton realising that he had done his speed running thing again which I was starting to really not mind, I was getting used to it now.

I turned back around and faced the clothes in front of me, which I have to admit looked like clothes of both quality and beauty before I picked a comfortable but nice-looking outfit then I went into the bathroom to find that it had a normal-looking shower which I was sure I would be able to operate, I jumped in and enjoyed the calm stream of the water.

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