My Elf Soulmate

Chapter 23

"Thank you for hosting us today, Judy. It was a great dinner." Paxton said to my mom with his arm firmly but gently wrapped around my waist.

"Thank you for coming," Mom said with her own smile as she stood at the door and waited to see us off. "This moment came way faster than I thought it would." She said with a watery smile as she looked at me. I could see that she was holding herself from bursting into tears in front of us and pulling me into a hug.

"Mom," I whined as I stepped out of Paxton's arms so that I could hug my mom. "I'll see you again this week, actually I'll visit as often as possible, don't make it seem like I'm leaving forever." I said with a smile as I took the chance to also remind myself that this wasn't goodbye just yet, and even if it was the was almost nothing stopping me from coming to visit.

"I'm both happy and sad to see you growing up, not so long from now you'll be getting married and then you'll have children of your own..." She trailed off just for me to cut her off when she started talking about children.

"Yep, it's time for us to go now, I'll come back to see you soon." I said giving her a quick hug before I pulled away and pulled Paxton with me, making both him and my mom laugh.

"Safe travels and call me when you get home so that I can know that you arrived in one piece." Mom called out to which I nodded and then I blew her a kiss before I got into the car.

Paxton hopped into the driver's seat, started the car engine, and pulled out of the parking spot. He quickly hooted as we drove onto the road and drove towards the destination of the cottage. When we got there I called my mom to tell her that we had safely arrived and then I wished her goodnight before Paxton and I went to bed.

"I placed the cupcakes that your mother made for us on the kitchen counter. I might have also helped myself to one while you were on the call with her." He said with a large cheeky smile on his face.

"I can see that," I said wiping off some icing from the side of Paxton's lips. This man just couldn't help himself it seems.

"Anyway I realised something," He said and waited for me to nod for him to continue. "I haven't taken you out on a date yet and I know how important dates are for relationships." He continued his lips in a slight frown.

"Okay, so what are you suggesting that we do." I asked as I hovered over Paxton's body and heard his breath hitched making me giggle. I could never get tired of this.

"I want to take you out tomorrow night." He said as he placed his hands on my thighs to stabilize me.

"That sounds great, babe." I said with a small clap of my hands as I climbed off of him and received a pout of disapproval in return.

"Such a tease," He said with a pout as he pulled me back. "Are you not going to give me the kiss that you acted like you were going to give?" He asked with a raised eyebrow as he gently tugged me closer to him.

"Well now that you've mentioned it..." I trailed off as I leaned in. I watched as his eyes closed and his lips slightly parted and then I bolted right off of him and ran out of the room with uncontrollable laughter. The sound of footsteps could be heard trailing behind me in the far distance as he chased me. My fun was however cut short when I realised that the footsteps were getting closer and closer until I was captured in Paxton's arms.

"Caught you." He whispered into my ear, making his breath tickle my neck. I squirmed at the tickling sensation as I tried to escape from Paxton's grasp.

"You cheated." I said with a pout as I remembered what he had initially told me. Whether Paxton was in elf or human form, I was at a disadvantage when it came to speed. The only difference was that I completely didn't stand a chance with him when it came to his elf form, at least in his human form it was a bit like trying to run away from an athlete. One that was slightly faster than the average athlete. He might have been smaller in his elf form but his movements were faster than the movement of light. It was honestly a bit creepy at times.

"How so when this is my gifted speed, you can think of it like a talent," He said clearly stifling a laugh. Anyone would have been able to tell that Paxton found this to be an amusing th"Now about that kiss." He said as he turned me around so that I was facing him before he planted a kiss on my lips. The pout was instantly rubbed off of my lips as I loosely placed my hands around his neck and enjoyed the kiss. I felt myself being hoisted up and detached my lips from Paxton. Paxton didn't seem to like or agree with it, as he whined about me being a killjoy. I chuckled and let him walk us back to our room. The moment that I was back on my feet I quickly changed into my PJs and climbed into bed next to Paxton who had transformed back into his elf form sometime while I had been in the bathroom. I could tell that he was beyond drained as he lay with his eyes half closed on the bed.

"Come here, my oversized teddy bear," I said pulling him into my arms and cuddling him. "You know the is something that I've always wanted to try." I said and watched as he lazily looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I took that as a sign to let my hands wonder.

I reached over and gently rubbed his ears and I could swear that I had him moan from it before he swatted my hand away.

"Don't do that." He said, so of course being me I did it again and watched as he seemed to sigh and slouch in contentment. I kept on gently rubbing his ears until he fell asleep. A silent chuckle escaped from my lips as I made myself more comfortable on the bed. I closed my eyes feeling more than ready to follow Paxton's example. Today had been great but exhausting in its own way. A yawn escaped my lips as rolled on my side and closed my eyes and before I knew it I was out like a light.

"Sweetheart wake up, it's time for breakfast." Paxton said as he gently shook me awake. A groan of protest ripped through my throat as I tried to move away from the intruder who was trying to interfere in my relationship with my sleep.

"Just a couple more hours." I said with a groan as I turned around on the bed and faced away from him.

"Okay then and to think that I was planning on having a day-long date with you. Oh well, I guess that you have way more important things to do." He said with an exaggerated sigh as he slowly made his way to the door knowing that I would wake up.

"I'm up," I said, my voice groggy with sleep as I kept my eyes closed.

"Good, I'll be expecting to see you in the kitchen in the next 30 minutes then." He said as he whistled and walked out of the door with what I was assuming was a happy hop in his step as I heard the retreating sound of his feet.

I groaned but got up knowing that I would have to eventually wake up. Plus I was curious about what Paxton had planned for the day. I wasn't going to hide it, I liked surprises. I brushed my teeth before I hopped into a shower. I was a pretty fast bather so 20 minutes was more than enough time for me to finish bathing and applying lotion onto my body. It was only then that I realised something important.

"Pax, I just realised that I forgot to get any clothes from my mother's house," I said as I entered the kitchen with a white fluffy towel wrapped securely around my body and another one wrapped around my dripping wet hair. Paxton kept looking up and down my body with his mouth and eyes wide open. "Pax." I whined snapping him out of his stare off with my body.

"I brought you some clothes when we came here." He said as he cleared his throat, a blush more than apparent on his face as he led us back to our room. I watched as Paxton pulled out a small cube-shaped box that looked to be the size of a Litchi and did something to it. Out of nowhere, a rack of clothes appeared in front of me right where the box had initially been. I couldn't help but release a sigh of relief. I wasn't stranded after all.

"Thank you." I said bending down and hugging Paxton while one hand held my towel to my chest to ensure that it didn't fall off.

"You're more than welcome. I don't want to rush you but please finish up I'm starving." He whined with puppy dog eyes as his stomach rumbled to further enforce his point. A giggle escaped from my mouth as Paxton's face reddened even more with embarrassment. Shaking my head in amusement I quickly ushered Paxton out of the room so that I could get dressed. I pulled on a pair of white jean shorts and matched it with a dusty pink fitted turtle neck top. Additionally, I put on a pair of sunglasses and wore white Converse All-Stars to complete the outfit. I sprayed on some perfume, put on stud earrings, and finished off with some lip gloss before I made my way to the kitchen where I knew Paxton would be waiting.

"I'm done and ready to go." I said making Paxton smile in my direction.

"You look as gorgeous as always my love." He complimented his eyes raking over my body, with a look of approval.

"Thank you, let's eat before you have to go and dress up." I said looking at Paxton's PJ-clad body.

"I'll be done way faster than you baby." He said with a laugh as he dished up and we began to eat.

After eating I placed the dishes in the dishwasher and waited for Paxton to come back and just like he had promised he was back in the kitchen, fully bathed, and clothed and in his human form in under 15 minutes.

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